I’ve been using YouTube far more than any of my paid services for years. However I’m ready for a switch. If the YouTubers who I follow switched platforms I’d go with them in a second.
The reason while they have all the content, is precisely because they can generate revenue for channels. I much prefer payment through subcription and ad views to annoying in video sponsors and product placements
But on YouTube you get both. If I could pay and not get in video sponsorship along with no ads, then I might consider it. But I will not pay to be advertised at.
I was using newpipe x Sponsorblock on Android exclusively, and now on desktop I've moved to freetube. Never did get the pop up telling me to remove Adblock but decided to make the jump early.
I have never gotten a adblock popup using Firefox and ublock origin while my friend has gotten several on Chrome. I wonder if I'm just lucky that I'm not in the adblock block rollout on YouTube or if Firefox+ublock is working
Same Firefox and unlock setup (also sponsorblock) but I got a pop-up about ad blockers the other day and I just closed it and the rest of the site works fine.
Also this seems to be the safest way as your account not linked to freetube. Yt looses all data like age, likes and comments. Only the number of views gives them any feedback. This will bring down yt. All we need is time to work out alternatives. Yt censorship and demonetizing rules are killing the platform anyway.
The only issue I have with freetube is that I sometimes like to click on the recommended videos on YouTube's front page. If I switch to freetube entirely, I'll lose that. But if uBlock doesn't continue to work I will make the switch and the YouTubers I wouldn't normally see just won't get my views any longer.
Using ReVanced and having a fantastic time. If they find a way to block a locally patched client that is only a few versions behind, I will be impressed.
Why are so many of you alergic to paying creators to make videos? I get doing it on most sites, but buy premium of the sites like nexus mods or YouTube where people make content so they aren't making shit you enjoy for free.
The insinuation that website users somehow have a responsibility to watch ads so that the website's 3rd party content creators can make money reads like a case of Stockholm Syndrome. YouTube are the ones paying the creators, not me, and can change the terms by which they calculate creator payments at any time. If YT decides that now, ads viewed during the hours of 7pm to 10pm result in higher creator payments, where is my role in that? Am I now obligated to prefer viewing ads during that time?
Plenty of content is uploaded to YT by people who don't and never will get creator payments. Do I have to watch those ads?
My contract with YT is that I control what data is downloaded by and presented on my PC, not them. That Silicon Valley has decided that everything is free, but with ads, is unfortunate. If they're unable to fund their business or their content if I use an ad blocker, then it seems to me like they're pretty fucking bad at business.
Some of us pay for premium but still use Revanced and Freetube because they are simply better youtube clients. Sponsorblock, OLED themes, customizable UI, better performance, etc. The adblocking is just icing on the cake
Use Firefox, update the uBlockOrigin extension, update the filters, remove any other adblocking extension in case you have it. Should work just fine then.
I use Firefox with uBlockOrigin and haven't had to do any manual updates or anything. I still seem to be unaffected by the changes everyone is talking about. Is it a slow rollout or does uBO just silently keep up with it?
It could be simply luck because it is a slow rollout, or it could also be that you got the filter updates on the background. In any case, you know what to do if you ever run into it.
Same here. That's not 3 videos per day, but total before it stops playing.
I wonder what tech and it creators say about this change. They will probably see a dip in views, engagement and number of clicks they promised their sponsors.
How exactly "can" they? They've been trying pretty hard for quite a long while now and nothing has ever worked. It's also pretty logical why they can't: they don't control your device, you can do anything with it. Whatever they implement, you can always fake being a normal user. Which is exactly why no one using Firefox + uBlock sees anything of what's mentioned in this article (as long as no other addons/settings trigger the adblock detection).
Only the environment they do control is affected, which is essentially like "controlling your device": Chrome.
Yes, they can, it will probably become a cat and mouse situation. The main idea is to put pressure on people that will not take the time to keep looking for alternatives or new solutions and will simply pay up or watch the ads.
then don't do something for the benefit of humanity if you can't handle not having infinite line-go-up. Numbers aren't easily found but it looks like they generated north of a billion in profit, not revenue, profit.
If a billion, after all bills are paid, is not enough. Give it to someone to whom a billion is enough.
Do you mean 87.7% use the YouTube iOS/Android App or 87.7% use their smartphone to watch YouTube? Because in the latter case you also can use ReVanced, Firefox + Adblock, Invidious, etc.
I was fine with ads a couple years ago, but the number, length and frequency of them keeps ramping up. This wouldn't need to be such a struggle if they just were reasonable about it.
Me : clicks a helpful tutorial of 5 minutes.
YT: here have an unskippable ad 5 seconds.
Me: annoying but the creators have to make money somehow I guess.
YT: and now here's your skippable ad.
Me: I just want this to be over with.
YT content creator: Hello guys this video is sponsored by Raycons. 10 seconds blabbering on the product, skipskip
Me: closes video.
Does anyone else kinda miss when youtube was more informal, random, less edited, and more janky? Nowadays everybody has a title card, and a two minute intro greeting, high-end camera setup, and tightly rehearsed script. It's like they all decided to just recreate the unnecessary bloat and ceremony from classical television, for the sake of "appearing professional" or something?
