I am extremely skinny and look unhealthy and kinda similar to the model in that way, even though I eat normally and I think even very healthy. My dad looks like that too. Being 2 meters tall also doesn't exactly help. Just saying that you shouldn't judge people so easily and you can hurt someone also pretty easily. Some people just have being fat or skinny in their genes.
Absolutely right. I would not judge you if I saw you at the supermarket. But this dude is the face of a fashion and beauty brand. They are pushing this body type (rarely occurs naturally in healthy folks like you) and mostly occurs on people with health problems. In a way they are pushing a non healthy image to many people that are not like you. I would even dare to say you are a very minuscule porcentage of people with this body type that are 100% healthy so this is being pushed to folks that have lovehandles and now they hate themselves.
Thank you. There's apparently been a fine line between promoting body acceptance and shitting on thin body types. Some people seem to think it's not even a natural body type at all and anyone who's thin is just anorexic. It's like we've been completely left out of the equation unless we're being looked down on. Yeah, I'm right there with you on this.
It's also distasteful to encourage eating disorders to enter the modelling industry by exclusively featuring models that are extremely underweight, but I guess who are we to judge...
I used to look like that from ages 15 to 30. I was eating 6000 calories a day to maintain my weight. I don't know about that dude (dude is gender neutral), but it is possible they are struggling to not lose weight. Unlikely, but possible.
Someone who eats 6000 calories a day cannot look like this. It is not scientifically possible. That energy has to go somewhere and unless you're sprinting continuously for hours on end it's just not happening.
You're either lying on the Internet (impossible!) or you had some serious disease that you failed to mention in your comment. Mitchell Hooper, weighing around 140 kg, was eating around 5500 kcal when he won worlds strongest man.
My brothers were swimmers and skinny and small (and really fast, won national titles) and that combination of young, male, and active does create a black hole of metabolism. I also had a friend who was 6'6" and 140lb but healthy too, poet not athlete. He ate, it's just hard to eat enough to fund that much height.
The model though, that's an aesthetic choice not an aspirational body type. Androgynous and otherworldly is what I think they are going for. It's not mainstream attractive, certainly.
So, where does body positivity start and stop? It seems silly to say one extreme is acceptable but the other isn’t.
Now, I worry body positivity, in general, encourages people to ignore the need to make life style changes for their own personal health, but also, maybe, if it’s not my body, it’s none of my fucking business.
if it’s not my body, it’s none of my fucking business.
Please don't be obtuse. When it gets put into an ad campaign aimed at me and the 99.9% of other people where looking like would be extremely bad for our own personal health, it becomes our business.
Look at it another way, a year ago would you have said to an antivaxxer / antimasker "who am I to judge"? The effects here are much more subtle and take more time, but the same logic applies, and the results of inaction are no less insidious.
So sure, all right, maybe a single person might be all right without a vaccine/without a mask/eating only 30 calories a day, but that is not something that should be encouraged. And the dumbass republicans/marketers who spread this behavior should be called out and shamed.
The ad isn't aimed at you. It isn't even aimed at customers. It is aimed upwards.
Is there a human being on the planet earth who can afford a Prada bag and has never heard of that brand? Seriously, 8 billion members of humanity and I will put down money right now that there is literally not a single one who has the money and has never heard of the brand.
The ad exists in the form it exists because someone thought it would impress their manager who in turn was trying to impress their manager and so on. All the way up to some heiress who sits on the board.
Look right now at Walmart or Target's or Amazons website for clothing. Do you see the models? They look like normal people and they are smiling. Those retailers are trying to get money from you. Because those companies are sane normal businesses that want your cash and nothing more. They impress the higher ups by how much of your cash they can get.
Health. Hurts a bit knowing all those teen girls out there feel like shit because of some tiny "imperfection". Hurts a bit that we don't tell people whose weight is not what medical science is recommending to adjust it.
I am a fat guy, I am doing well on my diet. My doctor was honest, if I don't lose the weight she is going to have to start talking about medications.
The ad aside, I just don't understand the appeal of paying $3,000 for a handbag when a $20 handbag will can do just the same thing. The only thing I can think of is people think they look cool or rich or better if they have a Prada handbag, but frankly, who gives a shit what kind of bag someone has? And second of all, if I saw you with one I wouldn't think you are cool at all. I would think you're the dumbest person alive.
While it's true that you hit a point of diminishing returns, there's a sharp divide between, say, a $200 bag and a $20 bag. Technically a plastic shopping bag will serve the same purpose as a purse, but it's likely to break in less than a day. A $20 bag might last a few months of daily use if you're careful, but it's going to have cheap/non-durable materials, have cheap findings, and be poorly made. At $200, the odds are pretty high that it's going to be well made, use solid materials that will last, and have fittings that aren't going to corrode, fall off, or break in a few months.
