From the conservative women I know, it's because they don't think these Draconian laws will ever apply to them...which is just characteristic of them.
They don't think abortion should be legal because they can control their own sexual activities. If women (i.e. slutty liberals) want to have sex then they should be punished blessed with a child.
Women conservatives are just conservatives. They don't think the law will apply to them.
I get your point, but let's not imply that it's only women's job to vote Republicans out. Policies detrimental to women diminish and damage the whole country and that's everyone's responsibility.
I don't think anyone was saying all the responsibility belongs to women. I think they were saying that women, among other targeted groups, should have extra motivation to vote these people out.
More like he's closeted and she's too busy getting railed by the mail man to bother going to his events. When people are this anti gay, I just know it's because they hate something about themselves and are projecting it on everyone else.
I still run into men all the time that lament no fault divorce as being one of the worst things that ever happened in this country (along with Roe and women being able to have their own bank account/credit line, of course).
Einstein was wrong. Time travel has to be possible. I came here expecting ppl to pile onto the guy. Instead, I get debates about divorce like it was 1855!
You Americans are a wild bunch, I tell ya.
And to the people about to comment that I should not inject myself into debates into U.S. politics as foreigner: I'll stop that the moment this community gets renamed to USpolitics.
Of course, the moment the constructive criticism is only coming from the outside will be when it gets labeled as foreign manipulation to further cement tribalistic mentality and provide fresh out-groups to hate and fear.
It does America no good to constantly have our heads so far up or collective rectum that we forget the are 190ish other countries with different, often successful ideas. But we have grown up being taught American exceptionalism and manifest destiny - I remember sections of our history book titled the same and it was either presented without critique or the critique was subtle enough that it went over our heads.
I'm just explaining that quite a lot of us believe we are literally the best country in the world and dismiss other countries without thought. Ironic that we call ourselves a melting pot of the best of every culture. Anyway, it's useful to have people come in and go, "y'all are a bunch of nutbags." Because we are, and perhaps we are exceptional in that way.
Wow yeah must be a surprise to learn that a nation of over 280 million people from diverse backgrounds don’t share the exact same opinion on a topic. Crazy that our social media platforms doesn’t act as an echo chamber serving to reinforce your beliefs in particular…
Oh, I don't, yet there are those opinions that should not be divisive. Like "You should not murder people" or "you should not force people to stay together because trapping them in their misery will make feel you better"
This is very on brand for republicans. It is part of the overall plan to create Gilead (that SHOULD be an exaggeration but... if anything it is an understatement). The idea being that women are property.
Abortion is evil. Because if a guy knocks up a woman? Assuming he doesn't "deny deny deny" and his lawyer can't get him out of it, he is looking at a ridiculously small tax that he pays for a few months and then ignores for the rest of his life. A woman loses months (if not years) of her life to recovery and childcare and loses earning potential for her entire life. Which... makes her more beholden to her spouse.
Affirmative action is racist/sexit/whatever. Because, same as above, it makes it easier for Manly Men to refuse to promote or hire women to keep them barefoot and pregnant because they can't get a job.
Divorce is wrong: So even if your property gets uppety and thinks she can find a way to survive without you? Sorry, not legal, go cook dinner and then I'll put another baby in you.
And plenty of others. The goal is to make women property that can't escape or ever say no.
And the idea of a man wanting to leave a woman? Just kill the removed and get a new wife. Or fuck your daughter.
Why is it anytime one of these republicans opens their mouth I know they’re going to say something infuriatingly regressive, backwards, and going to try to fuck someone over with their view?
The great thing about democracy is that you can have a personal opinion about a particular issue, and still defend the rights of people to act in opposition to your opinion, because those actions do not infringe on the rights of anyone else.
Unfortunately (yes, I am about to say it again), the House is controlled by the American Fascist Party.
It all makes a lot of sense when you realize that the pilgrim fathers didn't travel to America to be free from persecution, but mostly to be free to persecute.
Yeah he’s a giant piece of shit. He better hope he doesn’t end up on after getting caught with a rent boy. The louder someone hates and complains, the more they have to hide.
Just fucking end marriage. It's fucking archaic. When two people become partners they enter a business partnership . That's it. It should be treated as such.
Love and romance has little to do with the privileges granted by the state. Or do you think people should not be allowed to marry if they are not in love?
A wedding and a relationship doesn't require endorsement by the government. Go have a ceremony, grow old together, but you don't need your local county clerk having a say in it.
I happen to agree, me and my wife lived together for years before getting paperwork done. Just finally had to do it, it is just too much work otherwise. From insurance, to property, to inheritance, to medical decisions. A justice of a peace simple thing.
We should end the legal institution of marriage. It literally only provides two benefits: you can pool income for tax purposes, and you can share health insurance. Both of those items could easily be addressed without marriage, especially if we had universal healthcare or if you could add a partner to your health insurance like you can with car insurance.
Meanwhile, marriage in it's current form means that the state decides how much of your retirement savings you get to keep when your partner decides to leave you or you decide to leave your partner. It's the worst financial decision that it is possible to make to ever marry someone outside of your class because of that risk, and that risk sucks the joy and romance out of the whole thing.
If you want to have a fairy tale wedding or an important religious ceremony, go for it, but there is zero reason to get the government involved at all anymore.
The latest episode of the Know Your Enemy podcast had some interesting words about why the republican party can't govern or correct itself in the final ~10 minutes of the episode. I didn't get to finish because of life stuff, so I rewound to re-listen later today (awake with insomnia rn, not ready to digest).
Sorry for this empty post where I didn't convey their ideas. It was something about campaign finance and how McCain / Feingold created a channel for the worst (like Gaetz) to act like shitheads.