the two small ones are bud vases . Really, an op shop is the best place to find vases , just look at the glasses, cups and glassware and get what you think will work.
The tiger orchid thing is a zygopetalum, a pretty rare orchid, it has a strong perfume, hence I only brought one bloom inside. There are three big spikes of flowers on the plant outside and the whole balcony area is redolent with orchid .
thanks , it's nice to have flowers in winter :) The blooms are so heavy I got a lead crystal carafe from the op shop to show them in, it's very bottom heavy and has a narrow neck, works perfect! The others I just snipped one bloom off a long stalk with many blooms. Wanted to keep some flowers for outside too.
Tomorrow I return to the office after 3.5yrs, if I die in the night I shall take it as Gods mercy.
Also, shout out to the utter brilliance that is my upper management thinking dragging us in for full rotations without toeing us in first isn't going to have a single mental affect on anyone.
Oh, it's a terrible idea! I left out the part were my rotations go in a 7 on 2 off pattern, so I'm going to go from full time WFH for 3.5yrs to immediately working 7 days straight in an office with no buffer.
this sTUPId company emailed me this morning, said they're sorry about not getting back to me last week, they had some structural changes and put hiring on hold, but they'll get back to me this arvo with an outcome. Sounded promising, I wrote back 'thanks looking forward to it' blah blah blah
they did not get back to me they did not get back to me they did not get back to me
Hope you hear back soon. Unfortunately this has been happening all too often recently based on my own and other people's experiences. I had this HR person who kept saying they'll reschedule an interview and just kept coming up with excuses or you give them a time then they ghost you until they feel like calling you again. It was fucking rude. Sadly it may be a reflection of what companies are going through and I'd love to hear from an insider on wtf is really going on behind closed doors.
The personal stories where people open up to me at work are amazing. (And the level of trust they put in me when they share it)
Had a man in his 60s talking about how he's working on his mental health for the first time in his life after his divorce and death of a parent.
It's still really raw for him and he still trusted me with his story. I love that I can work in this blue collar environment and have interactions like this.
holy shit - visitors arrived at my neighbours next door, and I swear to fUCKING Alanis if they start singing Katy Perry again, I’m going to TP their welcome mat.
edit edit: this was my rant posted in yesterdays dt, but they just arrived so here it is too, electric boogaloo
I was a bit lucky this morning! I couldn't get to sleep until I think about 4:30am. I have a 'work from the office' 7:30am Tuesday alarm (earlier than my every other day work remotely 8:45am alarm) which I was dreading so I could head in today and present my months in the making document to the team. Woke up without the aid of an alarm which didn't bode well.. 8:40am. Seems I disabled my Tuesday alarm last week because I wasn't going in but forgot to turn it back on.
The lucky part is my phone also had a Teams message on it from the boss saying he's unwell and won't be in today, so I don't need to go in anyway! Now I'm going to require all of the world's coffee.
Things for my move are all set in stone now. Neither I or the org I'm moving to are allowed to back out now. Since CP have set a date, I WILL move whether I'm happy about it or not. They really have found a way to suck all of the excitement out of it, I was pretty neutral on it until I'm told I no longer have a choice and in 12 days I'll be moving somewhere I've never even seen yet
Moving is always going to be stressful, no matter what the circumstances. I find when something like that is happening outside of my control it is best to accept that it is happening and focus on the parts I can control. You are a great person and you have the ability to make this a good thing for yourself.
Either my upstairs or downstairs neighbour is working from home today and has their Outlook notifications on loud. And I have a goddamn Pavlovian anxiety reaction every time the "new email" sound comes through. Even though I've turned mine off for years so I know it's not an email for me. This is very exhausting.
I've been feeling flat this morning, both physically and mentally. Ended up queuing a bunch of songs together that elicit a strong emotional response and had a good cry. Maybe that's all I needed. I'm thankful to be working from home today, and with the Mrs out for the morning too... gives me a bit of space :)
I've got the Study Lofi playlist on. Certainly feels a little "Everything's getting a bit hectic and the walls are closing in" hey. But not sure if thats actually whats happening or if my brains trying to turn the cogs tighter on me. Wish I could have a good cry too. Glad your feeling better!