I have a designer wallet that I've used every day for over 15 years, and while it looks beat up, it's still fully intact. I averaged about one every 3-4 years before I got this one.
See also: Cap'n Vimes boots theory of socioeconomic unfairness.
I got obsessed with designer replicas - I didn't buy many but I loved looking at comparisons on repladies.. and the cheaper dupes were often much better made and quality controlled than the authentics. We're still talking a few hundred for the bag but the genuine ones can be 10 or even 100 times the price.
I know this isn't what you were talking about btw. It's definitely better to spend a bit more on a bag.. or anything, for quality!
To be fair I've got a wallet from AliExpress that still works fine after 5 years. Unfortunately quality and price are not the same thing. Sometimes expensive stuff is made as cheaply as possible. As a consumer it's not always that easy to know when you are fooled.
Also it's not really true anymore that a good brand is still good. Lots of good brands decided to produce inferior products for higher profits. I think it's probably because a brand is bought by some investment firm that wants to maximize profits.
Because they get to show off. Other people see it and they feel bad for not having access to the resources required to do this. And you know what? All of us do this shit in some way or another. Fancy cars, vanity muscles that don't actually help you, talent in things that have no real practical value, fancy collections, big house. All of us are performing, trying to tell the world "I am so amazing I can afford this waste". And if we have nothing to brag about we can always brag about our indifference. As if all of us secretly didn't wish deep down that they had so much money they could spend $2k on what should be 20.
I think you understand it perfectly fine, you just don't like what it implies about us all.
If you told me your shoes were $50,000 and didn't follow that with "they also suck your dick" I'd think you were just a moron, not super cool and worthy of emulation.
I just don’t understand the appeal of paying $3,000 for a handbag when a $20 handbag will can do just the same thing.
The appeal is that a $3,000 handbag sends a signal, one that you have $3,000 to spend on a handbag and are the type of person who would do such a thing.
So why do people buy 3000 dollar mechanical watches when a 20 quartz dollar watch can keep time better? Why do people buy 300 dollar mechanical keyboards when a 20 dollar rubber dome can also get words on your PC screen? Why do people spend thousands of dollars on Magic the Gathering cards when you can buy the same number of cards for 20 dollars?
Being into designer fashion isn't much different than other expensive hobbies, and the cost benefit of a hobby item is the last thing on the mind of any enthusiast provided they can afford it.
If you have many millions of dollars lying around it might make sense, for the same reason it might make sense to a normal person to spend a few dollars on an item they could instead spend 50 cents for a cheaper version of if they wait a few months for slow shipping from China. What a pricetag means to you changes depending on how much you have to spend.
I like these brands cuz they're like "from the rich, to the rich" kind of things. It has nothing to do with the rest of us. And we don't understand them either, like I recently bought some nice looking shoes made in probably some Chinese factory and they're gonna last me for years. Same thing with some branded shoes just more expensive, it's not they last longer or anything either cuz planned obsolescence.
God I hope so. They might send stupid, sexy brainwashed male models to crush my head between their thick, masculine thighs if I happened to be correct.
TBH that statement rings true. It's so much easier to make a fit look good if you're skinny. Also, when you're doing a photoshoot there's always the possibility of the model bailing at the last minute. So, to keep the photoshoot going with another model you don't need to keep multiple sizes just slap that clothing on and use clips to make it fit nice.
Also this is anecdotal, my partner is 5'5 and weighs 90 lbs and it's so easy for them to make an outfit it's crazy.
Capitalism is the single most reasonable and best type of best typing creating system. It is very reasonable, it could be even more reasonable than it already is, but too much reasonablenes is bad becuase uh competing in games is what brings out the best in people and everybody knows it, capitalism has been increasing the amount of increasing amounts very efficiently so that everybody got richer, that's the best part the more everybody tries to take away as most money from everybody else is a great idea because if everything is improved then EVERYTHING is improved! I win, you win everybody wins all the time in capitalism, that's why when i sell things to you and take your money then you also made more money and it is compounding, it is very easy to see because it is every year removing more inflation and it is so efficient now that next year the inftlation will also be even everything since we all agreed that it was a great idea to let optimize human emotions by only using the two best ones, in accordance with exactly what is said in the Big Book of Capitalism that everyone has at home and has read, the fact that it is so incredibly well defined and clear about the simplicity, like the bible, but better, because better, is why it is so efficient!
BEST EMOTIONS (for capitalism):
As opposed to DUMB-DOH-CRAzY (amirite i am reit all who like capitalism subscribe more is better for everything otherwise the word wouldn't be called "BETTER" and "MORE FASTER" but the other way around doooooh) that uses only the worst least money making emotions that science has shown is more worthlessler than even no money! The best emotions are greed and competition and the only ones necessary to run a planet, everyone has known that since they began to planet, the most socially advantageous human emotions in history of emotions, this is universally agreed upon by science and my looking out the window. Out of all of the human emotions that humans have emotioned, those two are much more efficient at increasing the amount of capitalism increases. Maybe we should improve capitalism, by maybe also introducing hatred and violent tendencies, this might increase everybodys money so much that the amount of money we all get so much more of, just keeps staying exactly mostly optimized evertim!
