In Los Angeles, a man screaming "kill Jews" attempts to break into a family's home. In London, girls in a playground are told they are "stinking Jews" and should stay off the slide. In China, posts likening Jews to parasites, vampires or snakes proliferate on social media, attracting thousands of "l...
Global surge in antisemitic incidents following the conflict between Hamas and Israel, affecting Jewish communities in various countries.
Antisemitic acts range from verbal abuse to physical assaults, often justified by anger over the Gaza conflict.
In areas like the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and South Africa, antisemitic incidents have increased several hundred percent compared to the same period last year.
Official responses vary, with Western authorities generally quick to support Jewish communities, while some countries like China have not taken steps to curtail antisemitic content online.
Overall, we rate Reuters Least Biased based on objective reporting and Very High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing of information with minimal bias and a clean fact check record.
Jewish people outside of Israel (citizens of other countries) are not equal to the Israeli government. They have no say and no control over what the Israeli government does. They are not connected.
Jewish 20 year olds going to college in the USA do not deserve to be attacked for simply...being Jewish (see Tulane University events). And so on.
Attacking Jewish people worldwide for the actions of the Israeli government is pure antisemitism, plain and simple, and needs to be called out and condemned.
People just love to have a reason to hate. Just like when COVID started and Asians were getting attacked all over despite having zero connection to China.
I feel like there needs to be more discussion of how people can be anti-Zionist without being antisemitic. There are elements of many faiths that people can object to without being considered antagonistic of that faith. People might not hate all people who are Jewish, but also might not be too enthusiastic about the Israeli State and all of its actions, which does not make them antisemitic.
There's also lack of understanding that when saying "anti-Zionist" you're calling for the non-existence of the state of Israel, not for Israel to not be an apartheid state. Rabin was a Labour Zionist: He would have liked to live in peace and social democracy with Palestinians. He was killed by a Religious Zionist, people who have a long history massacring Palestinians, the kind of people who prop up Netanyahu and settle the West Bank. On the flipside there's plenty of anti-Zionist Jews around, for secular or religious reasons ("trying to force the third temple prophecy"). Broadly speaking "Zionist" simply means "patriot of Israel" and there's also plenty of those out there helping Palestinians with their olive harvest so that settlers don't come over and gun them down (because shooting Israelis, even leftists, would have consequences).
The Israeli right-wing of course doesn't care, if a Jew says something they'd accuse others of antisemitism for they're switching to "self-hating Jew".
You're conveniently ignoring though that Israel has over the last decades made themselves basically synonymous with Jews worldwide and have been quick to hide their atrocities behind the word "antisemitism".
I'm not saying it's okay, but it's not far-fetched.
Just because the Israeli government tells you this, you abandon critical thinking skills? I get that there may be a casual link here, but damn, people need to actually think.
Yes, but it's only consistent to reject that false framing and clearly delineate between supporters and opponents of Israel. Everything else just serves Israel by mudding the water.
theyre not conveniently ignoring it, it just wasnt relevant to the comment
the israeli government absolutely carries massive responsibility for the conflation of jews and israelis, and that absolutely does not have any effect on the amount of responsibility jewish folks carry when it comes to the actions of israel
Conflating the Israeli government, and the Israeli military, with the Jewish ethnicity, and the Jewish religion, is proving to be bad for overall PR when the government, and the military, are doing things that are vastly unpopular globally. Like apartheid
"Bad PR" doesn't even begin to cover it. Netanyahu never misses an opportunity to claim he represents all Jews, so of course when his government commits atrocities, a lot a gullible people are gonna blame Jews in general. It's so predictable I strongly suspect it's one of his goals, because there's nothing better for a far-right populist's political career than convincing his supporters they're under attack, and it's especially easy when they actually are under attack. All he had to do was paint a target on every Jew in the world, which is clearly a small price in his mind.
I hope one day he's remembered alongside Putin as one of the worst villains of the 21st century.
Considering the value that the government of Israel has by action showed it places on, not only the lives of human beings who are Palestinian, but even on the lives of the human beings who are Israeli and were kidnapped by Hamas, I very much doubt they lose any sleep when Jews are victims of anti-semitism abroad because Israel has purposefully conflated itself with the entire Jewish Religion (in order to hide behind it whilst commiting the most despicable of acts) and lots of people believe it.
