Total monthly posts exploded after Spez enshitified Reddit, and is still growing steadily month over month.
That suggests that the current decline in monthly active users is primarily because lurkers who only came to lemmy after initially hearing about it on Reddit, went back to lurking Reddit.
The number of users that are contributors is still growing, and that’s what’s important.
I'm yet to encounter the majority of issues I hear Lemmings griping about. Everyone has been pretty civil toward me. Every time my inbox blows up I feel dread, only to open it and find zero confrontation or vitriol. I'm not running into any racists, sexists, bigots, etc., and I certainly haven't noticed a decline in content (I browse Top ~6 Hours).
I realize my personal experience doesn't equate to these problems not existing, but I do get the strong impression that people are exaggerating greatly.
Exactly my experience as well. Sure, I don't have infinite scroll, but I also don't feel like an algorithm is trying to make me angry. When I get responses, they're typically thoughtful or on topic.
I've been active for a month and in my opinion too many users have radicalised and extremist mindsets, but other than that it's alright.
Going back to reddit would mean to install that unbearable app they have and having to deal with incompetent admins, so I will stay here for some time.
I can see why it's off-putting for a lot of people though.
If you share a thought on a Biden/Trump thread, an Israel/Palestine thread, or another topic that attracts strong views, and your opinion is different than the hive, expect some vitriol and confrontation.
I've run into it while seriously looking for debate or productive conversation.
My only issue is the lack of small communities that get posts frequently, and yeah, duh, I should contribute, but theres only so much I can say about my transness.
One thing I miss about reddit is just being able to endlessly read about peoples experiences and stupid shitty trans memes, thats just missing here right now
I'm still seeing so much growth in new content and communities, idk if the raw number of users is the metric we even should care about. Is it the best measure of quality?
I also think a big part of it is how active users are counted. Saw in a different thread that it only counts accounts who have commented or posted in the last month. Well.. I browse and vote on probably an average of 30-50 posts and many of their comments every single day, but the last comment I left was over a month ago.
I also wonder if the active user count is counting people who made multiple accounts across different instances and was therefore always massively overinflated to begin with. I have 5 lemmy accounts - one on when I first joined, one on lemmynsfw for happy fun times, and 3 more trying to find a different instance with the de federation policy and hoster that I wanted after was going through their ddos downtime issue.
I mostly lurk, too, but enjoy being around my fellow Lemmings.
The only decline I have seen as someone who mostly lurks is in conservatives who thought this was the next Voat. After the surge I saw an uptick in all kinds of people, and a lot of them I don't mind seeing leave.
You don't need this lil slice of the internet to be the "next big thing", you just need a place to go to see the stuff you like.
Long time lurker here, 99% of the time I go to post a comment I delete it before posting like ah fuck it. I'm trying to engage a bit more now there are more users.
So, following the 90/9/1 rule, 90% lurk, 9% comment, 1% create content, we are primarily losing from the 90%? That seems to be a good thing for the long-term. As long as we aren't losing from the 1% I'd say we're good
lurkers are also not counted in this statistics. ifaik only active users who are posting or commenting are counted. so there might be more users out there who are active and just lurking and they are not counted.
I feel I have better engagement here. It is still missing some more niche communities that Reddit had, and I'm trying to be active to grow them, but it has been slow.
Yeah, it's plain to see that engagement is steadily climbing. The top posts keep getting higher and higher numbers and new, interesting communities keep popping up.
Exactly, lemmy needs to grow but if it just continues to grow and grow eventually it will just turn into what reddit is now. I'm happy to have something small to be a part of for now.... i don't think you needed me to tell you this but they say commenting is good for lemmy, so here i am
But hey, apparently that's enough, I haven't been bored on Lemmy yet. And as the enshittification of Reddit continues there might well be some other exodus.
Every time I go to check out reddit, I am shocked by how many right-wing psychos there are. I don't bother commenting anymore because there's so much vitriol there.
honestly it's replaced reddit for me in a good way, because it has just enough new content that I can check it before bed every day and scroll for a bit, but not enough to where I spend entire lunch breaks on it. sometimes I go days without even checking it. if anything it's made my relationship with my browser / phone healthier than reddit.
