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Bill Maher Goes on Anti-Vax Tirade During Heated Covid-19 Debate With 'Family Guy' Creator Seth MacFarlane

Sorry, can't find any better sources for this.

The animator then asked Maher what the “downside” of “getting a vaccine” was, which caused the comedian to go on an anti-vax tirade.

“The fact that you the fact that you don’t even have a clue what’s the cost of getting a vaccine that you don’t know the answer to that. You completely want to shut your eyes to the fact that there are repercussions to all medical interventions, including a vaccine, all vaccines,” he ranted. “They come, they say side effects, just like every medication does. You can see it in the literature. They can’t write it on their back on the vaccine. So you have to dig them. And of course, there is a vaccine court because so many people have been injured.”

  • Is he so fucking stupid that he thinks the NVICP was set up for COVID?

    The NVICP was established as part of the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (Public Health Service Act, 1987; 100 Stat. 3756, codified as Title XXI of the Public Health Service Act at 42 USC 300aa-1 et seq. (Supp. V 1987)), but it did not become operational until the fall of 1988.

    I bet I can count on two hands the number of COVID vaccine "injuries" that have been paid out from this fund.

    Bill Maher is a moron, I don't understand how he is still on the air.

    EDIT: Correction, the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) was actually started in May 2023.

    EDIT2: I found the relevant data for this:

    CICP data for COVID-19 claims (as of December 1, 2023)

    Total COVID-19 CICP claims filed: 12,700

    Pending Review or In Review: 10,863
    Decisions: 1,837
        Claims found eligible for compensation: 38
            Claims compensated: 10
            Claims pending benefits determination: 27
            Claims with no eligible reported expenses: 1
        Denied: 1,799
            Requested medical records not submitted: 337
            Standard of proof not met and/or covered injury not sustained: 257
            Missed filing deadline: 954
            Not CICP covered product/not specified: 251

    This is an incredibly small percentage of the vaccinated population.