They probably just see it as a way to further exploit that connection betwee Judaism and Israel that they've cultivated and spin the plight of those Jews to further portray the nation of Israel as a victim: in other words the State of Israel actually gains whenever a Jew out there is victimized in response to the actions of the State of Israel because the perpetrator believed the State of Israel's own deceitful portrayal of itself as being the same as all members of the Jewish Religion.
Criticalness of Israel is not hatred of Jews. Any attack on someone based on their nationality should be a hate crime (including illegal immigrants at the USA Southern border). Walking past a protest and being offended by their message isn't being attacked. Israel is way over the line and has historically been looking for reasons to absorb the Gaza strip into their control.
Did you read the article? First paragraph: " In Los Angeles, a man screaming "kill Jews" attempts to break into a family's home. In London, girls in a playground are told they are "stinking Jews" and should stay off the slide. In China, posts likening Jews to parasites, vampires or snakes proliferate on social media, attracting thousands of "likes". "
This is not Jewish people being offended about anti-Israeli protests. This is Jewish people being the targets of blatant, direct antisemitism because they simply exist as Jews.
They cite the airport in Russia. Those people were explicitly carrying Palestinian flags and targeting the fleeing colonists, people who actively were on the side of the regime in Israel.
I'd like to see the posts. And in fairness I've seen a lot of Nazi shit pop up on posts so anecdotally I believe anti semitism is increasing.
However, I despise the Israeli government and I've been called all sorts of shit for it. So I'm sceptical.
I did not read the article, nor do I have time, temperament, brain space, or blood pressure to read a percentage point of the articles that have come out about this war, or the other fucking war, or probably ww3 when it begins. My statements were a generality that I felt comfortable expressing in an aggregating website, I may have chosen the incorrect thread to put them out into, but this is where they were dumped to. Apologies for being overwhelmed at the amount of propaganda being pushed from all sides. I would ask you to allow me to exist in my gray middle area of "everyone should chill the fuck down". Glory to Ukraine, peace in the middle east.
Israel voluntarily got out of Gaza, it would be suicide to go back, both temporarily (as is done now) and of course permanently.
The amount of money spilled from all over the world into Gaza could have made it a beautiful paradise, or a second Tel Aviv.
People there are refugees because hamas is happy with them being refugees.
Israels government are a bunch of criminals, but not for anything to do with Gaza. It's an impossible conflict in which the only winners are the extremists on both sides who use it to show the world how there is no other way than force.
Hamas justifies hiding under hospitals by saying that's the only way to defend themselves, the corrupt, incompetent, extremist, Israeli government now want to blame the 2006 government for leaving Gaza and by that bringing this assault upon them.
Oh yes, the paradise open air prison created by Israel, which they now try to "re-build" to create a moon-style amusement park.
And while I don't hate Jews or any other race, I find it strange that no one here is talking about the elephant in the room. That the recent surge in hate crime is directly linked with the war in Gaza, and that people are tired of seeing Israel's government overstepping their limits once again and trying to level up the whole of Gaza by carpet bombing it, without any consideration of human life.
Have you ever thought that if Israel has found a peaceful solution of the Gaza/Hamas problem there would be a hate crime surge?
And what about the hate crime against the Palestinians in the West Bank, which is documented, unprovoked and happening with the silent endorsement of the IDF? I am sorry but I find it a bit cynical to say the least.
I don't get why people hate that particular religion so much.
Me, I would do away with all religions, I think they're all nonsense invented to control people or as a way to escape from reality, but that doesn't mean I'd ever hate a religion or go to wild lengths to genocide it's followers.
People who think there's a magical man in the sky are a bit batty, but people who persecute others just for believing in magical sky men are truly off their rockers.
To the people downvoting you: Do you think islamophobes distinguish between Arab Muslims or Arab Atheists when they provoke a scene? Or that antisemites distinguish between practicing Jews and non-believing Jews (who stay in the community for various reasons)?
Ethnicity and religion is intertwined in this case though, in a way that is quite unique. And which is probably significantly influenced by the way Jewish people were treated.
Hearing 'jews this, jews that' since birth causes people to want to 'fit in' and go along with what everyone else is doing even if they don't understand it.
I was surprised by how much anti-Semitism existed when I went to high school, because I never experienced it before outside of South Park. For everyone else, it was just normal and understood (even if they didn't support it.) It really cemented the idea in my mind that most people do things without thinking just to fit in with others.