100%, all I really want is something I can look at and perhaps sensibly chuckle at when I have a few minutes... Not a pasasitic brain worm that really wants me to pay attention to it.
a lot of servers are really weird about porn, ngl. its not that they just don't allow it on their server (which, cool, thats fine), its that they go out of their way to block it. its a new wave of puritanism and i don't really like it. although porn isn't that hard to find if you are on a good server.
Nah, fuck spez forever. That sentiment should never die. I hope a decade after reddit goes bankrupt, he can't leave his home without getting the phrase screamed at him
We can decide to never go back to our ex and also warn others if it comes up, while still moving on with our lives. However, if we're just bringing it up out of nowhere, we're still hung up on them.
This is exactly right, I even find myself wanting to check my GME DRS subs but knowing I shouldn't and feeling bad about it and blocking it for myself until the next week when I unblock and check my subs again in shame. But I'll never return for real because I know she's bad for me, wait we're still talking about Reddit right?
I mean, would you call this post 'content'? It's just low-effort, non-discussion-provoking, nothingness about a platform that nobody around here cares about anymore (except you apparently?)
I saw a discussion the other day that may have been part of it. They were pointing out that many users when first joining lemmy created accounts on multiple instances. Whether they needed to find a community they preferred or do to ddos attacks and other issues causing outages a lot of those accounts have likely become inactive more as time went by. So the numbers may not be decreasing so much as been inflated by individuals coming up as multiple active users early on. I haven't looked into how they are verifying what users are active though, so it could be wrong. If someone knows more please respond.
As far as I have heard, "activeness" is measured by whether a user posted a comment/post the past month, so lurkers/voters are not being counted. This does likely skew the numbers quite a bit.
I was on this really great cyberpunk / LGBT instance called It was even advertised on the joinlemmy page. However it disappeared without a trace and there is no word on it ever coming back :( I haven't found another one where I felt at home.
I've been thoroughly enjoying Lemmy much more than I did Reddit. I find it's overall less toxic and I'm therefore engaging more instead of just lurking.
One criticism, though: I really do not like the communities that use bots to copy over posts and comments from Reddit. I see no value in commenting or engaging on those posts as the original poster is not present for discussion. It's also kind of weird that the original posters are most likely not aware their post and its comments have been copied elsewhere and may be having further engagement.
On Reddit it got so bad I stopped responding to replies entirely. I'm still not very regular about that, but whenever I check now, I'm shocked to find I'm not just getting blindly downvoted for potentially contraversial statements. It feels like a really good sign to me - progress in an era of downward spirals as low effort people all over the world spew their nonsense on everything.
I treat Reddit like I treat twitter. When something happens, I look at it to get a read on the situation, or what people are saying or whatever. But I otherwise totally ignore it now.
A year ago, I couldn't go an hour without looking at Reddit.
Honestly, good. The Internet was better when people were spread out across many small message board and chat rooms. The golden age of the Internet was when you'd do a search for something and 500 different forms and little websites would pop up.
Now's it's all reddit, "X," and shitty corporate owned nonsense. We turned 2020 Internet into 90's cable TV.
Gonna add a comment to my upvote: I agree with this so fucking much. I look back at the joyous days when I had... fuck if I know how many websites, each dedicated to its own thing, most with its own userbase, so unique and so defined. The only good thing about Reddit for me was gaming communities that, unfortunately, replaced actual forums that once allowed me to engage with passionate people and look for relevant info, even if it's been years since its creation.
It's probably just me being unaware, but gaming communities these days feel dead outside their respective subreddits and some Discord servers - and the latter is an even worse experience because the form factor of an endless IRC-clone that actually seems to save chat history is pretty fucking dumb more than it is convenient. If anyone has any suggestions there, shoot.
I've been here for like 6 months now, maybe more. Posts SEEM to be getting more engagement than when I started. It definitely doesn't seem like there are fewer users.
The vibrancy of communities is what matters, not total numbers. I have definitely noticed a solidification of new communities into places that feel longterm sustainable.
I mean also people are really tired and beat up, in the US most people are worse off than they were before the pandemic (not good). I don’t blame people for not having the mental bandwidth to join a new social network.
