Had one girlfriend that had an orgasm every few minutes by fucking, fingering, getting eaten out, masturbation... Basically every kind of sex made her come immediately. She really was a miracle. One day she came 40 times in a row. I counted intentionally that day because I was wondering how often she could come. We only stopped that day because I was completely done and exhausted and drained.
I always felt like “one of the boys” from a very young age. I’d play games for “boys”, played hockey, took boxing classes etc., hung out exclusively with boys and hated girls.
Around the age of 12, I went clothes shopping with my mom, and I asked for boys clothes. She refused and I cried myself to sleep that night. Many more times I asked for boys / men’s clothes and got denied, and every time I fell into a deep (diagnosed) depression.
I had no idea why, nor what “being trans” was or meant. Over the years, I kept saying things like “if I was a boy, I would x” or “if I was a boy my name would be x”, to which my friends reacted with “you know cis people don’t say or think those things as often as you do right? Might wanna get that checked out”.
It took until feb. 2023 for me to seek help, and when I did they were all unanimous: I am trans.
I bought men’s clothes, stopped shaving and begun hormone therapy in May. I’ve never been this happy in my entire life.
My boyfriend stuck around (he’s bi) and has been super supportive.
Masturbate, max out my credit cards on clothes and same-day sex toys, body hair removal, stab myself in the eye with mascara and eyeliner pencil, book tubal ligation, get period stopping birth control, septum ring, mani-pedi, smash gashes with lasses, fuck myself sore.
Day 2 would be a self-care day of cozy sweaters, cocoa, movies, and trying to vibrate my clit off.
You really get it lol. Also, hope you don't wake up on the first day of the periods. Or the 3 days before. Or the 5 days during the period and 2 days after :)
Day one waking up with an axe wound would not be a great start. I'd probably just have to try out the massage setting on the showerhead and shove some paper towels up there. Then put on sweatpants and a hoodie then run to the store to pickup midol, period supplies, ugly underwear, chocolate, and a vibrator.
Panic. I'd immediately wonder if I suffered a stroke in the middle of the night that makes me think I changed. Or if I did magically change, did other people's memories change too? I'd check my ID, birth certificate, any other paperwork, even old pictures for signs of gender. Figure out a way to indirectly ask a family member. Try to tell if my pets recognize me or are treating me like a stranger.
I'd have to text out sick from work as long as possible because I wouldn't know how to explain my sudden difference in voice and appearance. I'd be too busy panicking over what happened and trying to reevaluate everything I know about myself. Am I gay now? Am I trans now? Do all my interests stay the same? My socialization as a child didn't change and it's nurture not nature, right? Are my genetics different? Am I prone to different health risks now? Am I still me or did asgardian aliens put my memories in a clone body and mess up a chromosome?
If I don't change back I'll start doing research into legally changing gender and coming up with a story to tell everyone who knew me. I live in an area that's fairly pro-trans so at least I wouldn't have to face insurmountable legal hurdles to get a name and ID swap. At some point I'd consider HRT to go back, but that can take so long (especially because I'd sound insane if I explained what happened) I'd realistically have to transition both directions legally, which I imagine would be its own hell.
Eventually I'd calm down enough to explore myself physically.
Sounds like the most thought out response. I sometimes wonder how many cis folk are cis because they have a gender identity solidly planted in the cultural and phenotypic sex of their body and how many are cis because they really don't have a strong underlying preference so whatever their body is it would not cause them any real discomforts.
I definitely know folk who I suspect fit both of these models. Those cis folk who experience gender euphoria are sometimes not very subtle about it.
I'm cis woman, not a hyper-feminine sort but SO into being female-bodied, loved being pregnant and nursing kids, love sex as a woman. The actual biological woman-ness I identify with so strongly. Cultural ideas of femininity or masculinity can fuck right off, and anyone should be whoever they are, and clothing wise I stay more neutral usually, never dresses. But personally I'd have utter dismay if I woke up in a male body.
I believe I'm the latter in this unauthorized and unofficial poll.