Producing more selling also would be good. Can we produce capitalism and sell? The product will sell itself, because of its inherent efficiency and always coming up with the best type of society, and since capitalism obviously is the perfect answer,it must be selling itself an run basically every facet of society and replace most of the moral discourse part of history from around hm -84 and is the single to replace them. I also loved that we decided to value everything else with money as well, and now that it is the only thing that matters, and we stand before a system collapse of ecology, society, humanity, fuck it just burn it. Money is the single most efficient system of any kind of system that has ever been invented, and it can be used for everything! From measuring how much you have earned in relation to others, and if more, then that means that you are a better person and citizen, and should get more power over how we run things, it's very fair to everyone, and makes the most competent people, the experts of everything. Oh sorry I forgot, the thing where a system of running absolutely fucking everything EVERYTHING is money, and if one nation fails to beat their own record from last year, then every other country has more to make even more with the other more they had and so now you are punished for being the worst least more than last most countries, which is backwards. Morally. You made your nation, a worse place, by not making your nation a better then than you could have improved it, and must be punished because you are messing with the whole world's money-record to make more money every year than earned slightly less than the other nations, less best more best than last bests mosts mosts per year than last year.
The best part was when everyone was like, yeaaahs! The most ruthless people who can "IMPROVE" the planet in an even besterer bestest mostest ways, then they can get a bonus so they get a bonus bonus to their bonus bonus bonus. And this is great. This is exactly the way it should work, AND it's easily observable. Look! Is the world not a even more fantasticarally fantastical fantasyland than the other year when the world got slightly less more awesome and better which sucks, so now I can't affort food, rent or medicines, and buy all the fantastict things that capitalism has improved better and cheaper somethow, than any other system has ever been able to improve as MUCH MOSTER PER THE BEST of the BEST year holy shit I love this planet and humanity it was true! Capitalism makes EVERYTHING BETTER, FOR EVERYONE, FOREVER, AND IT ONLY MAKES EVEN BETTERER BETTEREREST THAN BETTERESTESTISTASTET!
I can almost not handle the paradise it has created like it promised, and since I and everyone can see, that it was not a scam to take everything away from everyone, and giving it to the one guy BEST one, and improve democracy so much , that we might as well just get rid of democracy and use capitalism, it will always make the besterest improvemenst of everything.
Toothbrushes are my favorite thing that got only forever got better than slightly less better than how much better this years tootbrushes became. I don't even brush my teeth anymore, my toothbrush went to work instead of me, and believe you this- my toothbrush just got the bestest superbestest increase of perfection then all the other times,
One last thing, have you realized how much capitalism has improved the amount of capitalism one can build? Its' pretty clever, capitalism first destroys everything underneath, say, South America, and then effectivizes the previous lack of extra space for even MORE capitalism. I have actually stopped eating. I don't need food. I eat only capitalism now, and more and more per day than the morest days of my old bad food days.
Edit: I refuse to even proof read that. But I'm sure it more or less summarizes some of the best parts with capitalism, there are more of course, because capitalism aslo always improves itself the most first, every year, forever. Good night.
I looked a lot like that as a teenager while going through some growth spurts. I ate like an elephant (1990s taco tuesdays at Taco Bell we’d each get a 12 pack after school), but I was still 150-160 at 6’3” (60 something kilos and 190something cm).
This person might be a little lighter, but I couldn’t put on muscle to save my life back then. Not till I was in my 20s did I get above 170.
In High School I was a 5'9" burly 165 lbs dude I was doing like 25 pullups on door frames, but after that life kind of went sideways and I lost the weight and strength and I've never been back to that weight again.
I did continue to grow to 5'11" tho so thats a consolation prize.
but I was still 150-160 at 6’3” (30something kilos and 190something cm).
150-160 lbs is definitely not "30 something kilos". It's more than double that, around 70 kg. Just FYI or for any other weird-unit users out there who aren't familiar with standard kg. 😅
Body image issues aside, I just could not imagine going through life with so little upper and lower body strength. Just seems so impractical and inconvenient to choose to be this way.
I still don't understand who these ads are targeted at. The model is well past looks-attractive skinny and into to looks-unhealthy skinny. Does that make someone want to buy an expensive purse?
No, that's not the marketing message you should get from this. 100 years of marketing data shows that making people feel bad about themselves in any way they can (styles change for that), makes people want to buy clothing that "the in people" are wearing.
Hope there is a double cheeseburger in that purse..is this a starving child in Africa or something? I'll fuck with em on a big Mac combo, poor lil fella 😔