My mental health is so much better than when i scrolled reddit. Everyone here is so nice and doesn't talk like 14 year olds with an ego. Also theres front page furry porn
I also find the limited number of posts and comments keep me at a healthy level of browsing. On Reddit I could get sucked down the rabbit hole of even one post, reading comments and replying to stuff for hours. There’s really very little of value that can ever be accomplished at that depth.
I agree with this, and on top of that the lack of infinite scroll is a feature to me because it requires me to deliberately consider each post before the next page rather than just spamming downward looking for that next dopamine hit.
Agreed, I went on reddit recently and realized how much anxiety it used to cause me. Fuck that place. There is definitely something to their algorithm meant to make you feel that way.
Not really if you get into political talk, you will be shit talked into oblivion, and in the subject of pornography, i find the one here on lemmynsfw bland af, its mostly tje same chicks posting over and over again. But other than that I have seen before complaints from people on the lemmy.nsfw community that they are surprisingly puritan with the nsfw content allowed, and if you look for that type of content you will realize that its true, like i can think of various extreme fetishes that are banned that i rather not type here in public, but some that are more perplexing are like csncs, which its just a type of roleplay between 2 consenting adults and thats banned for some reason, and rape hentai, while i understeand while that would be controversial, its still a fetish sone people would have and its in draw form so no harm done to anyone, also some other gross stuff that nobody likes like scat or guro (drawn ofc)
Which like i said nobody whants to watch those last 2 except for the people that do and there even are comunities of those in reddit, so its very weird that there arent any equivalents here.
(Btw when i say banned i mean that they dont allow comunities that post that type of content.)
(And before you ask no im not into any of that type of the aformentioned shit)
Now you could say "well change instances", but i heard bad things from the other ones here that do allow some of that stuff, specially the hentai focused ones, which i heard are mainly legally dubius shit and a little dangerous to go there so i rather look for porn/hentai somewhere els
That's what this is all about, people are putting their trust in systems that aren't trustworthy, who will sell you to the highest bidder. Or any bidder frankly.
I love how so many of us former reddit lurkers found a home on Lemmy/the fediverse. I have absolutely loved being a part of the greater community here, I don't know how else to describe it but it feels like my Internet home. I love all you fellow nerds. Obligatory fuck spez.
It feels like mostly internet veterans and people that care to explain themselves to me. Less recent users that don't know technology or are newer to social media that isn't "mainstream".
Absolutely, this is really well said. I think because of the barrier to entry on this platform we are all a little more invested and I am here for it. I've hated what social media has become (Myspace was peak imo) and I'm so delighted the fediverse exists.
So much agree on this. I also feel like there are comments on Reddit posted with the sole purpose of gaining upvotes. Here there is no need to do that so the content you do get is a lot higher level
I still love Lemmy. It's nice to be able to post or comment without getting an automated response telling you you're doing 15 things wrongs for trying to participate like happens on schmeddit.
Was there some stat released somewhere showing lemmy "losing users"? I'm pretty new and plan on sticking around, the quality here is infinitely better than reddit.
Lemmy really feels like early Reddit right now. I mean that in a good way. And not to flex but I'm saying that as someone with a 16 year old Reddit account haha.
Same here. I feel Reddit changed for the worse so slowly that I had completely forgotten what the glory days were like until I came to Lemmy. I forgot that there was actual discussion in the comments rather than the same ten lazy comments ad naseum.
I'm kinda surprised Lemmy is losing users since it feels like there is more engagement since I joined earlier this year.
i can't definitively say the bots are keeping reddit afloat, but its the bots keeping reddit afloat. before i left the anime memes sub (the normal one, not one of the infinite crappy off shoots) was nothing but bots.
Some of you who are complaining Lemmy are seeing though rose-tinted glasses about what reddit was like back in the day. The majority of the site was never good, and it had always had plenty of embarassing/messed up things on there that you had to sift through, but it's a different, sterile kind of bad now.
Here are a couple of reminders of what reddit was actually like, in no particular order.
Ron Paul
Faces of Atheism, "Euphoric"
AdviceAnimals, Rage Comics
The entire Boston bomber saga
This is why I would never admit to using reddit in public, and until recent years, I would imagine most people won't.
