Trump hit out at a NYT report covering leaked audio and damning comments from an Australian billionaire
Donald Trump slammed a New York Times report on covert audio recordings that disclosed a series of unsavory claims about him, including various allegations from an Australian billionaire about his interactions with the former president.
Pratt in the audio clips also claimed that Trump asked his wife and former first lady Melania to parade around Mar-a-Lago in a bikini "so all the other guys could get a look at what they were missing," adding that Melania ultimately retorted “I’ll do that when you walk around with me in your bikini.”
The Donald is obviously a wretch, but Melania is not much better. She married him for his money and status, and he married her to show everyone he could get a hot wife. Is Melania really taking the high ground when she pretends that she's not his trophy wife? By refusing to fulfill that role, she's breaking their contract just as much as if he stopped giving her money to spend and a mansion to live in.
Trump’s MO is to never say anything. “And they’re saying, well what they’re saying is I haven’t even reached puberty. Actually they’re even saying I have the mental capacity of a grade schooler. And they’re saying folks that they can’t even find my testicles because they are so buried inside!”
At this point it’s fascinating just how many of the tropes and stereotypes for evil, sleazy, rich guy that he embodies. He’s a cartoon character, Ebenezer Scrooge would think he was a greedy prick before his Christmas transformation, even 8 fucking years into this shit show I still cannot understand how he’s even a real person
In the 80s the “asshole billionaire real estate developer” was the bad guy in a ton of movies and modeled after guys like Trump. Just one I can think of off the top of my head is Batteries Not Included, and of course Back to the Future II
That’s been the craziest thing of these last 8 years. In reality he is far too stereotypical and on the nose. We would never accept such a lazily written character in our fiction.
"The Failing New York Times story, leaked by Deranged Jack Smith and the Biden 'Political Opponent Abuser' DOJ, about a red haired weirdo from Australia, named Anthony Pratt, is Fake News," Trump fumed. "I never spoke to him about Submarines, but I did speak to him about creating jobs in Ohio and Pennsylvania, because that’s what I’m all about - JOBS, A GREAT ECONOMY, LOW TAXES, NO INFLATION, ENERGY DOMINANCE, STRONG BORDERS, NO ENDLESS WARS, LOW INTEREST RATES, and much more! Maggie Hagerman and the Misfits never called me for a comment. Why would they, they just write anything they want. Whether it’s correct or not is of ZERO importance to them. “All the News That’s Unfit To Print.” That’s why we call it the Fake News!"
So, if I use caps-lock, I can be president? That's what I've got from his socials over the years.
I can't tell if that was an indeed Trump rant or something you made up. If you made it up, you don't need caps locks. You're already Presidential material certified.
"JOBS I said. Dementocrats want to fool you saying words Bigly long. Always fooling with the words DIMWITcrats. LOW TAXES I said and don't need biggerly words"
That’s a fucked up take. It would be like if you dated someone that used to be a stripper but you thought part of the responsibility of being married to you is to allow herself to be passed around to the boys.