I have a Japanese Jazz playlist that I was listening to a lot over the last week or so for this same reason. And yeah, doesn't matter if it's external or internal... sometimes you just got to try and bring the mood to a baseline yourself. The Study Lofi playlist is definitely a good vibe to tap into in these instances.
Humans are such complex buggers... like, sometimes it's easier to lean into it, other times it's easier to flip it. But actually knowing which path to take is the problem. Here's hoping you can make the best of it, mate.
Is it just me or are a car headlights a lot brighter these days. It can't just b improperly installed aftermarket junk because about half the cars blind me.
I'm currently wondering if this is why mine seem so dim recently. I thought the bulbs had gone, but no, apparently not. Driving on out-of-city roads has been hairy recently on account of seemingly not enough light and I thought this was the reason.
Do headlight bulbs degrade? I would have thought they just blew....?
Having super intense anxiety dreams at the moment. This morning it was waking up and being unable to walk properly, staggering into the bathroom to see that my eyes were bulging and my irises were fully blown, and thinking that my husband hadn't called an ambulance.
Literally the first thing I did when I actually got up was check my eyes in the mirror. Totally fine. Wish these dreams would stop.
Chicken soup (clear) with chopped veg in it is your friend here I think. And you can add hawt sauce if you want. There are pho stock cubes from Massel that are excellent. Your appetite will come back. And is likely to be massive when it does. Don't overdo the potat caks.
time to play "are things actually hectic" or "is my brain just trying to make things this way?". I get the sense life is only as hard as you make it, trouble with my anxiety is it LIKES things hard. twists things into problems, forces me to take positions on things. I grew up where everything is a fight, so it tries to make everything a fight. And every now and then I need to stop breath and try untwist the knot my brain has tied itself into,
It's hard, eh? I envy the hell out of people who just seem to go with the flow. That whole "just roll with the punches" kind of person. My brain is constantly trying to play 4D chess in a world that, really, should just be checkers and nothing more. Everything needs a "solution", even if there isn't necessarily a real problem presenting itself in the first place.
Oh mate. My brain does the exact same thing. I grew up in a loving but stressful environment, and it feels like I'm still, constantly, worrying about what can go wrong and managing my emotions/actions/thoughts to avoid potential conflicts.
I just wanted to say, you're not alone. You can get through this too. Deep breaths help me.
Biggest thing im trying to learn still, and will continue to need to learn is to PAUSE!!! I need to start doing it before anything i do, say, etc. Need to practice it for it to become the norm, but pausing before reacting, or speaking or doing is so important with an anxious brain.
I also liked in the book im reading the process of SPOT, STOP, SWAP. It talks of recognising negative thoughts and spotting them, stopping once you have spotted them and then finding a way to swap that thought for a positive one :)
Yeah it’s about training the brain that you don’t need that instinct any more. Slowly changing the response and stuff, but pause and breath are very good things.
I strongly recommend trying out dried fenugreek leaves (methi) if you make flat bread and/or curry regularly-ish. It's that je ne sais quoi that elevates a dish to that lovely restaurant quality. You can get boxes of the stuff at Indian grocers. A little goes a long way and it keeps for ages
Day 17 of exercise program and day 2 of ten day tummy exercise challenge completed. Pizza base day at work. I'm craving sushi for some reason. It's an itch I don't mind scratching! Got Mr Peeler to watch tummy exercise video last night. Hopefully it inspires him. He is overweight and has back trouble and heart trouble, so he needs to start some manageable exercise program so he doesn't get put off. He seems to only want to sit around and smoke weed about it, which imo isn't helping at all. I tell him, too much of a good thing man! Weed is not a performance enhancing drug, and it's definitely not a motivational aid in my experience. I gave up years ago. Weed is part of his identity though, I don't think he'd know what to do with himself. (Sighs) Have a wonderful day everyone! Get some of that sunshine if you can!
Came home from work and Mr Peeler's cooked dinner! Yay! My God, that doesn't happen often, and I was very very appreciative. The Mini Peelers had a sports day and the elder Mini came first in the 200 metres! That never happened before! The junior Mini got 2 second place ribbons! That never happened before! I'm in shock and need a lie down! Proud of everyone today!
I'm going to make a sate to go with my stir fry using stuff I already have at home. I know it won't be the same as the delectable dream inducing I don't know what drugs they put in it from my local Vietnamese shop but all I'm hoping for is it to be edible. I'm very excited.
