Y'see, what ya do is take yer two cords and cut the ends off. Strip the wire and tie 'em together. Then ya wrap em in electrical tape so they're water tight! Bam! Problem solved!
I posted these ones I found at the ski area I worked at 8 years ago. I wish they were a joke but some fucking moron had made these and used them on the trees in front of the lodge. In piles of snow too.
The explanation of why they're a bad idea is valid though. Usually the kinds of people who know just enough to want this type of plug are also the type of people I wouldn't trust with one.
I'll go ahead and explain why people want plugs like this.
These can be used to backfeed power from a generator into a house, letting you used different outlets/lights in the house. A knowledgeable person can actually use something like this safely, but most people who would use something like this don't know enough to do it correctly. The dangers about doing this are:
You can easily shock yourself off of the exposed pins of the cord. You can avoid getting shocked by waiting to plug into the generator until the other end is connected first.
You can backfeed power onto the electrical grid. The power going backwards through the transformers will step up the voltage to thousands of volts, and could seriously injure or kill the linemen who are trying to fix the outage. This is avoided by making sure you've opened either the house's main disconnect breaker or the breaker for the individual circuit you're plugging into.
There are some safer ways to setup this type of generator use, there are special generator power cords/outlets that won't have exposed energized prongs if plugged into a generator. There are also transfer switches or breaker interlock kits designed to prevent someone from being able to backfeed power by requiring them to disconnect commercial power before the generator can be fed into the house's distribution panel.
Even funnier is if you click on the brand SCTOU to see other products, the other items from SCTOU appear to be questionable body armor and anti-bird spikes. Seller names are different as well, but they're all similar random Chinese names.
I'm not well informed, but I wouldn't be surprised if in some places it wouldn't be legal to sell that kind of cords (because of being a safety hazard and such).
I used to know a hardware store that sold guns in the 80s. Guy bought one, walked down the block, robbed a bank with it, and died in ensuing police shootout. Store stopped selling guns after that.
Eh, a couple years ago one of my brothers gifted another brother a dildo from "Santa". I have 5 brothers, so no one knew for sure who did it. Much hilarity ensued.
I attended both a Halloween and Christmas party where the hosts had invited someone selling sex toys. Much hilarity and shenanigans ensued. They were both great parties.
I hate that we live in a world where this is a popular enough question that a sign had to be made about it.
The fuck is wrong with people? Just rehang the lights! It takes less time and effort than getting in the car and going to Ace to ask for a deathdapter!
It literally takes 10 minutes to fix. I know, cause I made that very mistake this year. Frustrated yeah, but I sucked it up and redid it and fixed it. Lot less time, effort, and stress, than getting shit together to go to Ace, begging for a deathdapter, getting frustrated, and having to come home just to fix it anyway.
The electrical ones don't exist because it would mean you have exposed metal that is carrying current when a human touches it. However, for some odd reason you can buy it for control panels.
Hmmm not sure what I would do with TWO double male plugs. I don't have that many people in my bed at once. : / Ummmm you should probably ignore that whole sentence.....
I'm not sure there is one, I usually just highlight that they're one-directional, and you would technically need another nontrivial piece of hardware in the middle.
Then we figured out what their problem actually was.
Ace Hardware has Dremels, solder, epoxy, and 600 grit sandpaper, and if you stare at this sign for no less than 40 seconds an employee will saunter up and you can ask them where to find all that stuff.
People hanging Christmas lights do the whole house and when they go to plug it in, they realize they have the female end by the outlet, not the male end. "Fuck, I'm not gonna redo the entire process" the idiot thinks to himself, I'll just get a male/male adapter.
It's not sold because as soon as you plug in the side to the house, the other ends become live, and touching them means "big ouch".
"That's okay, I'll just plug the end into the lights, and then into the house, problem solved" the idiot thinks.
Except the far end of the lights has a male adapter and that end is still live. Plus, anyone who doesn't know about your deadly modification is in danger of hurting themselves because they don't realize the hazard.
There are exceedingly niche applications where these cords are used, but those applications only come up for trained electricians who know how to make one of these cords, and use them responsibly. If you're asking the minimum wage guy in the blue vest, this sign is for you.
We had one of these bad boys powering my Dad's shop when I was younger. The look on my Dad's face when I was troubleshooting why the power to the shop went out was priceless. Communication saves lives, kids. It certainly did mine. Reasonable electrical wiring will do that in place of communication.