It was the same when reports came out that Hamas was withholding aid from Palestinians. It was unconscionable when Hamas did it for one day, but "a nEcEsSaRY eViL" when Israel did it for 2 months. It's all the narrative, and the power imbalance between Israel and Palestine is so gross when Israel has advanced internet infrastructure and billions of dollars for marketing (foreign relations, hasbara, whatever you want to call it) while Palestine doesn't have either electricity or water.
This is a take I don't understand, and I'm only commenting because I've seen your comments around, quite enjoyed some of them, and I think you're not stupid, so I'm going to ask: Why should those with less power be beholden to the same moral standard as those with more power? In armed conflict, shouldn't the side with less power be held at most to the same standard as the side with more power? One side has few options and the other side has lots of options.
It's like if you get mugged by a pro boxer (bear with me on this analogy), should you only punch him, and only above the waist, in order to defend yourself? Or can you poke his eyes and kick him in the nuts, or even draw a weapon? My opinion is that you have the right to do whatever you have to do to get out alive. Houthis have far less money and power than Israel, so why should the same moral yard stick be applied to them as to Israel, when their options are far more limited?