I'm a lot more attached to my sexuality than my gender. I am definitely attracted to women. I am a man because it's more convenient for me to be a man however. I have thought about whether I'm NB due to my indifference, but then I rethink my thoughts and notice
I am a man [...]
and just decide to stop there, I don't have to care about the "because". I'm a keep it simple stupid kinda person.
Back when I was five or seven if I suddenly one day woke up as a girl I probably would have had a massive panic attack and freaked out for a day and after some therapy and time to process I would have just been like, "oh okay well I guess I'm a girl now".
Nowadays other than the fact that it would cause ripple effects throughout my life that I can't even possibly predict, i wouldn't even care that much. Oh shit, dick fell off.
Find it really effin fascinating. But then keep dressing in mens clothes.
I have a fascination with gender swapping (and general body transformation) but it has never extended to clothes. I dont get why its so often clothes and crossdressing that other people of this kind enjoy. I just would appreciate a different body. And lower height. And not being so scary-looking. But being socially able to dress in female clothing doesnt interest me at all.
I'd probably have to go through the long process of transitioning back as well as all the financial, legal, and medical problems associated with it, which would probably include immigration to a place where it's easier.
At the very least I am androgynous so it probably wouldn't take as long for me to get back to at least close to how I am but it would still suck.
That's an optimistic outlook by the way, I'm not going to discuss pessimistic/realistic because it's sad, unpleasant, and may trigger people.
I'd agree with you if the question was "Men of lemmy, what would you do if you woke up female for one day". But that wasn't the question. As it stands the question could just as easily mean that one day they wake up female and then are female for the rest of their lives. It's ambiguous, but personally I did not interpret the question as for only a single day.
I... don't really know? I legit don't know whether I'd feel dysphoria if I woke up in a female body unless it happened. I don't feel dysphoria in my current body but I like crossdressing and I'm not really that attached to the notion that I'm a man.
You sound similar to me, I've never thought much about gender and I dress very GNC (Gender-Nonconforming). Though I'm not sure I wouldn't feel anything negative considering that the lack of a penis would negatively affect my life.
Also ignoring other feminine features because due to my genetic condition they probably wouldn't be present anyway (Have a condition that affects my sexual development and essentially prevented me from going through puberty).
I would announce my transition online and isolate myself for 6 months with no pictures so I can try to keep being identified by society as the same person and not become undocumented and lose everything I own etc. Nobody's going to believe a story about magic bullshit, they would just assume you're a different person.
More often then not I've seen where people who are trans are still attracted to the gender they were attracted to before, there are exceptions but most of the time that's how it goes.
Imagine if you woke up not only a woman, but a woman so exactly your type that all you could do was shlick to yourself in the mirror all day until you made the room stink and gave yourself a terrible rash.
Is it just one day, or ongoing? Either way I'm probably going to take the day, call out from work, tell my family I'm not feeling well, and furiously google my symptoms.
Not really a man (Agender and Intersex) but I am Male so I feel like I can answer this one.
I have a developmental condition which affects my body's ability to produce androgens so for me I wouldn't be much different aside from genitals since I never finished puberty and likely wouldn't have then either.
Not as big of a setback or difference than it would be for someone else but not being able to pee while standing would be a very big negative for me and I'm not really sure what I would do about that (probably get a Phalloplasty so I can pee properly again).
If I woke up as female, I am Agender so I'm not a woman because I do not identify as one.
Essentially though yes, yes I would, because even though I am Agender having a penis is something that feels right for me.
I know that I'm going to get shit for this from people who don't understand why something like this is important to me, but I'm used to it, NonBinary identities are much less recognized and often stigmatized (even in safe spaces 😔).
I suppose I should give the context that I recently discovered I'm trans/nonbinary. So being able to transition without the risks inherent in hormones and surgery, and to transition more completely than any of those, would be cause for me for celebration.
I kind of agree, the comments about masturbating to one's self are a bit gross and kind of feel like they are fetishizing trans people, not cool people, not cool.
Try out for the WNBA. I'd be one of the tallest and no one would think about driving the lane on me. I'd be a white Dennis rodman of the league. Easily be the best rebounder of all time.