For me I just about always do. If I am sketching or cleaning up lien art I will let loose in a diaper till its soaked. Other than that... A finished piece of art will have many sessions squirts. Though admitedly in a dry Rearze trianing padding.
Not really an artist, but I've tried my hand at writing smut once or twice. Being horny lets the creative juices flow better, at least for me.
However, making art (of any kind) usually involves being hyperaware of your mistakes (so you can fix them) which isn't really that conductive to actively "enjoying" things.
Given that many artists tend to be very critical of their own work, at least while making it, I imagine it'll be hard for them to enjoy it in that way as well.
I suppose with my art being traditional theres a lot of time involved. Especially in color pencils. Plus I am rather easily satisfied sexually. I have my kinks, but even then they are not needed every time.
Lastly I do art for the soul purpose of expressing emotions. For me I am not always concerned with mistakes. After toying with a sketch on a light table several different times I start coloring. The best squirts I had was with art I did.