I've been on Reddit for over a decade. But I'm done with that site and want to do something else. What do normal people look at on their phones? Is it all social media? Streaming?
Around me I see people watching the videos that just keep coming. Next video before you even had time to form a thought about the last one. I don’t think you should follow their example.
It's weird! I sometimes look at teenagers browsing their phones on the grocery line and they're doing a ton of stuff while not actually doing anything. It's like they simply cant stand there alone with their thoughts for two minutes but need to just start opening random apps, scroll few times, switch to another app, like something, move again...
If I don't distract, the demons rise up out of my subconscious and start chewing on my psyche. melancholy, ennui and existential dread follow leading to depression and suicidal ideation. Radical behavior, poor life choices are followed by death and a big mess reported on national news.
It's absolutely terrifying how much content is pushed into their eyeballs so quickly. I think about how overwhelmed I was with Reddit, and even here sometimes, and this is a pretty slow feed that I get to control. Control. Having constant video shoved into my eyes- I just don't think that can be healthy
I ride the public bus every day, and I can tell you its basically all social media, messaging, YouTube and phone/video calls.
But you don't have to do the same thing everyone else does. You can play digital card games, chess, read a book, or put your phone in your pocket and listen to podcasts or music. And if you're not commuting, you can plug your phone in and do actual stuff.
I feel like any time anyone is using their phones in public they're scrolling Instagram.
If you want to give an appearance of normalcy while maintaining a living soul, just get a Pixelfed account, follow a bunch of photographers, and scroll endlessly.
Unhealthy? Maybe, but you'd need some good science to indicate so. (More than anecdotal examples) We have a lot of people who will make a moral panic over anything they don't like, and we've grown skeptical.
Idk but wtf are people always doing on their phone in the car. Am I the weird one where I can’t even think of anything I’d like to do on my phone while driving? I can change media and text my wife all via voice control if I need to.
I used to try to use voice control for changing media when driving, but found it hilariously unreliable since it had to try to parse the voice command through the music. Is there a trick to that besides having a better mic I'm missing?
Idk what system you’re using but I use CarPlay and android auto. Both of them are able to mute when I press the chat button or if I yell “hey whatever”
I dunno about everything, but my car has a talk button on the steering wheel, I think you press it to answer the phone or whatever, but when Android Auto is active, that button works the same as saying "OK Google". I would imagine it does something similar with CarPlay. Maybe you have a similar button?
I get the busy train to work every day and can confirm this statement. Everyone on Thier phones is either scrolling an app with pics/vids or messaging someone.
Normal people? Probably mostly Facebook, Instagram and candy crush. You can just take a look at the top free apps in your app store but I'll give you a spoiler: it's 99% junk.
Okay so I actually checked. The top 3 are Temu (a ripoff shopping app), WhatsApp and Tiktok in my region
After quitting Facebook and Instagram, I spend a lot more time reading books on my phone. I have found two apps to read and listen to free books through my library.
I have Feedly app and a bunch of RSS feeds about tech, world news, board games, video games, robotics, space, and pop culture. It’s great! Sure I get a few duplicate articles from multiple sites covering the same thing but it’s nice little digital newspaper. And if one site keeps publishing stupid shit I can unsubscribe from it and it’s gone from my feed.
Dunno about normal, per se. I have adhd and when I'm not forgetting what I was about to do in the time between having the thought and picking up my phone, I am often diving down some rabbit hole. This might be a quick Google search in a definition, or to figure out where I heard a word. For example, a friend recently mentioned acid reflux. So my brain thought "GERD?", "GERDY??", "THE HERDY GERDY?!?" which led me to Wikipedia, then to a handful of rather cool videos on Youtube of people playing the instrument.
My point being: Use it as a helpful miscellaneous tool. Like a physical widget that can go along with near any activity.
That's something I never even thought of, but damn that's accurate. Living in a big ol city, sometimes use public transit - yeah this is totally the case
I'm one of those psychos who flash custom roms just because I can, so that is a big time consuming activity I have with my phone, other than that I usually use Sync for Lemmy, Sync for Reddit, Pocket Casts, Spotify, Feeder/Feedly and Firefox Beta, among other apps.
If you really want to detox, then put the phone down. Order some magazines, read some books, talk to some people. I did that for 6 months when I was completely overwhelmed and my entire psyche changed. But I eventually craved the interaction, so here I am.
My phone has an FM tuner, so I usually listen to local radio stations. Sometimes I watch TV shows or movies I downloaded on the SD card, but I prefer watching videos on a larger screen when possible. Cell service is crap around here, so streaming is not very practical.
I read the news. Feedly rss reader which opens the articles directly into Firefox with no script, ublock and bypass paywalls add-ons. Very easy to concentrate on the article content when there are no nags or ads on the screen.
Libby. If I am sitting for awhile, then I'll make progress in whatever book I'm reading. I keep my library card churning with novels, science fiction, cookbooks and whatever book a friend has recently recommended. I mix in audio books while I'm driving. Average about two books a month or so.
Occasionally I'll browse recipes and silly cat videos on Instagram if I'm just killing 30 seconds in line at the grocery. And then lemmy about once a day just for current events.
Lemmy. Or Google news... Or like.. Snapchat I guess.. Snapchat maps is cool to see what people post all over the world. One night I spent like a few hours over Hawaii and Japan snaps.
People in Saudi Arabia mostly post themselves driving with loud music.
I am the wrong person to ask about this, but I read ebooks, play games, go on fora.
My wife cruises Facebook marketplace and other similar sites and buys furniture which she then resells at a profit. But I doubt that's very common either.
I practice chess on lichess and look up sports scores. Or else I go on Lemmy. I look at my phone a lot less now. Finishing games I never got to finish. Talk to my family more. Stuff like that
I'm reading ebooks with ReadEra (adfree and unrestricted in the free version, bought it during some 50% sale to support the dev).
Else I'm reading news (news.google.com with a highly curated blocklist of >150 sites) and play a bunch of word games like Wordle, Dordle, Quordle, Octordle, crosswordle, fibble, symble, thirdle, warmle and whatever else.