What if I don't drink coffee?
16 0 ReplyMeowZedong
Straight to the gulags!
7 0 ReplySpaceDogs
I was just going to ask this lol
6 0 ReplyKlargDeThaym The tea is absolutely the superior drink.
6 0 ReplyKrupskayaPraxis
I wholeheartly agree
4 0 ReplyAddfwyn I drink both, does that make me some kind of filthy centrist?
3 0 Reply
N-no you take it back! I'm not a lib! I'm not a lib!
12 0 Replytrashxeos As a fellow not-lib, I concur! Lets have some lattes and then go burn down a police station or five. (for the feds reading, that was a joke, calm down)
7 0 ReplyMeowZedong
As a fellow "liberal", all I can say is that I'm glad to not count myself among all the trots in my workplace. Rest assured, it could be worse!
6 0 ReplySpaceDogs
You’re fancy!
3 0 ReplyShrike502
Oh the machine is not at home. It's at work. The team I'm in pooled together and bought one
4 0 Reply
davel [he/him]
Anarchists make cowboy coffee over a campfire, claiming to enjoy drinking the grinds.
10 0 ReplyComradeSalad
Wasn’t one of the many uses of burlap designed to circumvent that? You course use it as a water, and by extension coffee filter, in a pinch to remove sediment and large contaminants.
3 0 Reply
Flamingoaks mls drink lightly colored shit water instead of coffee? that doesnt seem right. idk only aes country i know enough about to say is Cuba and there u WILL find a minimum of 1 italian style coffee maker in every home.
9 0 ReplyRonin_5
They’re called moka cups
2 0 Reply
what am i if i drink iced coffee
9 0 ReplyComradeSalad
He’s outed himself! He’s a PatSoc! Get him boys!
13 0 Reply小莱卡
take that back
7 0 ReplyCysioland
No, patsocs drink instant coffee
5 0 Reply
are you.. perhaps.. ya know.. attracted to the same gender as yourself?
2 0 Reply小莱卡
4 0 Reply
I extract the caffeine through food-grade ethanol, concentrate it in a rotovap, combine it with a thickener and surfactant, whip it and serve on top of a slice of bagel.
What flavour am I?
9 0 Replybobs_guns this is the posadist method for coffee preparation
3 0 Replyrelay
I thought that posadist coffee would involve putting iced coffee in a microwave to enjoy all of the radiation.
1 0 Reply
you are just a nerd
1 0 Reply
Imnecomrade What if I use a stovetop kettle to pour hot water into Jacobs instant coffee?
5 0 Replykeepcarrot [she/her] Yes, except with an electric kettle and a different brand. The most proletarian option
2 0 Reply
I don't see an Aeropress or Turkish on there.
5 0 ReplySadArtemis🏳️⚧️
TIL I'm a Hoxhaist...
4 0 ReplyHaSch Ain't no way a Hoxhaist is reading the French Press
3 0 Replyphorq Meanwhile I'm over here drinking another verification can for my caffeine...
3 0 ReplyCrushKillDestroySwag [none/use name] I only drink soda and I pour it from my 1950s-style soda fountain.
2 0 ReplyRasm653u [He/him]
I don't drink coffee
2 0 Replyloathsome dongeater
Aeropress gang
2 0 ReplyZerush
I use a French Press, but I don't like the Stalinism
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