YouTube comment deletion is out of control, can't say anything anymore even when completely sensible. Is there a text format (alternate characters) that allows you to bypass detection?
Every time someone posts a complaint question like this it turns out that the things they're posting and getting banned, blocked it deleted for is something that should be banned, blocked it deleted.
Lol little homie won't give examples of what he posts. Wonder why...
Can you not imagine a scenario where there are innocuous comments getting deleted? Do you really have that much faith in AI that you trust it would always make the correct decision in removing comments? Do I have to try to find other instances online of people being unable to post completely harmless comments that get deleted for seemingly no reason?
I explained the reason why I'm not specifying the exact content, though I actually did give examples which people ignored and demanded to know more. Evidently, it would further distract from the actual question and stop people from answering it, and also it's varied what gets deleted and doesn't even follow a consistent formula.
Hey, this is not me passing judgement, but trying to be informative since you are getting a lot of hate and seem confused by it:
Your question and commenting style are 100% match for "concern troll", and there are no signs proving otherwise, like concrete examples of your issue or honest answers to followup questions.
Requests for examples are dismissed. You have commented at least 6 times that "I have given numerous examples" but all I can find is one comment where you say you wrote something like "that's kinda messed up" which is both vague and contains zero context on what that comment responded to. No more examples.
I don't know what concern troll is. But I've been accused of being a troll before which sucks. I'm not a troll.
I've given other examples already like how I can't mention brand names in any context and can't say anything about certain governments, corporations or industries regardless of the content. Like literally anything about them, including positive or neutral.
I also struggle to think of examples because it happens so often and I'm not recording them and they're just random things I wouldn't remember.
Beyond that I shouldn't have to say what gets deleted and I actually can't think of examples because I've already forgotten about them. It's usually completely random things.
Also, the question is about alternate text characters. Some people were kind enough to understand this does happen to some people for no discernable reason, and either were empathetic but couldn't help, while others actually gave some nice tips.
Most people took this post as an opportunity to grill me about what the content was and assume the worst about me in a number of ways and insult me.
It's really whatever. This is a known problem if you look into it online and there's even someone else in this comments section who said they experienced the same issues.
Maybe it will become more well known and people will understand that these systems do not always work properly and often delete some people's comments in some cases for no apparent reason, with mixed results. Assuming that they always work properly is just an illogical stance in my opinion. Technology is fallible, and especially AI and auto-moderation.
This honestly reminds me of something. Before butt-dialing became well known, when it happened sometimes people would literally refuse to believe that the phone had dialled accidentally in their pocket. They thought that such an issue could never occur. Well, it did. And this is a real problem I'm talking about, and I am honestly innocent. I could easily be the same person as you, and if you were in this situation, I would be empathetic to it and I wouldn't demand to know what you were commenting (especially when it's literally lots of random things in various scenarios). If someone told me that they were having a technical issue like this, I would believe them. We need to believe each other more, I think. All this accusation of falsehood. I understand trolls exist, but we've all lost our minds if we assume everyone is a troll all the time. Tbh.
A concern troll would not use this opportunity to clarify, but instead respond to my comment evasively, deflect, play victim, and with a barrage of politely worded smokescreen.
It's not even just words. It's phrases that don't contain any bad language at all. If you don't know you don't know. They're silencing free speech. And like I said, completely sensible things that there's no reason to delete, while toxic comments and foul language remain undeleted.
Exactly, everyone uses it. Otherwise I would 100% be using Oddysee or something like that. The problem is all the main content is on YouTube so I want to be able to comment on YouTube.
Upvoted for acknowledging the madness of YouTube. It's a broken platform and this crazy comment deletion that doesn't even work properly and deletes completely normal comments is the worst thing they've done ever since its inception, tbh.
I have almost given up commenting at all. But I use YouTube and watch videos, read comments, and often want to say something. We should be able to. Hopefully someone knows the answer. I already saw a recommendation from someone on Reddit to use certain alternate characters but they didn't specify what and they still aren't working for me so I'm looking for a specific text format that remains undeleted.
You are looking for suggestions on how to say things while bypassing filters, but not telling us what things are are trying to say. Does that seem logical?
I watch a ton of youtbe but I am there for the videos and that is it. I understand that you want something different but if you need to jump through this sort of bullshit to keep commenting, i just do not see what the attraction is.