For example, a tutorial doesn't need to begin with a "Hey guys, it's your pal ASDFGHJKL. Have you ever got your foreskin trapped in a whatever and yada yada yada? Well today I'm gonna show you how to blah blah blah. Now let's get into the video. But first a word from our sponsor Lockheed Martin..."
What's with the "today"? I'm always watching it "today" by definition. And I wouldn't have clicked it if I wasn't in that particular predicament. Why not just immediately start showing the solution?
If you're old enough to remember the original need for pop-up blockers you would know that. Just 30 screens pop-up in a cascading order filling your screen with crap. Auto play video, auto-installing toolbars (Thanks Obama Microsoft).
I definitely remember those days, a lot of sites were just unusable, and I hear some places like the Fandom wiki are returning to that level.
I believe there is a small amount of ads it's acceptable to live with, I do accept that content needs to be paid for somehow, but corporations can't seem to ever accept a limit for themselves. Even though YouTube is already perfectly profitable and has been for years, it continues to escalate. Not to mention the rampant data-tracking that there is all over the place that people just accept because it's invisible. Or that Google is working to weaken ad blocking and enhance tracking at a browser level.
Unfortunately there's too many people that just roll over and take it at much higher levels than is reasonable. They'll stop when the normies start to walk away, and from what I can see that sits at about the Idiocracy TV scene level.
I'm just closing the window when that happens. Same as I did when ads first came to the web. There was a long gap in between where I somewhat tolerated them but mostly annhialated them with ad-blockers. The few that got through were allowed because pick your battles.
But if you're gonna get in my face and block content, I'm just gonna walk away. Get fucked. Find another way to make money. If that means no more free content, I'll pay. But I won't suffer abuse.
I installed a userscript today that plays ads in muted embeds hidden behind the actual player so that it effectively and quite literally blocks them while still leaving actual ublock disabled on the site. works pretty well.
Users complain but 99% of the 0,01% that actually use adblockers will just continue, just like how internet "boycotts" always end, by going back to the dystopian status quo
not only is this a seemingly random site that needs you to use an account to access part of the information, all you need to do is not look at a random site that pulls stats out of their arse like you say, they dont explain where the data comes from, they dont explain anything.
I dont need to pull random ass data from that sketch site, this small amount of legwork is far more than necessary nor what you deserve for being a dick about it: (lets not forget you just say "elsewhere" without showing us, well, anything)
everything else is too small and inconsequential to mention, same with github, thats a total of 17.018.078, firefox usercount FROM firefox, about 188 million
thats again, only super roughly but 32 million users compared to chromes rough 3.3 BILLION users
both of these may nto be exactly 0.01 % sure, but we are all inconsequential and mean nothing compared to the total count of uers, who barely know what a browser is, let alone what an adblocker is.
When I read something like that, I don't think "hey those are actual stats, wow!". I actually think "hey those are actual stats, whoa!". Kidding.
You're being pedantic for no reason
It's a generalization and their point was not the numbers. It was that in the past people complain about this kind of atuff, Google ignores it and people move on. Google probably even still continues to grow.
However, I think things have been shifting and that may not even end up being the case. Look at Unity.
Really hoping some IPFS alternative takes off. Youtube has already been tanking in quality but no one changes because its a monopoly on online videos.
And if Twitter has shown us anything, it's that people legitimately won't leave a crappy platform unless there's a significant popular and better alternative that can scale immediately to demand.
Not sure how an IPFS option would work. I get the bandwidth issue slightly goes away as we'd all kinda share that cost but not really. IPFS isn't really free storage. Of all media shitty compression video is big and anyone who forgot to tune their torrent upload and accidently seeded something for too long knows you'll run out of monthly bandwidth allotments very fast.
peertube is already pretty good. The commenting liking and sharing all work with activity pub. there is also owncast for live streaming. I understand peertube maybe implementing live streaming too.
I have recently been experimenting with odysee for videos that I can embed into a web page or something, but the service itself doesn't have enough users to get you views just because you're there.
If you have any stored payment methods on Google Pay, I'd remove them. Whose to say they won't try to sneak some clause in their TOS that says if you use an ad blocker, they will charge you for Premium. removes tinfoil hat
Also completely believable. This is why I never enter payment info on Google software or hardware. Illegal doesn't mean shit to companies this big, ftc/fcc are toothless and we are cattle.
A 6 figure fine for a 12 figure profit sounds accurate to how this would play out.
I'm still not seeing ads in brave browser, just in case anyone didnt know. On Android Newpipe also works and freetube for desktop too.
EDIT: I dont care about meaningless internet points but that being said. I have provided 3 options here. None of which have been refuted on technical grounds and have been hivemind downvoted.
If you have legitimate claims besides the usual "crypto scams" then please post the links. I'm happy to reevaluate my choices based on new information.
I would need to see evidence of data sharing between brave and third parties that I have not explicitly consented to or packet captures showing data being sent where it shouldn't, commits pointing to malicious code etc...
I personally stopped using brave a while ago, but simply telling someone, in an unrelated thread, not to use brave isn't constructive. Next time lay out the reasons why you believe they shouldn't use brave and let them decide.
