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  • Could be real, either way I definitely get laid more when I do stuff around the house. I read a study that basically suggested doing chores helps because it relieves the stress of your partner, freeing them up to feel a little more amorous.

  • My wife calls it "chore-play" and it seems to really work for her. Even if its a trick, the house will be clean and everyone gets a little fun, what's the harm?

  • Independence and self respect is sexy, and doing chores is a form of independence (you know how take of yourself) and is a form of self respect (you don't let yourself live in filth). It also implies that you don't view your gf as the designated house maid and not being humiliated/burdened like that is a big relief, especially for women who grew up around sexism. Who might have internalized the idea that men doing chores is on par with something like gift giving or going on dates, something special done out of love, and not just something that needs to be done. She could genuinely find you doing chores sexy, but also having to do less chores is a bonus no matter who you are, it can be both.

    • What if I like doing 50% of the chores, and the other 50% I truly hate and never do unless it's a matter of life and death?

      I live alone so my place is a total mess in 50% of chores, and perfect in the other 50%. So judging by my place, I'm not independent, I'm barely 50% there.

      So if I got a GF and we were a match with regards to who's doing which chores, would it be a way to get the best of both worlds? I would still do my 50% of chores but the place would be neat? And now I would appear independent and thus sexy?

      However, in order to get the full effect, we would have to come up with a good schedule so that when I do my chores, she's not doing her chores and she can fully admire me doing my 50% of chores, and vice versa. 🤔

      Sounds like an idea for a new kind of dating page... 🤓

  • Does she act on your appearance as a more attractive mate when the chores are done? If so, then it doesn't matter if it's real or a ruse. Win-win, literally.

  • It could be because the people in her life (especially the masculine figures) aren’t the type to actually do chores without the initial request/push by another person. It’s some kind of shock and it could be seen as an attractive trait. Same feeling I got when I entered a healthy relationship with someone who’s not a slob. Doing chores is bare minimum though

  • Yea. I think woman are wired to be more attracted to the actual qualities of a man and ability to provide over the aesthetic appeal, but both are good obviously. I'm not a women, but have had this conversation with my partner. So I'm an expert (;

    Women are just better than men in a practical sense lol. I'm just a dumb man. But me do chores, me man, me get laid.

  • it could be a mix of both but i think some people are into it because on itch there is a game called "house chores" but i guess it depends on the person.

  • Yep, just like I tell my wife I love work (I can watch hours at it being performed).

    The best way to show appreciation of you girlfriend/wife is helping with chores. (And thus limiting her time doing them, which results in more time together, win-win ;) )