I come from Jewish parents. I'm an atheist, but I still consider myself Jewish.
My daughter is half-Jewish and I have advised her to tell no one in school because she will get treated differently, especially since this is Indiana.
One year in elementary school, one of her teachers assumed she was Jewish after meeting me (I look as stereotypically Jewish as Woody Allen) and singled her out for it multiple times. She thought she was singling her out for it in a good way, to teach the other kids something for example, but it just made my daughter feel embarrassed and othered.
It seems pretty clear a large percentage of the human race associates the actions of any members within an ethnic group as an action by the entire ethnic group. Not 100% culpable, but maybe 60% to 30% depending on age and gender.
Yeah, people don't seem to realize that culture in Western countries generally is less racist than the global norm (and there is quite a bit of prejudice in Western countries!)
Antisemitism sucks. So does relentless zionism. Stop accusing all jewish people of being militaristic zionists. Stop comparing Israel to jews. Israel doesn't represent all jews. Saudi Arabia doesn't represent all muslims. Russia doesn't represent all orthodox christians. Being anti Israel doesn't make you antisemitic. Being antisemitic doesn't make you anti Israel. Don't confuse the two. One can cherish jewish people, culture, history and be anti Israel to whatever extent. I'm partly jewish and don't support Israel for example.
Stop accusing all jewish people of being militaristic zionists.
The UK has been openly hostile towards its Jewish residents for centuries. Some of its highest ranking political leaders are openly anti-semitic. Much of the Zionism of the 19th century was a direct consequence of British state and popular leaders villainizing Jewish residents and businesses in the exact same manner as the Germans did a decade or two later.
Meanwhile, state media wants to tie all Jewish people to the Israeli cause, even going so far as to accuse anti-Israeli jewish people and groups as being anti-semitic themselves and hounding any kind of Palestinian peace activists for being "terrorist sympathizers" by default.
So its sort of a rock-and-hard-place for UK Jews (particularly Hasidic Jews, who categorically reject Zionism) who have had to deal with this kind of state-sanctioned harassment and violence their entire lives, to disassociate from Zionism. Both the anti-Semitic bigots and the pro-Israeli flaks seem intent on tying you to the mast-head of this sinking ship.
Saudi Arabia doesn’t represent all muslims. Russia doesn’t represent all orthodox christians.
That's been another kind-of annoying habit of mass media. Every Muslim from Minnesota to Mecca gets treated like the most radical orthodox Wahhabist. We've got US Senators and British PMs alike waxing poetic about "Radical Islamic Extremism" and demanding every practitioner of the faith make formal public apologizes for whatever nonsense MBS or Ayatollah Khomeini is on about this week.
Similarly, god forbid you know a bit of Cyrillic. People lose their fucking minds over the Russia-Ukraine shit if you're not on the "right" side (which, at least in American politics, varies entirely based on your domestic ideological leaning).
One can cherish jewish people, culture, history and be anti Israel to whatever extent.
Not according to the western press. You need to pick a fucking side. And then it becomes a competition to be the most rabid and deranged in your support of that side. Otherwise, you're no better than a traitor.
This is yet another reason why why ANY theocracy, of any denomination, is incompatible with modernity.
Not only does it limit the citizenry's representation in terms of beliefs and cultural shifts incompatible with the faith within, it creates a common enemy for idiotic, ancient deity dick measuring squabbles from the outside.
I respect a person's right to pray to whatever pokemon they want. Charizard, Yahweh, Mr. Mime, Allah, whoever speaks to your soul or whatever. I don't respect any person's right to use the pokemon they pray to as a rational to limit the rights of anyone else for any reason, ok you super serious Pokemon Masters?
Israel isn't some great line of defense for the Jews, it's a massive, singular target for the other idiot theocracies in the region that they hate and hate them back to attack, great choice of location by the way if you wanted to feel safe.
Israel is basically the geopolitical equivalent of what John McClain was coerced to do in Harlem in Die Hard 3, only for Israel it was a choice.
It is also about conflating legitimate antisemitic hatred with anti-Zionist sentiments. look at how EU countries are banning Pro Palestine Protest under the pretext that those protesting are systematically anti-Jews. look at how UK's Suella Braveman is trying to quash any criticism of Israel actions under the banner of antisemitism and is working on passing lopsided authoritarian laws to imprison any critics of Israel's genocidal records.
