Taxpayer-Subsidized Seminars Train Cops To Violate the Constitution
Taxpayer-Subsidized Seminars Train Cops To Violate the Constitution
A report from New Jersey's comptroller criticizes Street Cop Training for encouraging illegal traffic stops.
Taxpayer-Subsidized Seminars Train Cops To Violate the Constitution
A report from New Jersey's comptroller criticizes Street Cop Training for encouraging illegal traffic stops.
I don't care if "not all cops, tho." They know about this shit, and they don't do anything about it. They're supposed to (in theory) prevent illegality, and yet this stuff gets a pass.
It's no wonder Fundigelicals are bosom buddies, because they do the same thing with religion.
They always say “it’s just a few bad apples” and conveniently forget the point of the analogy is that the bad apples spoil the whole bunch. So until the little piggies remove ALL of the bad apples, ACAB is 100% correct.
Yeah I don't think it's that easy. Saying "all in this group are evil" is the same argument used to gas Jews in WWII, it's a really dumb and short sighted argument.
Yes, there is a LOT of shit going on and a lot of police officers are bad, but that doesn't mean they all are and just because they're not doing enough against this, doesn't mean they don't care or don't try or even can try...
With situations like these "it's not that simple" is a much better statement than acab, which as much fun as it may be to say, is just dumb and short sighted
Saying "all in this group are evil" is the same argument used to gas Jews in WWII
Comparing German Jews in WWII to present day American law enforcement is an insult and you should be ashamed of yourself.
just because they're not doing enough against this, doesn't mean they don't care or don't try or even can try...
They're not just "not doing enough", they're actively rooting out good cops from the force and punishing them for being good! While the bad cops continue being bad, all under the protection of their union! The system is corrupt from the top down, and its members fight to keep it that way!
With situations like these "it's not that simple" is a much better statement than acab, which as much fun as it may be to say, is just dumb and short sighted
What's dumb and short-sighted is downplaying the danger the American policing system poses with the same bullshit "they're not all bad" argument we've all heard for years. Answer me this: if they're not all bad, why do they keep getting worse?
Not trying to make a point or anything, but it only took one comment for you to bring up a Hitler reference. Isn't that like loosing the game or something? Means you only have a weak point?
It was that easy for an ex cop to agree that acab in a different comment. They agreed to the point that they said they themselves weren’t even a good cop.
When the cops themselves are agreeing with acab… I mean, believe them.
didn't say they were all evil. said some of them are evil and the rest ignore it.
I think there are two things that need to happen to get this bullshit under control...first of all defang the police can't function as a union busting group and get the protection of a union that's hypocritical bullshit. No more gypsy cops moving from force to force without their sins following them.
Second, a citizen review board that is made up of anonymous citizens called to serve like jury duty. The review board gets to make disciplinary decisions on police misconduct and it's 100% binding. No more some are more equal than others, or their dumbass "civilian" mind set... they're civilians too.
Union for me, not for thee.
All the more reason we need to #stopcopcity
Police exist to protect the interests of capital owners. Not your constitutional "rights".
read this, ask yourself "why would police be against body cameras?" and realize that it's because they think their job entails constantly and knowingly breaking the law.
So? The Constitution ONLY matters if I'm using it to defend a School Shooter!
i love the government so much :)))
Hoping at least ONE undue search warrant that results from this garners a big fat lawsuit
And this is different from how my taxes are spent why?