Don't dump December ended bro... It's time to stop
98 0 ReplyDojan
Or start, in this case.
28 0 Replycasmael Good point
5 0 Reply
Fiber, lots of.
75 0 ReplyBristlecone As a nurse, I can say this is always the answer, vegetables & fruit. The American diet is horrible for the GI system. When I went vegan some years ago I started having three a day, takes less than a minute apiece
66 0 ReplyRolder Over here with my preferred snack of apple and peanut butter. Guess an apple a day DOES keep the doctor away huh?
12 0 ReplymeowMix2525 I started just mixing some psyllium husk into my usual water consumption, but that's partially to support my intermittent fasting schedule.
4 0 Reply
The Lemmy cycle:
- bean memes
- shitposts
- beef memes
- memes about never pooping
- back to start
57 0 ReplyMatch!!
quick, get this poster some bean memes
13 0 Replyjuladuni points 2 and 4 are the same.
5 0 ReplyEmergMemeHologram I just cleared hard drive of stroganoff memes so that better not come back.
3 0 Reply
You’re two thirds through the Lemmy 3 Days No Poop Challenge.
Hang in there!
45 0 ReplyInteresting_Test_814 Exactly my thought when i saw this post
6 0 Reply
45 1 ReplyRisk Probably more effective than any of the suggestions so far:
Make sure you are well hydrated and do some exercise or at the very least a long or high-energy walk.
29 0 Replynull
Depends, are you trying to poop, or doing the 3 day challenge?
27 0 Reply👍Maximum Derek👍
Not long ago on Lemmy this was a goal, not a problem.
1 0 Reply
For the love of God eat fiber and drink water. How hard is this?
20 0 ReplyLightfire228 Some people have slower digestive systems than others
It's not uncommon for me to go several days without a BM, no matter how healthily or unhealthily I've been eating
6 0 ReplyAlfredEinstein #🥵
1 0 Reply
Christer Enfors
Well, I haven't pooped since last year, I bet that stuff is pretty damn hard by now if you really must know. 😅
5 0 Replycorsicanguppy Coprolite Diamonds?
2 0 ReplyAlfredEinstein That's what killed Elvis fyi
1 0 Reply
WhisperingEye OP I do drink a lot water and eat a lot of nuts and bananas, and apples and eggplants...
4 0 ReplyRinseDrizzle Drink some coffee
6 0 Reply
Commiunism You can hold it in for up to 2 weeks, speaking from experience here.
You'll be fine
18 0 ReplyWhisperingEye OP Thank you for believing in me
5 0 ReplyVlixz
What happens after those 2 weeks?
1 0 Reply
corsicanguppy But oh, god, the pain. What a way to !
I had to turn my prescription and left-overs back into the pharmacy after day 4 because the smallest opiate scripp left me in more pain than the original complaint and I had that gait that only really pregnant women or really old men have.
1 0 Reply
Imgonnatrythis I recommend pooping asap.
18 1 ReplyIzzyScissor Why are you still holding on to last year's shit?
15 0 Replyjennwiththesea
Fiber and water. Find yourself a nice, vegetable soup recipe.
This might only be me, but when I'm constipated, my go to is hydration and lettuce.
I'll get myself a nice big salad, and eat it super fast. The idea is that if you eat it fast, you won't chew as much. The partially unchewed lettuce can help irritate your guts into doing a bit of a clean cycle. (Plus, veggies are already great for constipation.)
Best of luck, and wishing a healthy one for you soon haha.
13 0 Replyflubba86 That's a good tip. My personal choice is celery. Celery has higher water content, and more insoluble fibre than lettuce. And you can eat it pretty quickly too.
6 0 Reply
You're just charging your ultimate attack.
9 0 ReplyTheDarksteel94 Try chewing gum, a few pieces a day.
8 0 Replylseif BE VERY CAREFUL DOING THIS!!!! you may accidentally chew too much gum, and blow a bubble so big that you float away into the sky.
34 0 ReplyPossible_EmuWrangler You could also swallow it by mistake and it gets stuck for years.
8 0 Reply
vaselined What does it do
1 0 Reply
Feathercrown Don't Poop January
7 0 Replycriticalimpact Vege smoothie
7 0 ReplyTHCDenton
5 mile run always does it for me.
6 0 Replyklemptor Whatever mizu did, do the opposite.
6 0 ReplyGeorgeTheFourth OP this post is a few hours old now if still nothing, you could try a single dose of milk of magnesia to get things going but continue a high fiber diet the next few days to get everything back on track.
6 0 ReplymeowMix2525 This reminds me. Apparently, in a pinch, you can also dissolve a few teaspoons of epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) in water and drink that. Would have never guessed that stuff is even safe to consume if I hadn't read "saline laxative for relief of occasional constipation" on the front of the bag I just bought.
3 0 Reply
Metamucil, salad, veggies. No meat or cheese. You’ll be good by tomorrow.
6 0 ReplyRIPandTERROR
5 0 ReplyUnearthedUnusual Two words: magnesium citrate.
5 0 ReplyAlfredEinstein Two other words: Eat vegetables.
8 0 Reply
TylerDurdenJunior The seed shells from Cassia Angustifolia
Make a cup of tea from them, wait 12 to 24 hours.
Enjoy. Just don't drink it everyday for weeks.
You can find it in herbal stores i am sure.
It is prescribed by doctors at least in some European contries
5 0 ReplyNightAuthor 3 times a day to every 3 days is normal.
When was the last time you pooped?
5 1 Replyboatsnhos931 Coffee and crunches homie
4 0 Replyramius345 Get the flu. It'll clean you right out. The vaccine wasn't very effective this year. Ask me how I know.
5 1 Replycorsicanguppy So far so good on vaccines this year for me.
3 0 ReplyDr. Jenkem
Sample size of 1 is not very conclusive.
1 0 Replyramius345 2 parents, 2 kids, one uncle, 4 grandparents all got it. All vaccinated. Not a large sample but larger than 1.
1 0 Reply
Viking_Hippie Do as I do and get Legionaire's disease on the 30th of December. Bonus points if that's your birthday like it is mine.
4 0 Replyvaselined Happy Birthday
3 0 ReplyViking_Hippie Thanks 😁
2 0 Reply
FlyForABeeGuy Fibers or a french breakfast : coffee + cigarette = poo (or in French CCC: clope, cafee, caca). Or if you realy need to, those gels you can put in your bum if you're into that
4 0 ReplyWereCat 1.) Sit on a toilet
2.) Concentrate
3.) Become Forspoken protagonist
3 0 ReplyWhirling_Ashandarei Bear down!
Also love the username, fellow Role Models fan?
3 0 ReplyKecessa Second day of the holidays > can't stop pooping
Man this period isn't good for your health...
3 0 ReplySurp
The biggest most giant enema you can find
3 0 ReplyMarduk73
i literally yelled "Hey Sharon! You gotta see this" today in the washroom.
3 0 ReplyChurbleyimyam Yeah: don't spend 18 hours drinking and taking cocaine.
2 0 Replysome_guy That soccer team that crashed in the Andes dug it out with a stick or bone.
2 0 Replynicholasio Just do it.
1 0 Replyadhocfungus I'm having the same issue. I thought I had food poisoning because I have chills, stomach cramps, and constipation. But the only culprit would be the three cups of raw broccoli I had on NYE.
1 0 ReplyBrad Pitt
I don't really understand how this is supposed to be funny, could anyone explain?
3 3 ReplyAlfredEinstein No shit!
6 0 Reply