I have made the sate. Tastes nothing like the one in the shop but that's ok because it tastes good anyway.
I was going through some old photos and found some of RustyDog from many years ago. He looks so young! They must have been taken not long after I first got him, he still has a bit of puppy in him.
Last day of work for the week and I am sah excited! Rental inspection tomorrow, then off to Perth to see my sister and LIZZO!! Gonna try and get over to Rottnest Island on Thursday for funsies, then take a walk around Kings Park and my sister’s friends have organised a wine and dumpling walk on Saturday night. Taking the bf with me with an extra surprise to start the trip off and I don’t think I’ve been this excited about something for quite a while!
The weather is a bit nice at the moment - actual sunshine!
Tomorrow looks like it will be good too, and now that school holidays are over I might take advantage of it to go in to the museum & the systems garden at Melbourne Uni. I think I can get free museum entry with my student ID, it will be great if I can because it means I can take my time and come back later without feeling like I have to see everything in one trip.
I've got a Myki loaded on the phone, hopefully everything works ok. It's been years since I've been on a train!
It's like... 18 degrees today in the city or some shit. That's crazy good weather for this time of the year. We even had a fucking fly in the house last night. Both cats went bananas trying to catch it. I thought they were supposed to be dormant in winter (flies, not cats - not by the way they go crazy at 4am in the morning haha).
So my cats always sit on my laptop I use for youtubes when I'm trying to sleep. It's frustrating. I've started to listen to podcasts instead as I can set a sleep timer on the phone.
Does anyone know of any sleep inducing factual kind of podcasts to send me to sleep? I currently use useless information and isaac arthur, but if there are any cat info ones that would be amazing as I'd only been going to sleep to cat info youtubes.
In other news, it's been a lazyish day but I filed my tax return and did some other paperwork and life admin stuff that I've been waiting for the right time to do and now is the right time.
Also back into playing minecraft and moved the music mixer which a lengthy task and the cats spend too much time on it and I often have to move them off it or one of them sleeps on it. Some more cables and joiners so the synth oututs reach it I'm about to ebay and hopefully that finishes the new setup for good. Cats now have a new comfortable place to sleep which is right beside my desk so that's a win. Kitten already napping on it.
Damn, photo is not working; json error. Who is Json?
Edit: Photo now working
Image is of a large black kitten with shiny fur asleep on a brown blanket which is on a desk.
I was certain you were referring to the famous Melbourne graffiti, but the other responses have me questioning this, and then I questioned whether they were just continuing the joke, and then my brain died.
One of the things I hate about ADHD, is that I have time paralysis/waiting time. Like, I want to do things before I have to leave for work... but I just... can't. I hate when people say ADHD is a superpower. It's not... it's really not.
That was an interesting article, thanks. I don't think I've seen a term for it before, but I'd be tempted to mix those two together and go with waiting paralysis. I actually do a few of those strategies already, especially writing "scripts" for what I need to do and multiple alarms to keep me on track.
People who say ADHD is a super power don't know shit about ADHD. People have different skills and abilities regardless of their neurotype and even if my ADHD did grant me strengths, I don't find this framing particularly helpful. ADHD inertia fucking sucks. Personally I don't have as many issues with things like focus, attention, and organising anymore since taking Ritalin, but inertia is still one of the biggest challenges in my life. It's a seriously under-recognised aspect of ADHD along with rejection sensitivity.
Yeah I find the whole "superpower" so discouraging to a lot of the problems and issues we face. I get that it might help kids who feel really upset about the diagnosis. But like I'm an adult, who has to pay taxes and has a job, I don't need your "it's a superpower" b.s.
Oh wow, I had no idea this happened to other people, I just thought I was weird. And I always feel bad about myself when I get stuck procrastinating when I have something coming up. Don’t have ADHD (that I know of!) but this article really resonated. Thanks for sharing, I’ll have to try some of the tips.
I bought some a few months ago. It is lovely to have them fit in the groin area! And no need for superman style 2nd undies to keep them in place. And they're very soft.
Love love love Snag tights! I always bought tights from Kmart and it's just wild that they're like "if you weigh more... then you must be 200cm tall!".
