Despite not being forced by governments, no android phone uses a shitty proprietary charger port, nor have they ever. And last night I discovered side loading is possible on my fucking google TV device. Again, no laws require this, it's just called not being a fucking prick.
From Apple’s perspective it’s not shitty, it’s part of their brand. Apple products are all about stupid proofing. Its hard to fuck it up, its hard to download a malicious app or virus. Preventing side loading protects people who don’t know what side loading is. Believe it or not that’s the majority of users. Side loading wont effect profits but thats because the large majority of their customer base will never use it. Those of us who want it are a vocal minority trying to screw up their entire business strategy, so of course they won’t give it to us unless they are forced to do so.
Where do we draw the line between a functioning computer and chromebook? an IoT device? Stupid-proofing should not come at the cost of basic functionality.
Preventing side loading protects people who don’t know what side loading is.
No, it does not. Users attempting to sideload an app would obviously be warned, not to mention various other methods of malware scanning / sandboxing which can alleviate that non-existant issue.
Those of us who want it are a vocal minority trying to screw up their entire business strategy.
Creating Fisher Price computers is not a valid business strategy, and serves as a detriment for all users regardless of proficency. User freedom is beneficial for absolutely everyone.
Canada and UK act all haughty about being superior to the US but we have MAGA here and the UK has similar, and there is a reason they are called TERF island.
Imagine devices you can actually repair yourself. I looked into switching the battery on my phone the other day and in the process it seems I could very easily break my display if I am not SUPER careful. It's literally easier to swap the display than the battery.
Imagine buying a piece of hardware knowing full well that doesn't work the way you want it to and then removed that it doesn't work the way you want it to
Well, it's just capitalism, ain't it. The goal of the company is to generate as much revenue as possible. That is why we need to regulate the market and everyone who says else is probably a rich asshole who does not care about others.
Fuck Nigel Frog face Farrage, The Haunted Victorian Pencil Jacob Rees-Mogg, Lord David Pig Fucker Cameron, Maybot, Boris I don't care where I stick my Johnson, and all the rest of the Tories who either actively supported this or were to self interested to not rebel as their leaders doubled down on their Brexit folly again and again.
Apple is so locked down I fail to see what the appeal could be in the first place, there's very little customization, only one hardware manufacturer, and they're more guilty of anyone else in the market of planned obsolescence.
iPhones historically have lasted 5+ years while android manufacturers tend to support a phone for maybe 2 years.
Only justnow are companies promising 7 year support for Android, but even then Google has been full of shit lately like their pixel subscription that they cancelled right when users were beginning to be eligible for a new free phone.
You can complain about the headphone jack, but Apple devices last far far longer than comparable devices. That goes for Macs too where the hardware lasts 10 years, and Google and Microsoft just tossed millions of devices in the trash by dropping support.
Linux has longer support than anyone, which should serve as a model, but of the tech companies Apple is the least guilty of planned obsolescence.
The ecosystem is the thing holding me here. Everything works so seamlessly and the products are very good (imo). I don’t have to worry that my watch and headphones might not work with another company’s phone, or at least not as good. If there are headphones and watches that would work as well, seamless and long as Apple’s, I’m open to suggestions. Apple might be behind with innovations, but when they implement something, it’s done right (usually)
More importantly, I am a middle aged software developer who doesn’t want to customise his phone. I am happy to have a handset where I am limited. Gone are my days of geeking out and customising everything. I just want something that works for me.
Yes I am, i bought to Apple fully know that it not allow side loading and happy with it. If I want side loading, I would switch to Android immediately and stop removed about Apple. (Not that I said you removed but alot of other people are doing it)
Loading your own software on a device independently of an app store, a.k.a. "the way general-purpose computers are supposed to work," a.k.a. "exercising your property rights."
On iPhone you can only install an app via AppStore. Side loading is the act of installing an app without the AppStore (with a different store, or by sending a file from your computer… it allows to install apps that Apple doesn’t want on their store for various reasons like a retro game emulator to play Super Nintendo on your phone.
The really frustrating thing about iOS is even if you make and computer your own app, you have to reinstall it every week despite paying a $100 developer fee. And you can only have a few apps installed that way.
I still don't understand why people would want iOS if you plan to do off-brand stuff like sideload non apple appstore applications. You are just torturing yourself just so you can still have an iPhone.
There's loads of people who prefer iPhone and would sideload if allowed but it's not a deal-breaker.
