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Pay Attention to What You See: Donald Trump Is Losing His Marbles | If he keeps this up, he’ll drag the entire Republican Party down with him in 2024.

If he keeps this up, he’ll drag the entire Republican Party down with him in 2024.

  • I have doubts. I can already see a low Dem turnout on the horizon. They need to push the mail-in ballot advantage again now that many are back in the office.

    • They're never going to do that when the fund raising numbers went through the roof under Trump.

      Did you know that Pelosi and Schumer gave the Trump administration an even bigger military budget inscrease than they were even asking for on two separate occasions?

      Schumer fast-tracked all of Trump's appointments too.

      So even they don't believe the Russiagate bullshit they're still repeating. If Russiagate was real, why did Biden win? I guess Biden is a Putin puppet.