Hah, you can try to stay on top of it. But no matter how hard you try, there's always a chance of that one little mistake that turns into a cock-up cascade and leaves most of your squad dead and one remaining soldier trying to crawl to evac.
Honestly I enjoy the crap out of them. It's definitely less story than BG3 and you WILL lose people you're attached too. It goes on sale fairly often I think, though it's worth it at full price.
I might be biased, since I've been playing the XCOM games since they first came out 30 years ago. But yes, they are really, really good for turn-based combat. I am also a sucker for games with research trees.
I took a break from XCOM after losing one of my best soldiers on an iron man run. Am currently terrified of going back in because i remember nothing and am sure i'd fuck everything up now.
I got into this recently playing with my brother and friend. it's the perfect mix of tower defence and factory builder. Also trying to optimize a ammunition belts mid-wave is a kind of addictive thrill of panic I didn't know I needed in my life.
Look the factory must grow and all, but it's all about control. Whether it's mapped based war games or factory on a map, the principle is the same, we dah boss dis time
I've noticed you've recently settled a statement close to my psyche, I request that you refrain from settling too close in the future to avoid any ill feelings!
I say it to my wife all the time. Was watching Friends with her last night and Chandler gets mad at Joey for telling Rachel he owns lotion. I looked at her and said, “Fellas, is it gay to moisturize?” It’s just so silly how many things aren’t MANLY™
Civ 5 here. I'll be 39 this year and play the least out of my friends group (probably 1 or 2 sessions a month where I quit 3 or 4 hours in, and once a month or less playing for 6 or more hours to almost actually finish a game). The friends I play with are all mid 40s and do a full game at least weekly. We all have wives and kids and stuff but are huge nerds i guess.
I have launched Civ 6 once, launched a quick game with bots, blinked and realized 2.5 hours have passed. I'm scared to reopen the game. Next time I might wake up with a gray head and wrinkles on my face
That's silly, you don't know what you're talking about.
Looks at physical copies of original C&C, all three Red Alerts, Civ4, Warcraft, Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2, and a steam library with Mindustry, Factorio, Dyson Sphere Program, Captain of Industry, Desynced
RA2/YR is/are my gold standard(s) for any rts games, i always find myself going back and playing them whether it be solo campaign, skirmish, or logging into CnCNet and doing some online matches.
Played Civ 5 drunk with a friend once and it was amazing. At some point I ended up at war and realized a good few turns in that I forgot to make military units
I know I already replied once, but on a serious note: I would love a new IP that was like Tiberium Sun. That was my first love with RTS and nothing since has been quite as awesome. Not even StarCraft.
I never owned it, but I remember playing it at a friend's house many times as a kid. I love RTS games and hope they're not out of the mainstream for good.
I will always have fond memories of cheesing the hell out of the original C&C. My friend had it for DOS. I later got C&C Gold and could run it in Windows at 640x480! IIRC none of the cheeky bugs were fixed in the Windows port. You are a Command and Conquer veteran if you remember:
Late game, deciding the hell with it and just swarming the enemy with ~500 bazooka dudes, because money was technically infinite on most maps, limited only by your patience. Every time the Tiberium tree "puffed" it would generate a little more green stuff you could harvest for cash.
Penning the computer enemy into their base with walls, because their pathfinding was not smart enough to destroy objects in their way and they would never attack a wall (although sandbags would be crushed by tanks).
Cherry-tapping your opponent by running over his last infantry dudes with your harvester, just to be an ass.
Running a line of sandbags up to the enemy base, hovering the "sell" cursor one pixel off the edge of your own sandbags, but selling their building and keeping the cash. And preferably then parking a queued up defense tower at the end of the sandbag chain immediately afterwards.
Baiting the computer into perpetually wasting their nukes or ion cannons by positioning one machine gun guy closer to their base than your own base or main forces, whereupon it would pathologically blow up just that one soldier because he was the "closest threat."
"Yeah?" "Okay." "Yeah?" "Okay." "Yeah?" "Okay."
Smuggling an engineer into the enemy's base under cover of some crazy diversion or another, inevitably aiming to nick his construction yard, undeploy it into an MCV, and bugger off with it. Or building MCV's with your friends in multiplayer and deliberately deploying them in each other's bases so you can build stuff from both sides and gang up on the computer with Obelisks and missile towers.
Leaving the computer opponent with one useless building like a power plant left, so you don't technically "win" and can go on forever uncontested to see how many units you can build before your computer crashes.
I think those people are the kinds of jerks who watch football. I'm not sure it helps them relax in the slightest. That would explain a few things actually...
What's your favorite bullet hell? I was craving one a while back after playing Cuphead, which I know isn't really a traditional bullet-hell, but it has some elements of one.
You can get it dirt cheap during a sale and it was designed to be mastered like an instrument. No cruft, just you, the boss, and some bomb ass music.
The game has a TON of little ways you can optimize your playstyle and power down the bosses while still being incredibly fair with it's mechanics. I go back every year and beat it again
Only during the steam sale did I buy the new Three Kingdoms Total War. I had spent enough time in R:TW traversing Europe, so naturally it was time to take my skills to the east.
Once every few years I have the itch to play Dune 2. It's so simple. It's the perfect RTS. Although the Harkonen Devastator is useless and the Death Hand is overpowered simply by you being lucky.
If you like both genres (and rogue likes) I would recommend Against The Storm. The game is crack. It’s all about getting settlements to the point where they’re successful enough and then you start a new one as you build a caravan of settlements further from the safe haven city in the middle of the map. Then a storm comes through and wipes everything out, but you can extend and extend the length it takes a storm to strike by sealing the gateways that the storm monsters used to enter the world the game takes place in. I don’t know if I’ve sold you on it but I am addicted myself lol
It’s more of a puzzle game under the stylization of a city builder. Very little difficulty and no real opportunity for creative city building on small maps you dont spend long on before moving to the next.
There’s far better roguelites and city builders out there.
I’d suggest checking out the demo for Metropolis 1998, it’s kinda Sims 1 style building with Sim City 2000 graphics, but you’re building a whole town/city.
extremely sus of any man in their mid 20s to mid 30s who doesn't play a map-based strategy game. Like how the fuck do you get through life without occasionally taking the edge off by moving soldiers around a map
Well, the original Hell March eventually led me into a rabbit hole that is the German industrial rock/metal scene. So I can kinda see where she's coming from..
For those not interested in in the age of empires and command and conquers of the world, you always have a crusader kings to just murder all those who wrong you and then seduce their widows.