After struggling to find an apartment rental in London on a budget, Harrison Marshall turned a dumpster into a tiny home for $5,000. Here's a look inside his "weirdly comfortable" 25-square-foot space, where he now lives for $62 a month.
It's even worse now that boutique builders are making tiny homes with aged cheddar wood and once in a century nails and crap. Houses in general should have never been made financial investments. It's shelter.
It's normal to me, I've been living in a van for 3 years, I love everything about it, in fact I read your comment which reminded me this is a novel atypical lifestyle, which then reminds me that many people take exception to it, are uncomfortable that we exist, which is the only thing I don't like about this lifestyle, that mainstream society stigmatizes us.
But for those of us who get a thrill out of living tiny, and living anywhere/everywhere, and freedom from rent/mortgage, aaah this is FREEDOM
I'm glad you're happy. However, virtually no one else would be. I mean a statistical blip of humanity would be happy living in a van.
The reason I'm uncomfortable that you exist is that people I know who live out of their cars are mentally ill individuals who have convinced themselves that they enjoy something which is, very clearly, sad and terrible.
That may not be you, but I'd be willing to bet it's a majority of van-dwellers. It's just not a healthy lifestyle for most.
Kinda dystopian and depressing, but honestly some parts of it seem nicer than the houses he's neighbours with. I like how it's designed to not interfere with the skip lorry's cab.
Good for him, I guess, but ... I wouldn't want to live in that POS even if you paid me. These stories are so frustrating because they start to normalize that living in a shoebox is normal. It isn't. It's terrible.
Well considering the Western world's comforts are here for us at the cost of poverty everywhere else. Hum idk maybe this should be a start in a moderate society.
One that has no rich fucks but also doesn't have poverty
Why am I worried that some asshole developer is going to buy that little triangle of land out from under him, kick him off, and then just leave it unused for years. Maybe that sort of thing doesn't happen in the UK, but it sure AF would happen in the states.
It's not a dumpster it's a skip they're different things.
A dumpster is basically something you put trash in. A skip is what you put building waste in (rubble, bits of drywall), so firstly it's larger than you're thinking, if you're thinking of a dumpster. Seriously if you get in one it's kind of hard to get back out again without somebody helping you, they go at least five foot up. Secondly he's doing this to prove a point, and the point he's trying to prove is that he's a belligerent idiot, and he's proving it very well. It's not that homes in London are expensive, although they are, his "problem" is that what he wants to do isn't legal (he wants to live in a caravan on that plot of land and it isn't zoned for that), so he's doing this instead as a loophole. It isn't some protest against home prices in London or anything noble like that.
However the media lap it up and he's quite happy to make use of it to further his cause of being an annoying pain.
If he really wants to help out, he should build 3 more of those with 3 more portable toilets and find a better source for water. That plot of land is more than enough to hold more density.
he's incredibly intelligent & handy to think this up, get all the bureaucratic approval, and build it from raw materials, INCREDIBLY CLEVER, so I sincerely hope he finds companionship with a kindred like-minded activist, because at the end of the day, nights get lonely.
I wonder what kind of woman would be attracted to a man who lives in a dumpster, would want to be his companion living in there with him, and fucking each other in a literal dumpster.
Because hear me out, I understand he's incredibly intelligent & handy to think this up, get all the bureaucratic approval, and build it from raw materials, INCREDIBLY CLEVER, so I sincerely hope he finds companionship with a kindred like-minded activist, because at the end of the day, nights get lonely.