I've been voting against the right for 20+ years in this state, they'll just vote for whichever (R) is up next, Nicki Fried might have a shot but I'm not counting on it, either way she's got my vote, or whomever is going against the (R).
Reminds me of the Psychlos from Battlefield Earth. Awkwardly walking slowly through every scene they are in because of the boots/stilts that were part of the costume.
Bye loser.
Nikki isn't going to win either. I like that she is hitting Trump on his mental state and other problems, but she'll never win the primary over Trump. It's a cult.
The truth is he still thinks he can win, but his feet hurt so much from walking in heels all day, and he hasn't felt the sweet sweet flavor of pudding on his fingers in what seems like forever.
They should make him carry it for the full term, hemorrhaging all the way until it eventually kills the entire campaign due to wholly preventable options, which he prevented.
Good plan. I'm gonna go lurk for 5 minutes, and see how they're holding up. Will report back momentarily.
Edit: Okay, maybe 5 minutes was too long.
They are still caught somewhere in between glazing up DeSantis for his 2028 bid, and arguing over whether that makes sense because Trump will be running for the fourth time. You have to appreciate the irony of that subtle admission that he will either be ignoring term limits if he does win, or that he is going to lose but they still won't be able to get rid of him.
Still coping with the fact that Nikki Haley has the audacity to run against Trump given that she is a deep state operative and also a woman.
Screaming that the sky is falling like chicken little in the middle of a meteor bombardment because the "radical left" is trying to hold Trump accountable for the crimes he committed even though most of them apparently don't even like him anymore, and are tired of his temper tantrums.
Yeah, first of all he's been proven disloyal, and trump hates that. Plus he doesn't bring much to the table. Trump already has Florida on lock and the only people who like DeSantis over trump are the never trumpers. Trump is going to pick an ass kisser who will never betray him who will also help him with a swing state.