SoylentBlake Wait til they got told Mexico is in America, they're gonna lose their shit.
Like the USA owns the continent, pffh.
The abbreviation for the US, due to what I think are dumb syntax rules in Spanish, is E.E.U.U.
For reals. I know, right?
But wait there's more! Mexicos official name is the United States of Mexico, or Estados Unidos de México in Spanglish.
And also in Spanish, I think
49 5 Replylinuxgator I think the official English version is actually United Mexican States.
14 0 ReplyFlying Squid
EEUU makes sense when there's also an EU.
2 0 ReplySoylentBlake In Spanish, plurality in abbreviations is denoted by doubling up the letters; so (United States) Estados Unidos -> EEUU
4 0 Reply
"Jhjhjh" could be a One Piece laugh.
27 0 Replyickplant OP
This is actually really cool because I am connecting with my teen son over One Piece (live action), and I can throw this fact out at him. Thank you, it will be a wholesome mother-son moment.
21 0 ReplyLemmySoloHer
Parents taking an interest in their kid's interests and One Piece are two things that make this world a better place!
11 0 Reply
Flying Squid
16 0 ReplyChetzemoka
I see you too have Brazilian friends lol
8 0 ReplyTheEighthDoctor kakakakaka
5 0 ReplyFlying Squid
That's a Korean thing in my experience.
4 0 Reply
America is so done. The overcompensation is palpable.
5 0 ReplyiHUNTcriminals Yup so you see em on the side walk using h.
5 0 Replyvex nowadays it's mostly fentanyl though
1 0 ReplyiHUNTcriminals Sad but true... If you are interested in street stories check out soft white underbelly on youtube
2 0 ReplyCashewNut 🏴
Poor Yanks. The UK has primo heroin still. Must be cos we're closer to the Middle East and the Dutch are excellent drug traffickers.
1 0 Reply
The Snark Urge
He caught them slipping up
3 0 Reply