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Not overdoing it all. Mine go from 0: Dump, Mine, Gather, Cooking and plants, Maps and slots, Rares & Decor, Crafting, Crafting 2, Sentinels, Gifts.
So different categories, and I cannot recommend enough having 0 as a random dump to leave things in and sort out later (also has eggs, fuel and stuff I use frequently) but otherwise congratulations on your wise choices!
I organise something like you. I don't think it's overdoing it. My spouse has next to no organisation and spends way more time than I do trying to find stuff in his inventory. Once I have things organised, it's such a small effort to keep it that way and way less time overall than searching through inventory for something constantly because stuff is all over the place.
I’m gonna vote overdoing it. Like there’s putting some thought into it, and then there’s creating a system that’s going to require effort and maintenance to keep up. Certain things make total sense, tech you’re not using but want to hold on to makes sense. All the raw materials to craft your money-makers (stasis devices, portable reactors, and so on) make sense. Stuff you know you’ll need to build your next base/farm or whatever, makes sense. Storing by type I can even get behind, as soon as I saw the color-sequencing, sorry that crossed my line! Lol.
I didn’t sequence by color on purpose. They’re sorted by type, subtype, and then alphabetically. It just so happens that the colors correspond to that organization (probably intentional by the game makers).
Still probably “too much” but it makes it easy for me to find anything I need quickly.
Maybe you are overdoing it a little. I usually just keep divided by type (flora, minerals and so on) just in the containers for semplicity. The only things I try really hard to keep grouped are the trade goods, just to make easier to dump a batch of them without the need to look in too many places. And I am trying to keep them grouped by economy type
I don't do it meticulously or anything but I do sort elements into their similar parts (ferrite, pure ferrite and magnetized ferrite should all be together). Mostly just stick colors together. Then move things I won't use very often towards the bottom or stuff them in slots that are secluded (before I have my full inventory unlocked).