So if anyone complains about how the current content on Lemmy is driving people away, remember, Lemmy is positively TAME compared to this supposedly "Golden Era" of reddit.
It sounds like you're listing bad things about reddit but what's wrong with advice animals and rage comics? I don't really know any drama around Ron Paul or Faces of Atheism either. The latter certainly sounds like the name of a cult though.
Faces of Atheism was the single most cringe shit that I've ever seen, it was a bunch of fedora-wearing neckbearded atheists posting pictures of themselves overlaid with edgy and pseudo intellectual quotes by themselves. The euphoric one was the best lmfao I'm gonna copy/paste it here from the KYM page
"Just to be clear, I'm not a professional 'quote maker'. I'm just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism.
'In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.'"
Even when I'm not active on Lemmy, I am not on Reddit.
If I ever need information from Reddit (unfortunately there is still a lot of information only on Reddit...), Wayback machine I go.
Even if me requesting that Wayback machine archive a page, once it's saved we don't need to give reddit anymore clicks, Wayback machine gets the clicks instead. It's better than losing information outright.
Reddit is still super useful for information you can't find elsewhere. But its only for as long as old.reddit still works for me. If that disappears then i don't think I'll be back on Reddit again.
I still "use reddit" in this way, too, mostly that the top and beat results for obscure information tend to be reddit, but I don't consider this "using" reddit, personally
I just check every few hours instead of doomscrolling. It'd be nice to have more content and more active niche communities, but somehow I think this is better for me lmao. Anyways it feels cozier but not on the decline imo
I some times feel a bit alone on lemmy solely because I'm not as tech inclined as a lot of the userbase, but it's reminders like this that make me feel a bit ok about it.
IMO the constant posts about users dropping aren't from people who want Lemmy to succeed. Anecdotally I haven't noticed a major change, still seems as active if not more than when I joined. Reddit has gotten worse and worse in that time period. I have faith.
I never used Reddit other than the rare view via a search-engine when trying to find something. I now lurk Lemmy daily but barely ever post. I read so many enlightening things here. Not leaving.
I never posted on Reddit, I only commented, because every time I posted anything, someone would come be an asshole about it. Here tho, I've been posting a lot more than I ever did and I don't get abused for it, unless that was my intent.
reddit also had a problem with shitty moderation. i didn't post a lot, but there was a good chance of a post just being removed for no reason. i remember i posted about water levels in gaming, in a popular gaming subreddit, and why it was disliked/why individuals liked them and it got taken down, from a gaming subreddit, because talking about a game mechanic was apparently off topic, in a gaming subreddit. about the only place that was actually good was the animal subreddits.
Totally agree, it's not about the quantity of conversations here. It's the quality. Here I can engage in an Isreal/Palestine conversation with only a moderate level of outrage in the thread, I wouldn't even dare read such a thread on Reddit. I don't want to read all that hate and lust for violence.
I'm actually, honestly enjoying this more. Yes, pretty much every niche community I joined has died now, and that's unfortunate, but it's quite certainly alive anyway.
Reminds me a bit of earlier Digg, and the culture here varies a lot but I see a wide range of political opinion and cultural frames of reference compared to what Reddit was, which was a near monoculture.
I prefer this not being guided by a single company.
People make it look like it's over for Lemmy, but this is only the beginning. Don't worry, Reddit will fuck things up again. The Fediverse will win in the long run. Maybe Lemmy doesn't have the momentum yet that we want it to have. At the same it's grown so much. I mean, not that long ago there were almost only communists on this thing...
As soon as reddit links fall out of Google, I won't even have to think about seeing it anymore. I also have it DNSBlocked because that's the only way I am going to stay off of it. X too.
well said. it's not about quantity, it's about quality. and spez enshittified Reddit because of greed, we shouldn't be greedy ourselves, or Lemmy will get enshittified too.
i would like to slowly make it cozy and happy here, we shouldn't be competing against Reddit, because Lemmy is something different.
any nice user is welcome, please don't make them feel guilty for being on Reddit too. we will slowly make a nice transition so people have the option to being their stuff here if they want, which is what we need. no rupturism, please.
i think we should be welcoming, not warmongering. this was made for users, not against spez. it's totally different.
spez can go and screw himself, i prefer to appreciate those who do good than to mourn about those who do wrong.
don't waste energies on destructivity, spend them on constructivity.
don't compare to Reddit, compare to Lemmy on July, to Lemmy now, to what Lemmy could be if we work together.
don't get anxious about growing. focus on 'growing nice' instead of 'growing more'.
we will make it. for sure. and it will be great.
have a nice day.
edit: i realize the 'not against spez' could have been worded better. what i try to say is that i prefer to focus my energies on nice people than bad people. i suffered already a lot bc of bad people and i prefer to spend my life supporting nice folks. sorry for the confusion.