I prefer iOS and Apple hardware but refuse to buy one without sideloading.
My S24 Ultra is arriving tomorrow, but I'll likely be buying the iPhone 16 if it comes with sideloading.
So Apple is gaining a customer, I've been eyeing the MacBooks too ever since the M1 came out so might end up pulling the trigger on one of those as well.
I got an iPad and those are pretty great. A lot of great (paid) apps that work extremely well on tablets. That's the benefit of having to develop for only so many devices, I guess.
Now I don't use it much these days, but I am definitely gonna try out sideloading. It's probably gonna take some time to have anything to sideload tho.
Before it was edified, there even used to be a part of the model response
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Je parles en français la plupart du temps, cependant sur Lemmy c'est rarement en français.
Il va simplement falloir attendre que les lois du Canada ainsi que ceux du Québec rattrapent/suivent ceux de l'Union Européenne en ce qui concerne le «Side-loading» dans l'écosystème Apple.
C'est lent, mais ça arrivera ici éventuellement 😆.
Don't cry over it. I live in Europe so I'll get it but the thing is that Apple will most likely force people into some kind of bullshit certificate that you've to buy in order to be able to sideload. The legislation won't stop them from doing this and it will effetely only be used by large companies that can go through the vetting process and pay the ridiculous amounts of money Apple will ask for it.
Why would you assume the legislation won't stop it, they have iteratively corrected legislation to mandate it's original intent plenty of times, most recently they've begun looking at cookies because the banner wasn't the intention of the lawmakers.
Why would you assume the legislation won’t stop it, they have iteratively corrected legislation to mandate it’s original intent plenty of times
Because just for starters Apple even tried to argue they shouldn't be subject to the legislation because they didn't have one store but multiple stores. Same with iMessage and whatnot.
If you consider what is written today about side-loading then Apple could be considered in compliance if they just decided to create a "sideloading program" where you can apply and pay for a special certificate with a vetting process with a lot of restrictions (being a company over a certain size etc). Essentially the same as the current Enterprise program but extended to allow 3rd party stores and distribution of App to random users not part of the same organization.
most recently they’ve begun looking at cookies because the banner wasn’t the intention of the lawmakers.
Yes but do you know what happens? Due to the way the EU works and our constitutions and agreements work we're talking about at least one year of discussions about the issue and then a 3 year period where countries will have to study what was decided by the European Commission and pass national legislation about it. Then you'll have a transition period like (2 more years) until such legislation goes in effect (deadline). So we're talking about around 5 years to get anything practical. We've seen this with USB-C - even before there was USB-C the EU was in talks to adopt a single port (at the time Micro/Mini USB) and it all took about 10 years to unfold.
Apple is very good as twisting things and what's currently written on the proposal doesn't force Apple to open up iOS to be a generic platform like macOS or Windows - it simply asks them to allow 3rd party stores and sideloading of applications outside their store. Doesn't say that anyone should be able do it, doesn't set the terms, doesn't say it should be free.
It’s possible, but I wouldn’t put it past Apple to ignore the VPN when checking your location. I’d suspect they’d check using more than 1 approach (Internet, GPS, country on your Apple account, etc) to verify your location.
Honestly it could be that developing and maintaining these region-locked differences in OS might be more expensive than saving every last penny from not allowing piracy (which is the real deal for this fuss).
Big majority of android users don't sideload either, most people are so technically illiterate they don't really grasp the idea of an App Store overall, it's just a place for them the get an Instagram button on a new device
I doubt that. There's already a lot of other features out there that have to be region locked because of local laws. Could be medical related, car crash detection, etc. The cost of an engineer just reusing that same logic would be fairly minimal.
The way I see it, the majority of Apple users are fine without side loading and won't even notice it's not there. This is typical Apple behavior so people that buy Apple products should know what they're getting into.
For anyone looking to sideload on their iPhone without jailbreaking or paying for a dev account, look into Trollstore, if your IOS version is compatable, you can sideload unlimited apps thanks to the 2 coretrust bugs.
I think that you misunderstood something. Jailbreaking is getting root access. The core trust bugs allow for bypassing some apple app signing stuff so you can sideload unlimited apps with no revokes.
I'm betting countries that do qualify will have a massive uptick in phones sold, but also a massive uptick in phones being smuggled out of the country.
Its not going to be hardware level lock but linked to Apple ID region. For some it will definitely be worth jumping through some hoops but I think 99% will bail at having to arrange payment method that confirms their EU residency.