I can see the devs having no clue about the alternative meaning, but a game about gassing rodents called "Infestation 88" is a terrible look. I'm glad the devs changed the name right away.
IDK, what else do you do with rodents in a game? Set traps? Shoot with guns?
I'm guessing the devs were born in 1988 or thereabouts and wanted to set the game in their birth year or something like that. Or they picked a number that's somewhat long ago but not too long, and ~35 years ago is something I'd probably come up with (it's not a neat number like 25 and 50), it's far enough back that it's old, but recent enough to feel familiar.
Occam's razor: they're probably not Nazis or Nazi sympathizers. I had never heard of the meaning behind "88" (granted, I'm not that interested in neo-Nazi symbolism), and I was born near 1988. Maybe I'd change the name, IDK, even hearing the arguments here I really don't see an actual connection so it's really no big deal to me. Then again, I think it's a stupid name regardless, so I probably would've been more clever.
It seems like every time the alt-right and neo-Nazis make something a new dog whistle (remember the "ok" sign thing that started on 4chan?) the left is just like "oh fuck, I guess we better stop using that now."
I'm not sure there's a better option. It's not like it's a good idea to just go on flashing "ok" signs and pretending it hasn't been coopted by fascists, but it seems shitty and frustrating to just cede ground like that every time the alt right is just like "this is ours now."
Come to think of it, I named a project at my workplace "IG-88" a while back and didn't think about the Nazi connection until the name was already in common use. (With that name, the project in question even had a badass theme song.)
In my opinion the better option is to ditch the concept of dogwhistle. We [people in general] should look at what a symbol (including words, gestures, etc.) conveys within a certain context, we shouldn't be picking individual symbols and assuming the discourse (what is being said) based on them.
For example, the 88 in the title of the game should be associated with the rest of the game. Because depending on the rest of the game it might convey only "1988", or it might convey "heil Hitler".
It's not like it's a good idea to just go on flashing "ok" signs and pretending it hasn't been coopted by facists
Why not? Symbols only have meaning given context. In Germany, a swastika is a symbol of hate, whereas in India it's a symbol of prosperity and good luck. It's usually not hard to differentiate them, so there's no real reason to avoid a symbol just because some idiots have decided to use it to mean something else.
On the flip side, there's a fantastic reason to keep using them: the best way to beat a troll/bully is to ignore them. Don't give them the emotional response they're looking for and you remove all rewards for their behavior.
So if the alt-right coopt a symbol, use it more. Don't let them impact you or they'll keep doing it.
The "ok" sign thing pissed me off. I had learned from a very young age that it was sign language for "ok" (it combines the signs for the letters) and when I went to swim class, my mom would watch and when I'd look over to her she would sign that to me that everything was ok, and sign "I love you" (🤟 — not to be confused with 🤘ROCKANDROLL🤘) to me as well. For the record, no one in our family is deaf, we just learned some basic sign language because communication is cool.
Yeah I remember working with people who didn't even feel comfortable using the "ok hand" emoji because of associations with white supremacy (back when the hand sign was in the news again). Obviously white supremacy is a lot worse than that kind of minor chilling effect, but yeah, they just smear a little of their leaky shit everywhere so that people who actually care about their fellow humans have to expend extra energy vetting their own messages for dog whistles and double meanings.
“Look, I’m not saying it’s IMPOSSIBLE that this game wasn’t made with ill intent, but 88 is an immediate red flag,” said streamer Josh ‘Anoriand’ Fagundes on Twitter. “As are the facts that they use the word ‘Infestation,’ they use rat-based imagery, it involves gassing them, and counting the space ‘Infestation 88’ is 14 keystrokes.”
oh boy I had an 88 in my old email address back in the days cause you know I'm born 1988...glad I ditched that before the twitter mob find out that I'm also german...
really don't get why this is a story
based on some streamer with too much time. Looks more like something to get out of irrelevance if I look at his subscriber numbers...
The game is also looking bland as fuck and it's only "thing" is the steamboat willi character that has been slapped on for no other reasons than marketing. Seems a little bit desperate if you ask me...
Everyone knows that the ability to connect something to Nazism makes it actually Nazism.
You're German, you were born in '88, the phrase ”i had an 88 in" takes 14 keystrokes, and you seem to think not everything is connected to neonazis.
You're clearly a Nazi.
He's clearly a witch. I'm going to denounce him. Right now.
"avater" has six letters. "lemmy" and "world" have five each, suspiciously close to six. His username is almost a literal 666.