I think you believe that this is a big problem that a large portion of the population here experience, but it’s really not. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Going by some of the replies, lots of other folks don’t either.
We cannot help you if we don’t know what you’re talking about, and we won’t better understand what you’re talking about unless you give us more information. That’s it, really.
You can help, if you're able to.
Not wanting to help with this is something different.
I explained that my comments are being deleted. No one needs to know what every single comment I posted is, in order to suggest a text character that works. I already gave some examples, but people are demanding more. No matter what I say, they refuse to help.
Btw it does happen to a lot of people, and I've seen lots of people complaining of it in comments sections as well as on Reddit.
As @princessleiascat said, I think you're assuming that most people can relate to this, but the truth is that they can't. I've never had a comment deleted from YouTube - ever.
As a creator, I've deleted the occasional comment someone else has made on my content, though.
This is why most people are defaulting to the position that maybe it's more about what you are writing, rather than a broken system.
These lots of people are a very specific bubble: the idiots who can't behave on the internet. All the others don't have that issue.
It's also not autoblocking by Youtube, but you being banned by channel admins. They use bots to automatically delete any content an user posted who already posted multiple dumb/offensive/toxic posts.
Changing the letters to some similar looking letters won't help you, because YOU are banned.
If by your own admission 50% of your posts are questionable at best, you deserve bans.
It's okay to be not be able to talk and have your lips stitched up at all times... just kidding. But that's what it feels like. If I have something I want to say, I should be able to say it (presuming it's not problematic in any way, which it's not). People here are honestly really hard to understand, assuming that I must be saying something bad when I'm literally not. All the assumptions people make. Imagine if you were in that situation, you see a video, you want to say something innocuous, bam, deleted. Try again, say something different, bam. Censored for no reason. It's dystopian, and it makes it worse that other people can say things but some people can't. I can say certain random things but not others, with no rhyme or reason to it.
As I addressed in other comments, it's not creators. It's YouTube. Creators have confirmed to me they're not deleting comments. And by YouTube, I mean some kind of automated system because it's insta-removal for various random things I say. Like literally harmless things. What you just said could be deleted if you were me, for example. I don't know why. People won't believe me and that sucks. I wish someone would believe me. Well, a few people did.
It's absolutely technology. It's not the creators, they've confirmed to me that they're not doing it. It's an instant deletion thing, and it's just random comments that mention different products or things, or often not even that, just basic sentences. I never know when it's going to do it or not. For example any of the comments in this thread could easily be deleted for me. It's completely nonsensical, a broken system. How do you have so much faith in technology? Also, maybe it has other influence like YouTube or governments or vested interests, who knows. I'm not going to go conspiracy mode because I don't think like that. There could be some kind of criteria to it that I don't understand, but it's acting through auto-moderation bots on YouTube. I don't know why. I don't have the answers, that's why I'm asking for help.
THANK YOU! Someone who has experienced the same thing. That's exactly what I mean. I can't even mention companies like Amazon in any context, even when it's not negative at all.
And yes, separating my comments and rewording them for absolutely no reason when they still say the same thing, can sometimes work, and other times doesn't. It's really annoying.
And of course you get downvoted even when you provide reasonable examples. I already gave them examples but they demanded to know more and continue to make various assumptions about me.
People here are so closed-minded honestly, that they can't possibly believe that there are major flaws with YouTube's comment deletion algorithm, and they can impact some people more than others for no reason. Do they have so much faith in these companies and automated systems that they can't possibly fathom they might not work properly or fairly 100% of the time? Or can people not even accept that other people's experiences with the same things might be different than theirs? It reminds me of people who refuse to believe other intelligent life could exist somewhere in the universe. They can't even accept it as a hypothetical.
We all are guilty of similar behavior. You, I, your neighbor- Everyone.
It's often hard to believe something, when your own experience is vastly different from what someone describes.
Look at their post history in this thread. If this is how they argue with other people on youtube, it is no mystery why their comments get deleted or they are banned from posting in a lot of channels.
As far as I know, none of my (very few) comments have been deleted yet, so I'm curious how that works and how you know who was responsible. Do they notify you when it happens and explain who made the decision?
It happens instantly and I often know the creators personally, and they confirm that they're not deleting them. It's bots 100%. It also bypasses when I write things in different ways, with no real "rhyme or reason" to it.