Thanks but respectfully I am an adult and can make my own choices. I also use Firefox too by the way. Having said that Brave is open source. They disable a lot of google shit and the built-in protections are pretty good. The BAT ads are opt in and when disabled you dont hear about them.
I was simply making the point that YouTube and Spotify were adless experiences using brave.
This is very possibly a Google employee, every big company in the world now has rooms full of people constantly astroturfing this shit and it works very well. It works so well that this comment will be downvoted to oblivion. It's also virtually guaranteed that it will be responded to with a condescending, paternalistic post about how "lol bruh everybody who thinks different than you do must be a shill" or something similar - also not unlikely to be paid for.
Edit: Predictable, but not entirely unexpected. For anyone reading this, use LibRedirect browser extension to point all your YouTube links to a different front end.
This is a controversial viewpoint on here. You have to be pirating everything and using Linux otherwise you are corporate shill and will be downvoted for having a different viewpoint. Talk about an echo chamber.
I have used YouTube premium for years and years now, it is the best value subscription service I use. I haven’t seen an ad in years, I don’t have to find loopholes and I get to support the creators that produce great content. Also music.
I don't, but I'm fine with paying for premium. I hate that a lot of content has sponsored content that your premium subscription doesn't remove. Even if I paid for premium I'd still need to have SponsorBlock to make it watchable.
I pay for premium but I ended up installing revanced on my phone so I could disable shorts and it also skips in-video ads which is really nice. I didn't disable YouTube's ad blocking though because I don't need to.
Shit, dude, I was in your corner until the edit. It's supposed to be about choice. Those that wanna pay, pay. Those that can put up with ads, put up with them. Those that wanna say fuck YouTube, well, arr matey.
So, you rock on with your choice. You didn't, as far as I can see, removed at anyone else's choice, so keep on rocking.
But ffs, never, ever whine about votes. Doesn't matter if they're up or down, they're just part of the forum. You say your peace, you get the votes you get (and if you check my user history, you'll see plenty of shit I've said where I did exactly that, so this isn't from someone that's all pristine or shit), and that's the way it is.
Same here. It’s nice to have high quality niche content from individual content creators and with premium I believe they get better revenue than ad supported users.
Although YouTube music kind of sucks I’m using Apple Music for that so I kind of have redundant service
For as many hours of YouTube that I watch, maybe 1 hour daily, I don’t mind setting my VPN to turkey and paying $15 for the year. I mostly use it for music anyway… I certainly wouldn’t pay the full price for it though.
I wish people didn't care about downvotes. Always hated the edits on reddit reacting to being downvoted. Would downvote comments I agreed with too if they whined about votes.
I used to care for about 2 minutes, it's just strange to worry about fake Internet points, but I guess humans like the endorphins or rewards for the brain.
social media got a lot of their ideas from the gambling sector
Its not relevant to this particular commenter, but ive made downvote edits when i get to -5 or -10 but have no replies. Especially when i felt like i had a reasonable take. My edit is usually asking for responses from those who disagree, rather than just a "edit: fuck you haters".
even if some users stop using YouTube, there won't be a loss of revenue because those users weren't watching ads anyway.
Guys, YouTube doesn't give a flying fuck that you aren't going to consume their content without paying. That's the point. They're only rolling this out slowly to be sure they aren't impacting their actual customers.
Lemmy felt like classic reddit for about a week, actual content that I wanted to see, discussions at an adult level. The amount of bandwagoning and "me too", "fuck corporations" comments has me signing on less and less.
I'm with you, but I've found that any post here on Lemmy about YouTube, Spotify, or any other streaming service ends up the same: artists have enough money already, artists are paid better through merchandise and performances (no citation provided and the author acknowledges they don't actually do this), these services don't pay enough anyway, non-paying users are entitled to a better experience; all this is to excuse themselves of stealing content from creators they love by bootlegging it illegally.
I'll look forward to reading this yet again next week, alongside all the entitlement in the comments section that seem to think running YouTube is free and recommending trash alternatives which have less than 1% of YouTube's content and don't even work.
Not to mention they were fine without ads and forcing content creators to spew the whole "like and subscribe or else the algorithm will hunt me down" bullshit. This is all because of corporate greed, it's so disgusting. They just want to get on the subscription gravy train because it lets them have their cake and eat it too, meanwhile content creators are left out in the cold even though they're the only reason people still use YT at this point.
Competitors would be great but there isn't another service that comes close to what youtube provides. You'd need it to be worth it for creators to jump ship or at least upload to multiple sites. There hasn't been any real competition in the space because youtube is so far ahead of everyone else.
The problem I have is paying for a service that harvest my data to make money, I wouldnt mind paying if they keept all that shit in the free version, so now instead I will focus my energy on circumventing the anti-adblocker
Youtube doesn't run for free, but they can save more money by firing a few executives than go after the minority adblock users. It's not the creators that really matter (but they're the group of people who are visible and who we can relate to) but you would not be saying the same thing if they were totally honest and say they're raising money so the executives can keep on "executing" and that investors can keep their short term profits.