As a french, I'm sick about pretty blond girls that ask about everything because they are blond girls...
Yes you're beautiful, no it's not a pass you can use anytime.
yeah but, like, would you share your joint with anyone? In my culture, if you're with friends, you puff and pass. But i don't think that applies to strangers walking up and asking you for a hit.
As a Frenchman who's really into live music I would, and I do! Yeah I know, COVID and shit but in the middle of a festival, having a blast and surrounded by like-minded people, if you ask nicely and I have some to spare I'll give you a joint without thinking twice!
And friends are a maybe, like I’m more likely to just pull another out of my pocket for someone I’d call a friend and just say fuckit here have a full one bud.
In Kentucky the stoner culture is that you don't light up, unless you have enough to share. That's the attitude I keep, so yeah, if a random stranger asks me for a hit, I'll probably just give them the rest and roll a new one.
I live in California now, but I started weed in KY
Tiny bit of backstory: I work in Spain so there's a lot of kissing on the chicks when greeting someone. Spanish people kiss twice, in western countries people kiss 3 times so sometimes there's a bit of confusion. Anyway, once a girl from Romania met a French co-worker next to my desk. Typical greeting and she says:
How do French people kiss?
The guy got a little bit confused and says:
Trust me, you don't want me to show you how the French kiss...
Not really related but I found it extremely funny.
In France, they kiss between one and four times depending on the region, it's infuriating. I've just decided to not kiss any more. It's a stupid tradition, and it's a great way to catch colds anyway.
fuck why can't i live in europe. almost every day i have the opposite experience where a well meaning midwest person tries to be friendly and my brain just...stalls and does something like this
Was gonna say, I don't smoke but I was in upstate NY and a guy gave me a $20 to grab him a pack of smokes from a corner store while I was running in to grab a snack, and I thing I got like $1 and change back. I was appalled.
Yup. Gotta say though, it works. I've backed down from impulse buying a pack on several occasions because I didn't want to drop $20 for 30s of satisfaction
My cigarettes cost me $0.04.21 each, but when I smoked I rolled my own with a Top-O-Matic. An entire month worth of smokes still would only cost me $42.
Real. solidarność is not even an yellow union, it's anti-union. During 15 years after its victory Poland was deindustrialized, deunionized and had its already flimsy labour law not even applicable for 50% of jobs. solidarność still exist as the biggest "union" and mostly does things like supporting PiS, doing all possible manner of church servilism and sabotaging other unions.
I once was hiking in the Tatras and upon reaching a part that was more difficult, heaved a sigh and said "Pizdec". Everybody laughed, even people from further away.
Well depend on which side you were, in Czech it means iirc "fuck", in Polish we have related word "piździec", usually used in "ale piździec" or "ale piździ" which means roughly "it's windy as fuck here" - pretty relevant in Tatras.
romania (and the rest of eastern europe) have almost non-existent theft rates compared to literally all of western/northern europe, except for spain and portugal because everyone in those two are poor so there's nothing to steal anyways
generally the more prosperous/capitalist the people in a country are the higher the rates of stealing are. this says a lot about our society
Sometimes true but not always. I've had coworkers from the UK all the way to the middle east who were always happy to buy drinks and were more generous, I suspect many from across the commonwealth, and greco roman world tend to take gifts of food more fairly.
Much of China having gone through multiple famines tends to have a different food culture though which probably makes people come off rude to each other
With the French guy on this. Weed is expensive even when legal, and if it's not, you really don't want to share it with any rando because you can get pegged for distribution.
Is the European Union not a thing anymore? Does being a part of that not make you European? What does European mean if not for people who live in Europe?
To be fair America has 50 different states and a lot of them have totally different cultures. Texas compared to new york for example. Would that not make your statement equally as dumb?
The European Union is a union and not a country, the EU is pretty irrelevant here since there are lots of Europeans that don't live in a member country. There are lots of cultural differences and languages.
Of course everyone in Europe is European but generalising Europeans that really doesn't have that much in common (except living in Europe) is most often pretty stupid. Europe is very diverse in culture, climate, economy, politics, etc.