Once you find the right coffee, the right grind, and the right strength, black coffee is just [chef's kiss] awesome. If you don't like it black, you need to buy different coffee beans or you need to make your coffee different.
I buy an organic fair trade breakfast blend from a nearby grocery chain in whole bean form. I grind 25g coffee beans to 750 mL water. It's on the weaker side, yes, but it gives me two mugs of coffee that taste great (to me) and delivers the correct amount of caffeine that makes me feel alert, but not jittery. I also use a thermal carafe so the coffee left behind doesn't get burned. But I've also used a cheap coffee maker that I babysit until it's done brewing, at which point I turn it off. The second cup is just not terribly hot by the time I get to it, but if I wait too long, it's room temp (ew).
I like my coffee, but I've had thoughts of visiting local coffee shops to see what they have, too. I want to branch out a little.
I get a medium roast from Tanzania that I grind coarse, ≈20g per .3L (roughly one mug) and brew in a French Press at 200°F for 3-5 min, and, that, my friend, is the single best damn cup of coffee I've ever done had.
I used to do something similar to you. Roughly 30g of beans to 1L, and I'd drink all 3 milder cups. But switching to one cup full strength followed by plenty of water with lemon has become my new morning routine and it feels and tastes great!
To each their own, of course. Enjoy your bean juice!
I'll go a step further and say that if your coffee tastes bad in room temperature, it's bad coffee. It should be better warm, yes. But it should still be nice and drinkable in room temperature.
Also, let people enjoy their things. I also like to add a little milk or sugar every once in a while. It can taste good. People like different things, you know.
Man, ADHD is a removed sometimes. I couldn't sit through a 15 minute training video for work today because - gag me with a spoon - it was so goddamned boring. But I'll be dead the moment I pass up the opportunity to hyper focus for 45 minutes on the toilet crafting the perfect comment to a shit post.
No hard feelings because 1) I love copypastas and 2) I can laugh at myself.