This is why the “good guy with the gun” BS needs to die. The real world isn’t a movie: there are no designated heroes and villains. Everyone’s a good guy in their own mind until they point a gun at a 6 year old.
I've always wondered how people thought the "good guy with a gun" would work in a chaotic real world situation. Suppose you're armed and there's a mass shooting event. You pull out your gun and keep a look out for the shooter as you hear gunfire getting closer. Then you spot a guy holding a gun. You quickly take aim and fire...
... And hit another "good guy with a gun" who was trying to take out the mass shooter the same as you.
Oh, but then you get shot by a third "good guy with a gun" who thought YOU were the mass shooter.
Arming everyone and telling them to be "good guys with guns" just seems, at best, like it would lead to MORE injuries and deaths.
Or, as has actually happened before, a good guy with a gun kills the bad guy and then gets shot by the cops who arrive thinking the guy with the gun is the bad guy:
Yeah, my coworkers said how great it would have been after the Colorado movie theater shooting (Batman movie) if everyone was armed. They just knew the original shooter would have been killed right away.
Dark theater
Smoke filled (by shooter)
Bullets suddenly flying
Who in their right mind thinks basically everyone wouldn't have been mowed down in a hail of gun fire?
You see, this is why nobody takes sentiments like yours seriously. If you can't defend yourself, and don't have others to protect you, then you'll always be at the mercy of whoever is the strongest.
Something tells me all the 'guns and cops are bad' people don't know how to fight.
I've been looking at your other comments and have some things to say.
Clearly your your out of your mind defending cops on, for real when is calling the cops ever not put you the caller in a new type of danger? Fools with guns is bad regardless of the context and I for one cannot trust someone I have never met, especially the armed paramilitary we call police here in America.
Nice 'something tells me comment, always makes someone's comments feel real sincere.
Most people can't defend themselves, that's reality. I'm actually pro gun but anti-idiot, and most people are idiots and that deeply complicates your arguments.
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk, I'm not a professional nor frankly good at most things, if you have problems with my arguments please, comment it don't save it to yourself.
I don’t recall saying cops are useless. Are you sure you’re replying to the right person?
The police do illustrate over and over again that even trained professionals make bad decisions when issued guns. And of course the solution isn’t to escalate things by raising the threat of officers being shot, but instead in finding ways to have less people with guns, so police aren’t on alert all the time and aren’t as tempted to use their guns as their only solution.
As a thought experiment: If we gave every adult in the world access to fire the entire planet’s nuclear payload and destroy everyone, do you think we’d all be safer? Would the world even last 5 minutes?
The more people you give access to deadly weapons, the more likely you are going to run into someone who is stupid, impulsive, or downright crazy and is going to use that weapon to harm themselves or others.
I don't think cops are useless, I think they are a flawed institution that we as a society can fix by reforms. And I don't even see the big deal in this, nothing is perfect, everything can be made better or more appropriate for the situation. Long run it would be better for police unions to agree to some changes in training, scope, and methods because it would restore and gain more public trust. And the public will benefit as well.
Remember the guy that shot the woman that was backing out of his driveway? Also remember the guy who shot a door to door salesman? Also remember the guy who shot a kid playing hide and seek?
The shooting happened when Hattori, on his way to a Halloween party, went to the wrong house by mistake. Property owner Rodney Peairs fatally shot Hattori, erroneously thinking that he was trespassing with criminal intent.
Sounds like a movie where his friend gave the candy that had intelligence sent by the CCP and now he really needed it back to make it to the drop off on time.
One should be able to deduce that the headline would be different if he had. Therefore, one shouldn't even need to read the article to realize that one already has all of the information one needs to know the answer to this question without asking it.
Mom and daughter goes to drop off goody bag at house, does this, realizes that they dropped it off at the wrong address, goes back to pick it up, shithead point a gun at the daughter's head when they try and pick up the goody bag.