"I had an 88 in my old email address back in the days cause you know I’m born 1988" has the exact letters, in the right order, that allow you to spell "heil [name of the devil]".
He wrote the number "8" four times. Eight symbolises new beginnings, regeneration, and resurrection; he's signalising to be full converted to satanism.
He's German. You know how Germany is known as? Birthplace of Protestantism, one of the major heresies against Christianity. How much do you bet that he worships Luther, Mammon, Calvin and Asmodeus???
Being German also means that he's from the same place as that witchcraft band called Faun. I bet that he already heard Walpurgisnacht on the radio. Perhaps he even likes the band. Or did no effort to call them out. (If you sit with witches then you're a witch too)
There are simply too many obvious signs of him being a witch. Sure, one or another might be coincidence, but all of them?
I hope that someone publish this in a sensationalist news site. Then other people will find further evidence that he's a witch.
He could prove his innocence, though. Witches float, honest people sink, so w could put a 20kg stone around his neck and throw him into the river. Of course he won't accept it, witches do not want to be outed as witches.
By the way, anyone trying to defend him is just trying to cover a witch. They're probably dancing partners in the Hexennacht (German for "the devil child-eating ritual")
I'll use the exact same [lack of] reasoning that the author used to "prove" that he's a Nazi. (I don't think that he's a Nazi, mind you; I'm doing this to show how bloody stupid his witch hunting is):
Josh 'Anoriand' has 14 characters, including the quotation marks. Coincidence? Perhaps not!
Look, I'm not saying it's IMPOSSIBLE that this game wasn't made with ill intent is exactly 14 words. And it's immediately followed by "but 88". Coincidence? Perhaps not!
"Conclusion": I'm going to play it safe and treat Josh Fagundes as a nazi!
...yes, it is that tier of stupid. And if the developers are actually Nazi trying to push a Nazi discourse into the players, Josh is not "denouncing" them. He's actually helping them to push said Nazi discourse, since now they can say "ah, that's just someone being silly. Pay no mind, look at the ridiculous shit that he's using to "prove" that our game is Nazi."
Here's a better approach.
What's "88" in the title conveying to the player, within the context of the game? Through all the screenshots being shared, I've seen it being consistently used to refer to 1988, and nothing else. Is there any other element contextualising it to be interpreted as "heil Hitler" instead of the year?
Fuck nazies appropriating shit. People should stop associating things with nazies instead of not being able to enjoy things. Like apparently runic script is associated with nazies for some god forsaken reason and I have a old native myth tattooed in runes on my arm. I have gotten tons of weird looks and I was very confused until someone accused me of being a nazi.
Hanlon's razor. I myself had no idea that 88 had any nazi-related meaning before I read this article and thought nothing of the title when I first heard it. It seems perfectly reasonable that the dev could have done the same, especially since they were willing to almost immediately change the name and remove all existing promotional material once they found out.
A game about a rat invasion (anyone who's read Art Spiegelman's Maus should already know where this is headed);
Where one plays as exterminators using gas masks, who coincidentally use poison gas as their weapon;
On a game titled "Infestation 88" (which, as another user pointed out, has 14 characters, besides the obvious 88 dog-whistle);
Which also happens to supposedly reference the StG 44 German WWII assault rifle;
And if you want to add my original dog-whistly speculation, it wouldn't be a stretch to be suspicious of that "SS" at this point.
And, to add on, the studio's website claims they have been making games since 2010 with this being their first game. 2024-2010=14 (words).
combine that with the official discord being full of "pronoun jokes" and similar bigotry and it is really hard to view this edgelord game as anything other than a giant dog whistle.
So, out the door any media playing with steamboat Willie being public domain is suspect because of rat adjacent symbolism?
Counting characters seems like basically numerology, if you want to get to a specific number it's not hard. If you count the space it's 14 characters, but you could just as easily not count the space. What if it had been "infestation: 88”? Not Nazi because of the colon, or do we skip the space now?
Using the conclusion of your argument as evidence to make further leaps is also not super sound reasoning.
It's an asset flip game capitalizing on steamboat Willie and the "make a now public domain children's character scary" money grab. It's exactly what happened with Winnie the Pooh.
It's a horror game with a mouse as the scary creature. The only cultural touchstones we have for mice are either cute, infestation or disease. Exterminators are who you call when you have a mouse problem, and people wearing gas masks are one of the most prolific assets you can buy models for in asset shops.
Dogwostles exist, but it's important to actually look at context.