Vegetables are in the oven roasting. Mushroom sauce is slowly simmering, just awaiting the addition of a bit of cream. Steak ready to cook. Just a few more minutes to wait so the timing is right. All systems are go for dinner.
Edit: dinner is done! The poor steak is just about crowded off the plate!
Image: steak, mushroom garlic cream sauce, and vegetables. Many, many vegetables.
Picture of a large bowl with rice, mixed vegetables with homemade sate sauce and extra sauces and Southern style popcorn chicken. It was very tasty. The man has lunch tomorrow.
With carols? Once a year is bad enough. This idea that we're missing out because we don't have a white Christmas here is bullshit. Santa loves us no matter where we live.
I didn't hear carols. Just saw decorated trees and I thought that was OTT. I thought the whole idea came from 'it's still a ways to go to Christmas and there are no public holidays so let's celebrate anyways'
Today is dragging sooooo hard. I just went and fluffed around in the warehouse for 20 minutes and pretty sure it was only about 2 minutes by the clock.
Took kidcalhoon1 to her regular osteo tonight. Neck pain, rib pain, back pain.... Real hard to watch her wince on the table for most of the session. Scoliosis can go jump currently.... Swings and roundabouts I guess.
The days of the week bit is good - at the moment I actually have 7 weekly posts so that I can have the right day in the title, I'll now be able to go down to a single daily thread which will simplify things a bit. Now I just need to get the automatic pinning right and I'm set!
@Goddess_Amaterasu@bot001 yes, but not directly, I ordered from eBay and then got the order value refunded as they didn't post anywhere on the auction that they were drop shipping. Hot tip 🔥: I do that every time someone does that from Amazon - I don't give Bezos money if I can help it, and anyone not being clear on eBay they are drop shipping from a large competitor seller are breaking the TOS and deserve to get penalised.
Thanks bull! I’ve seen ads for it but have never used it before and the site seems to have something I need that I can’t seem to get elsewhere. Appreciate your input
@brave@Goddess_Amaterasu *raises hand* yup, is basically mostly $2 shop type stuff, some good kitchen bits & bobs for cheap, best buy so far has been an under cabinet light which works flawlessly with motion detection for $12, and a really good plug hair catcher with excellent suction cups that I viewed dubiously when opening, for $1.50. A few things I haven't found that useful or cheaper quality than images suggest.
Many many many times. There's two parts - catch themselves, and marketplace. Catch ships insanely fast, and they will rip into any marketplace seller that tries to dodge you.
Ok another post. The birds for cats video is allowing me a lot more typing and gaming time without the need to constantly twirl a pencil or move them gently to somewhere away from the screen and keyboard.
Now that I have a job, I've been really thinking of getting a 3D printer. But I shouldn't get into another hobby when I've already got other hobbies I need to focus on...
It's called Botnica by Airwick - this flavour is Caribbean vetiver & sandalwood. They come in spray bottles compared with aerosol cans. I bought it at Coles (not sure if it's exclusive to there though).
I’m not sure if it was something I did or ate or if it was the way I slept as I was having a nap.
Sorry for what might be bad image descriptions.
I’ve been burping for the last few hours like I’m full of gas and my left side hurts now. It was starting to get really bad but I popped some panadol and I’ve got a heat pack now.
Never had this happen before so not sure what’s going on. Hope it doesn’t last much longer.
Forgot about the vacuuming but progress has been made toward the to do and to learn lists. Not big leaps but feels good to have at least ticked off small tasks according to plan. Hope I can keep it up.
Trying to decide what to wear for work tomorrow, it's not like overly crucial but my brain is empty lol is jeans, and a jumper with a Dickey collar or is it jeans and long shirt with a cardigan or is it my sweater dress with a collar? Halp
I am absolutely the least qualified person to answer this, but I'd go with the shirt and cardi combo. It's going to be another warm-ish day and the cardi is easiest to de-layer.
Below we're talking about how everything is fucked.
So I'm going to leave this..
Imagine you're staring at the pyramids, rome, machu picchu, sumeria / mesopotamia... countless others. they all just upped and left. You're staring at this achievement.. and you're like nup.. I'm out, imma gonna just disappear with the rest of my homies. It was that bad. and that took far longer to build than what we have today..