Agreed. I'll be staying with Lemmy. I don't care about daily active user numbers, I care about how Spez is treating Reddit and having good post content. Redditors themselves (as a whole) are not a problem, and I have a plethora of good posts to go through when I get on every few days.
that's so nice, pal!
and yes, it's totally understandable to feel saddened and angry at spez for doing that (i feel the very same), but we can compile that content here, and welcome their original posters to Lemmy when they feel ready.
what it's worrying is the hateful comments about redditors, calling them names. i think some people is becoming radicalised, and they feel 'superior' in some way to other users. i don't think that 'cyber snobism' will help Lemmy in any way, but that's just my opinion.
thanks ^^
What's shocking is that it could have been a force for good and community building. Instead he insulated the bullies and allowed people to abuse the system for personal profit. All of this because of an unending sense of entitlement.
yea, spez is a piece of garbage, and he did all this for money. and it's sad to see Reddit worsen so much, as it was sad to see Twitter become the same.
still, spez enshittified what nice users made nice before. if we support that kind of users, i'm sure we can even surpass the awesomeness Reddit once had.
because awesomeness is not Reddit's, it's the internet's. no matter where it is, if we support, it will bloom.
All I know as I get to know lemmy using sync I'm a little frustrated because my feed is limited and doesn't let me infinitely scroll and it only updates like once a day which is frustrating because I would scroll forever if I could. But it doesn't let me. It dead ends Then there are simply no posts. I have to come back the next day. perhaps this is built-in on purpose to make sure we don't spend & lose our lives here.
Something I used to do on Reddit was find a new community, and binge the top posts from the last year. I've started being able to do that on Lemmy, which is a huge win in my books
anyone who wants to leave can go. Hell, I'm responsible for two of the lost users because when i first came over here I misunderstood how this works and made a new account on each instance. what's up and
I browse lemmy a lot on mobile. When I first looked into lemmy mobile clients, they were read only.
This post inspired me to get Sync 4 Lemmy, now I'll be commenting much more (careful what you wish for haha as I'm sure I will have opinions some don't agree with, but hopefully can always debate rationally)
I've noticed that Lemmy has been shedding a lot of the Reddit style toxicity that was brought here from the influx. Presumably that has something to do with the terminally on Reddit people leaving.
Reddit just feels like hive mind jokes and reposts, but on lemmy people are genuinely interacting so it feels more engaging (which don't get me wrong, happens on reddit too, you just have to sift through all the stupid marinara flag jokes)
Yeah, I saw that again the other day and could not care less. I love the Lemmy mobile apps, and there's nothing good left for Reddit in that area.
I actually was kind of annoyed the first week of Lemmy. It felt like a lot of keyboard warriors came over. It doesn't feel as much like that any longer. I think if anyone didn't stick around, it was the loud people pretending they were stronger than their addictions.
Good riddance, this is a much more chill crowd now. Maybe it's just a bunch of old people... But eh, I'm old. We can all be old together now. Just stay the fuck off my lawn, and by that I mean the grass outside my apartment complex.
If anything, I feel a lot more calmer and more at peace when reading Lemmy threads. I find the people here are the reasonable ones, and all the other maggots seemed to stay on Reddit. Which I'm super ok with.
Now and then you'll see someone who just goes thermonuclear on the first response to one of their comments, but they are far and few between. They all seem to eventually go back to Reddit, thankfully. Maybe because they can't get the endorphin rush that they crave here.
This period of peace won't probably last long, but I'm enjoying it while I can.
