YouTube blames ad blockers for slow load times, and it has nothing to do with your browser | The delay is intentional, but targeting users who continue using ad blockers, and not tied to any browse...
YouTube has clarified in a statement that users who use ad blockers will have a suboptimal experience regardless of their browser.
YouTube blames ad blockers for slow load times, and it has nothing to do with your browser | The delay is intentional, but targeting users who continue using ad blockers, and not tied to any browse...::YouTube has clarified in a statement that users who use ad blockers will have a suboptimal experience regardless of their browser.
Yeah, sure. That's why it happens on Firefox even without an adblocker, and goes away when using a user agent switcher to claim you're using Chrome instead of Firefox while using an adblocker. Because it's toooooooootally about adblocking.
I tried this exact scenario and didn't see any difference in load times. I'm using an ad blocker and it's definitely sluggish, but switching to a Chrome user agent made no difference.
Yeah, people seem to be having very different experiences with it. It might genuinely be them rolling out different versions to different people to bug test it or something like that. Even if that's the case I still think its probably not unintentional that it hurts Firefox more. They do that too much for me to believe it's an accident.
This is 100% anecdotal of course, but I've noticed weirdly inconsistent behaviour. I have one tab I permanently keep open for YouTube and that one loads videos really fast. If I open a second tab by following a link from that main tab, then it partly loads the site and sits there for a weirdly long time before any content even appears.
I've got a really fast connection too, and nothing else was having issues. This whole thing is bizarre.
I'd be OK with that if YouTube didn't demonetize people all the time for utterly stupid reasons they refuse to explain and instantly give ad profits to anyone making a content claim whether or not the claim is valid.
Until they actually demonstrate competence in sharing profits with creators, they can fuck off.
Whatever. Don't give for free and claim after you need to get paid. That's no business model, that's something that currently works, a fad. And morally questionable at that.
My opinion too. A lot of people say "Oh I couldn't live without it, I'm constantly watching vids on there" so you ask for recommendations, look them up, and it's 99% brain-rotting video porridge
The other day my wife asked me "what's that pipe website you use to be able to watch YouTube videos" then I realized it was because she got blocked by YouTube haha
I can already imagine the bullshit wired articles about how users are Switching from Firefox to Chrome, remember how they tried to claim people were uninstalling ad blockers, when in reality they were switching to uBlock Origin, that was pretty funny.
Remember that just like with everything YouTube doesn't apply changes to all users across the whole site simultaneously. They always do gradual rollout with randomized user impact. So as to not upset or raise too many alarms at the same time. It's been their MO for about 10 years now.
Yeah it looks like they've switched away from the 5-second penalty for having ad blockers to counting down the number of videos you'll be shown, then after 3-2-1 it's 'adblockers violate youtube's toc'