Yes, but we're the comments made while they were protesting with regard to these events? We're they actually anti-semitic, or anti-zionist or anti-Israeli? Those are all different things. Israel would say anyone who expresses the latter two opinions is the former, but that just isn't the case.
This is despicable in every way. Not surprising, but despicable. There's absolutely no rationale for being anti-semitic in any way shape or form. NONE. I've even asked on every forum, what the hell is behind anti-semitism, and why do people wallow in such muck? And I never get any good answer. Because there is none that doesn't reveal the inane childish bigotry of the responder. There is no more corrupt evil than the sick hatred of other human beings for any reason. That is as low, perverse, and filthy as humans can possibly get.
If you keep telling people that any criticism of Israel is antisemitism, and the IDF goes out and commits war crimes, don't be surprised if people say "well if I'm gonna be called antisemitic for hating war crimes I might as well go all the way to actual antisemitism". It seems kind of obvious.
If the only thing keeping you from being a bigot is people patting you on the tummy then... you are a bigot.
The issue that has become increasingly apparent throughout this (and any other time people remember that the Palestinians exist) is that: Yes, you can be anti-Zionist (for a range of definitions of "zionist") without being anti-Semitic. But it is REAL easy to not stop with the former when there is such a strong push to be incredibly careful how we refer to Hamas (the de facto government of Gaza) and Palestine with almost no care being given toward the IDF (and Mossad and Netanyahu) and Israel. Or why the Israelis are in the region to begin with or how much of their demographics are refugees from nearby Arab nations.
Which kind of gets back to the idea of: When your rant is indistinguishable from that of a bigot...
To make it clear: The IDF are horrifying monsters who are actively engaging in genocide. Hamas are terrorists. And this is more or less a war between two countries at this point. But when talking points are "Fuck Israel, they never deserved to be there in the first place. Kick them all out" without even an acknowledgement of WHY they are there (and why "The West" supported them going there in the 40s...)? Well, if it quacks like a duck...
Yeah, this is a great example of why I make an effort to specify the government when criticizing countries. Russia's invasion of Ukraine? I call Putin and his government evil but never the Russian people at large. China's genocide of the Uyghurs? I call Xi Jinping and the CCP evil but never the Chinese people at large. Israel's apartheid state and ethno-religious cleansing? I call Netanyahu and his government evil but never the Israeli people at large (and certainly not Jews at large).
The allure of treating entire demographics or populaces as a monolith and blaming them for the crimes of their government is exactly why genocidal rhetoric is so dang pervasive, and I won't abide by it.
(Yes, I will also criticize civilians who actively support these crimes, but I make sure to be clear in distinguishing between them and the rest of the civilian population.)
Yeah, it's basically terrible people shooting at terrible people at the behest of terrible people with tons of civilians (on both sides) having to suffer because of it. And because of how the situation works it's hard for anyone involved to not get sucked into this maelstrom of hatred.
And to think that there have been a number of times when this could've been avoided but hasn't because the people with the power to do so either didn't care or deliberately made things worse to further their own interests. (Or tried but were removed from power by more ruthless people.)
It's a horrible, convoluted, heartbreaking, multicontinental multi-century mess that's almost impossible to even talk about without wronging someone.
If this is war, then how IDF are monsters? If Hamas is using human shields, then how do you expect IDF can conduct this war? Should they give up because Hamas uses human shields? Should Israel not reacted at all on what Hamas did with Israel civilians, because Hamas uses human shields? Would it only embolden Hamas to repeat the same many times? Is it better to cut out the cancer, which Hamas undoubtedly is, despite of the pain it brings for the sake of the healthy future without Hamas?
These are not rhetorical questions. When I think through them I see no other way than what IDF is doing today - targeting Hamas despite of the use of human shields. It is a bad option, but all other options are either worse or just fantasy.
It's interesting how often people who oppose the existence of Israel (not to be confused with being rightfuly critical of its actions) are the first too make us feel unwelcome and tell Jew who facing antisemitism outside of Israel, that we just need to deal with it (and even expect it, acording to you), and if we don't like it, we should just leave.. But where is it we should be going..?
It's almost as if what you really want is for Jews to just not exist.
I posted this in another comment, but srsly did you read the article? "In Los Angeles, a man screaming "kill Jews" attempts to break into a family's home. In London, girls in a playground are told they are "stinking Jews" and should stay off the slide. In China, posts likening Jews to parasites, vampires or snakes proliferate on social media, attracting thousands of "likes"."