I actually don't care about what reddit did. But I care about that the client is so much faster without all the ads, bloat they put in. Here Lemmy wins and it is Reddit fault they are so greedy and not caring about the user.
Yeah, it's been a few months now and i have been forgetting all about the reddit drama. I was here because i hated reddit at first, but now im here because i like ur, not to prove a point .
reddit has become a place i hit up when Google search leads me to an answer, like Wikipedia or something. I get it and I'm gone.
Sorry Reddit, it's over babe! It's not you, it's me! (it's you)
Yep, this is me. What finally did it for me was a completely random and unexpected adverse mod interaction from a random comment I had left once. It apparently made this particular mod very personally sad and there was a whole lot of insulting, references to mental health, and a permanent ban.
Or at least, if you visit reddit, don't click on any ads or contribute in a meaningful way. In addition, never directly link to reddit. In a way, all your actions that affect reddit in any way should be to the detriment of reddit. It's like trying to cut down a sequoia with a sharp pebble, but even small livestock shits.
People are not moving to decentralized platforms yet, as they wish to empower those who are exploiting them more first whether they realize this or not.
I just reported people for transphobia and islamophobia, and they claimed it was abusing the report button so they banned me site-wide. They claimed it was a violation of the terms of service, but literally I checked and abusing the report button isn't even a rule. It just seems to me like getting rid of the complainer was better than getting rid of the problem.
As a fediverse weird thing, aside from the log in process, using eternity is just wonderful. I left when infinity started requiring a subscription and this has been great, aside from the lack of content. I don't ever have to the think of anything after the @
And blocking is great! I've blocked many spam bots, people with hateful comments, entire communities because I don't speak their language or just don't have interest in their content (no OFFENSE to THE PACK you guys ARE SO COOL AND BADASS but that kind of humor doesn't appeal to me 90% of the time, no offense to sports fans but if I'm not actively playing it, I don't want to watch it)
But if it's a power user, it's really hard to get away from, and you can block them and all 15 of their alts but people still talk about some of them.
So you can prevent them from contacting you, and you can prevent either of you from seeing each other's posts and comments, but you can't completely get away from everyone.
Every time I've gone back to Reddit, I've just seen the local communities I used to like getting incredibly right wing with the increasing number of wolf whistles in the comments. Or pro weed nonsense
And honestly, it just felt like doom scrolling and a waste of time. It has grown now to the point it's just basically the Facebook crowd.
Lemmy is sufficiently busy, and much better quality. And there is more to think about when reading comments
Reddit allowed their communities to get shifted to the poles. My local community is the exact opposite, it's so far to the left that it's painful. The extreme poles of either side of the political spectrum are just as painful as the other.
Here we just chat. Left right square circle triangle, doesn't seem to matter. The threads and interactions on here seem to be with people that are most like me, and not so much with the Ultra Hardcore MAGA bros, or the basement dweller 40 year old virgin social assistance crowd. Can't say the same for Reddit. Glad they have a place too, hopefully they stay there.
Reddit is for Porn. I got my year-thing and scrolled for 2 million bananas. I’m only subscribed to Porn and have been clicking on 1 or 2 things from MapPorn that got suggested to me while browsing through the ad-infested home feed. Have a guess on what they said was the post I liked more than the "The Gorilla Grip and Twist 5000“ I’ve spent months watching.
Unfortunately I go there still anonymously for when I need help or advice on certain life things, but I browse in a social media sense on Lemmy.
I've said this before: if there was a way to create more discoverability of Lemmy through a search engine, I'd choose it over reddit. Lemmy has different domain names based on server/instance, and that makes wild card searching impossible.
I know there are other search engines out there specifically for Lemmy, but that doesn't work for me.
I agree even more now. At least in Lemmy when admins are abusing their power, not only are the same options that were available in reddit here as well, but they can't hide their trace because of federated propagation of the evidence. Unfortunately, the one thing that does seem to be a thing is that no one really cares (outside of the thread) when you out them, but reddit was becoming that as well.
I keep seeing posts about blocking ads on youtube, but one of the most upvoted posts right now is about not giving him ad revenue by avoiding the site? Ok then...
It's just a lot of work to filter the commie/socialist/libtard nonsense. Once you get most of the propaganda sludge blocked, it's actually pretty decent.