Yeah, they have all this money and the algorithms are getting more stupid. I hate it when saying "play Travis" (I use voice commands in car) always plays the exact same playlist in the exact same order. They also push the most popular songs on you so if a band you like did a shitty Barbie cover you will hear it all the time. And there's no dislike button to get rid of it. On my phone I just play custom playlists because the algorithms suck so much.
I wish removing a song from my Discover weekly or similar lists actually worked. I swear I remove the same song from that playlist for months and it still shows up.
The problem isn’t that their random is biased or has rules, the is that it is entirely deterministic, to the point where it will play the same exact songs, in the same exact order for days. It’s as if shuffle just activates a hidden “shuffle” playlist that only updates once a week.
Because my playlist has thousands of songs yet I hear the same ones a lot, their algorithm weights songs it thinks you like to be more common in the shuffle
They built and are building a massive database of the most hard to get side of human profiles, unconscious side. Interesting to bring it to high alert of privacy warnings.