That's not criticism of IDF being taken badly, that's random Jewish people being subject to severe antisemitic rhetoric simply for being Jewish.
In countries where figures are available from police or civil society groups, including the United States, Britain, France, Germany and South Africa, the pattern is clear: the number of antisemitic incidents has gone up since Oct. 7 by several hundred percent compared with the same period last year.
In the case of the antisemitic incidents, most consist of verbal abuse, online slurs or threats, graffiti, and defacing of Jewish properties, businesses or sites of religious significance.
One common thread is that anger over the deaths of thousands of Palestinians as a result of Israel's bombardment of Gaza is invoked as justification for verbal or physical aggression towards Jews in general, often accompanied by the use of slurs and tropes rooted in the long history of antisemitism.
The most chilling antisemitic incident globally was the storming of an airport in Russia's Dagestan region on Sunday by an enraged crowd looking for Jews to harm after a flight arrived from Tel Aviv.
Shneor Segal, the chief Ashkenazi rabbi of Azerbaijan, said the incident showed that "antisemites will use any excuse - the current Middle East crisis being just the latest - to terrorise the dwindling numbers of us that still remain" in the Caucasus.
In the United States and Western Europe, authorities have mostly been quick to express strong support for Jewish communities, denounce antisemitism and in some cases reinforce security at relevant locations.
The original article contains 895 words, the summary contains 232 words. Saved 74%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!
I couldn't imagine hating someone because they belong to a certain group, a lot of the Jew hate and Palestinian hate I see is just another example of humans being terrible to each other and the justification from both parties just keeps going in circles, both parties justifying violence in a never ending cycle
You know what. I don't care, right now.
This is just indecent, they want to play on both part. being the hangman and the victims.
"yeah but not all jews are..." Yes indeed, of course but there is not place to complain about 2 raw tags on a wall or a swearword hidden in the crowd. They risks nothing! This is pure indecency to cry about antisemitism right now.
The jews living in random countries all over the world have nothing to do with Israels actions and attacking them over it is fucking dumb and nothing other than racism.
I've seen all sorts of things called antisemitic recently so I won't make a judgement on whether hatecrimes against jews actually went up, but it wouldn't be surprising. People always look for the nearest scapegoat and attack them to deal with their anger.
The jews living in random countries don't risk anything. They might if, in the current situation, they offer, even 1/10th support to Israel during demonstration because they would be clearly pissing on human rights and are fucking egocentrics!
By decency, jews should not even talk about antisemitic acts (fucking joking tag on a wall)* but if they want to report it, points the cause of it: israel's actions!
anyway, hopefully, special treatment will end for them and they will have the same rights and DUTIES than us, poor non-elected by god.
*Should I remind you the story of the landlord killing arab kid in US, 2 weeks ago?
The scary part is I've seen a schism in the left on this. There have been times where people proclaiming rights for Gaza in the same breath compare Jews to Nazis even though the problem is with the state not the people. Everyone on the left agrees it's a human rights issue for both sides but unfortunately some are picking sides.
Meanwhile the Jewish people are backed into a corner so things are going to get irrational from them as well. Although I am not Jewish myself I am very close to many and all of them are anxious wrecks over this. Every other faith has multiple nations which have their religion as a state religion but Jews have only one choice if that's what they want. The ideal situation would have been surgical strikes against Hamas but Netanyahu gonna Netanyahoo.
Well to me, a Nazi is anyone who hurts someone else in any way to make them conform to their own limited beliefs. I guess in a way we're all guilty of that. To me, humans everywhere have the God-given right to enjoy lives free of persecution and hatred, but that's not the reality that we live in.
I think both Muslims and Jews feel "backed into a corner" and one reason the war is raging is because, we're very immature people (us humans). No one's willing to admit they feel scared, and feel hope, and want this over with, and maybe the whole war thing is a big mistake. But to me, war always is the worst solution to any problem. (and it never brings a solution, only destruction and death).
Israel and Jews is not the same thing. There are many Jews in Israel. There are many more outside it.
Just as Hamas terrorist attack does not give Israel carte blanche to kill innocent people, Israel's actions don't give a reason to justify antisemitism.
Criticism of Israel is perfectly valid, but in commenting here, you're equating the two, which is part of the problem.