Admits? Acknowledging that destroying capitalism is key to addressing the climate catastrophe is like admitting the sky is blue (or orange and smoky, as the case may be).
Most people don't want to face the truth of the propaganda in front of them. It is easy to believe what your state wants you to believe. or keep you in a box to talk about anything other than capitalism.
I'm sorry to use such harsh language, but anyone who doesn't understand that the world cannot be saved under capitalism is a few eggs short of a dozen.
I want people to have a good think and realize what's the end game in capitalism. Each generation, more wealth and resources are hoarded by the most rich and powerful, and lower classes are left with less and less.
the contradictions of capitalism will be the end of itself, however we are now in a race with climate change, so we may end up in perishing in mass by unlivable wet bulb temperatures.
Especially once you consider the IPCC reports are often criticized for being out of date by the time of their release/conservative in their predictions. The bottom line is you're right and we'll hit wet bulb temps of like 120 fahrenheit before the people in power ever consider putting something besides their bank accounts at the top of their priorities. It makes it interesting, though, for sure, considering the people most resistant to change have the least need for any further accumulation of wealth: it's basically just a game to them.
The water wars are going to be awesome....considering the percentage of freshwater on this planet that we've polluted to the point where it's dangerous to drink...? It'll be a wild time.
I’m used to everything pro-Ukraine on this instance being downvoted to hell. Everyone who supports Russia is being downvoted instead. What is going on?
Schellenberger is such a clueless opportunist that he can't possibly understand. It's incredibly ironic when you look at the various things he's argued for in the past as well.
It's usually people that don't understand what's going on or take things out of context or just plain want to hate that comment on articles. Oh, and trolls.
Ok, I guess that makes a bit more sense.
I remember everyone called her a lib though. I even wrote it into my fanfic, better change it to something else...
Nothing wrong with supporting Ukraine when it comes to the war itself, but supporting Zelinski beyond that is a bad look since he's displayed significant authoritarian tendencies with actions democratic countries would normally condemn, such as instituting mandatory military service for all men without any exceptions, banning opposition parties under false pretenses and possibly prolonging the war in favor of a costly (not least in terms of human lives) and probably impossible to achieve aim of decisive victory rather than negotiated peace.
Add to that the fact that the NATO presently in a symbiotic propaganda relationship with Zelinski isn't the automatically correct peacekeeping force that it has mostly been portrayed as in Western media, but rather an enforcer of military and economic imperialism that bear some (but of course not the majority, nobody forced Putin to invade) of the blame for starting the war as their broken promises to not expand east was part of the reason why the christofascist dictator wrongly decided that an invasion was justified if not downright necessary.
There's your explanation why having an amicable meeting with Zelinski doesn't gel with being left wing and anticapitalist. It'll probably be hated by most for not painting either side as pure as the driven snow and automatically correct about everything, but that's just how it is 🤷
All I can say is fight power wherever it is. Capitalism, what have you, anything run by shitty, self serving people. Evolve or bust. I'm thinking we're more of a bust, but you never know (;
What can I say. Seems like a clever girl with internally consistent views if she got there from ecology. Who knows, maybe she'll even stop supporting Ukraine at some point!
All I'm saying is that every consistent [insertideologyname] eventually gets to the root of the problem and this is not bad for a 20y.o. who was not only raised in lib consensus, but also got dragged through it's media machine from childhood.
And, again, that is if she's genuine at all. There is more pressing shit for me to pay attention to in Russia, than European Greens, so I'm not very up to date on her escapades.