Right? The last year I worked as a hospital housekeeper, they cancelled our staff Christmas party due to budget cuts. Of course the surgeons and hospital board all got their extravagant parties funded, but us cleaners got shit on and our shitty party taken away.
It was actually the reason I left the hospital industry. I heard years of "you guys are heroes!" During the pandemic, only to have us fucked out of our party
Her manager and one of the other co-workers participating in the group sex act were vomiting, she said in her lawsuit. While one vomited in the trash, the other threw up right in her guacamole bowl, she alleged.
Eh, not really sure what she is suing taco bell for. They fired the people involved, who then harassed her (but they're fired so..). Some of the people she still worked with were pissy that she narced, so they then harassed her. Taco bell then offered to move her to another location. Sounds to me like taco bell did what they could for her..
Yeah, I said that.. Those would be the people she still worked with that were pissy she narced...
Taco bells job is to provide a safe work environment, which they did by offering to move her to another location to combat this.