What is your favourite Hex colour code?
What is your favourite Hex colour code?
For example #bf00ff is a nice colour code. Also known as electric purple.
I'm going to assume that this is basically a question on what my favorite color is with extra steps :)
I'm also a big fan of purple! But if I had to choose, I'd go for #7851A9 instead:
Royal purple20 0 ReplyThat's a nice purple! I like all sorts of purples too but I couldn't pick the one I like the most. I like anything from lavender to kind of red wine color. Not sure if they're all even considered to be purple as they are little more red.
2 0 ReplyAnywhere on the spectrum from pink to purple is always a good choice.
2 0 Reply
Edit: It's petrol blue for the curious.
13 1 ReplyBased
4 0 ReplyReminds me of Netscape.
2 0 Reply
FFD000 is a beautiful yellow,, almost orange, that really stands out when in a dark background
9 0 ReplyFor reference:
That is nice, I'll need to see if I can use it in some UI themes.
11 0 ReplyI'm one of the admins at https://thespot.design/, it's our main brand colour, if you want to see it implemented 💛
4 0 Reply
Steel Blue #4682b4
8 0 Replythat is nice
10 0 ReplyNice its like that blue that building frames have on them during construction.
2 0 Reply
I was always a fan of #BADA55 when I needed a placeholder color. Not only is it badass, it’s a nice mellow green.
6 0 ReplyThat is a nice green.
2 0 ReplyIt's also the Colo[u]r of Kerbals' skin in ksp
1 1 Reply
5 0 ReplyNice looks like a shade of teal.
2 0 ReplyIt's the default wallpaper color of Windows 95
3 1 ReplyLove that color!
1 0 Reply
A nice eye searing lime green that I used to use a bit when I first got into web development. Originally copied from goodness knows where lol.
Now I use it in my current job alongside the color red when designing CSS grids
5 0 ReplyI like #CC8899 the most.
For reference:
5 0 ReplyNice!
1 0 ReplyLooks like Pantone’s color of the year 2024!
1 0 Reply
Not my favorite, but I use this one for debugging #FF00FF.
It started back then in the early 2000s when I used to modify winamp skins, which used this particular color for transparency in their BMP sprites (no PNGs back than). Since then it stuck with me.
4 0 ReplyI also used to use that color for transparency. When I made something in MS Paint I set that color to where I wanted transparency so I could move it to other window with transparent selection. Nice workflow for simple pixel art but I would rather use GIMP these days.
2 0 Replyyeah,, Gimp ain't much different from MS Paint regarding UX 😂 /s
2 0 Reply
I know Minecraft uses that for the “broken” texture.
1 0 Reply
33B5E5 4 Lyf
2 0 ReplyThat's lovely
2 0 Reply
4 1 ReplySounds like that's just #C00C00
3 0 ReplyAppropriate, given the time he tried to debate an empty chair
1 0 Reply
3 0 ReplyI just really like it. It’s a really nice shade of orange.
2 0 Reply#00FF00
2 0 Reply#D00D00
2 0 Reply#1200FF
Quite a sharp colour but very good
2 0 Reply#1C1C1C
It's a very calming nice gray
2 0 ReplyI've been using #1F1F1F as it's also the background colour in dark mode VS Code, though anything in that region is quite pleasing
1 0 Reply
I expect all you geeks to play What the Hex? and excel in it: https://yizzle.com/whatthehex/
I can’t lock it down to a specific hex, but my favorite palette is Synthwave
2 0 ReplyTime to remind everyone that Colour Lovers exists.
1 0 Reply#69420
1 0 ReplyFF06B5
Only my chooms will know why.
1 0 Reply#000000
2 1 ReplyI see a webpage and I want it painted #000000
11 0 ReplyMaybe I'll just fade away and not have to face CSS
3 0 Reply
I get a surprising amount of use out of 0x123456, which is midnight-sea-bluish color, as a background shade.
1 0 Reply2e3440
1 0 Reply#ff06b5 because I'm a nerd, but a slightly different kind of nerd lol
1 0 Reply#00CBFC
1 0 Reply#00ff00 (green) because I've been using it as my terminal text color for 30+ years.
1 0 Reply#33b5e5
Only real ones will get it.
1 0 ReplyF5A9B8
1 0 Reply1 1 ReplyI'm split between three.
1 1 ReplyWhat's wrong with this community? Favorite hex codes...?
4 9 ReplySeems like everyone in here is having fun so, nothing!
4 0 Replyit's just a more specific way of asking favorite colors
1 0 Reply