I hope this enforce to the point that all the assholes in my state that have rig thier trucks to do this can go to fucking jail or have their trucks and licenses revoked.
Cops pull people over for having something hanging from their rearview mirror. I would think they'd love to be ticketing people for having these things.
Fuck it, hit 'em hard. Been buying off eBay for 20-years, I like 'em. But this seems like a fine place to put our collective foot down and say, "No. You can't do that."
I was shafted by an Ebay seller who was nasty and awful. He acted like he was too stupid to understand why his item was not at all what I ordered. He had a 99.4% approval rating. I thought how the hell was that possible? I found out when I went to leave my negative rating and Ebay would not allow me to post the negative rating.
A seller shipped me a phone that was much worse than what I bought, and it wasn't even the same brand. I returned it. However, the seller wouldn't ship the right phone but still had the listing saying several were available. I couldn't leave a negative review, which makes no sense, and I reported it to ebay, but as of yet nothing has happened to the seller that I can tell.
It's really disappointing. I want an Amazon alternative, but it's tough if I'm going to have to go through this crap.
I used to use them all the time, they've been super shitty for about 10 years now. They don't even show up in my searches anymore because I won't buy from them. Come to think of it, neither does Amazon, he he.
I drive a Prius. Assholes "roll coal" when they drive next to me all the time. I don't even get it. They're not even giving me shit for having an electric car, they're giving me shit because I pay less for gas than they do.
Sure, but they do it specifically to Priuses. Electric cars too, but also Priuses and other hybrids. I've heard so from other hybrid owners and seen them do it too. It is definitely about their fragile ego, but I think it's also just because they're idiots.
I'm fortunate enough to be able to walk to and from work every day. These "roll coal" bastards just hate me for it. I think it must really chap their assess to see little ol' me bopping down the street listening to my tunes and not needing an emotional support truck the way they do.
If it's any consolation, the fact that they are modifying their trucks which are already enormously over priced and gas suckers to suck even MORE gas when they do this to you should hopefully provide some sort of satisfaction to you. I typically point and laugh at them.
Wait I thought people were just tampering to get higher performance or something, idk. But they're literally doing it to make the vehicle spew worse than it already does? Wtf and why? What is wrong with people?
Running the diesel engine extra rich so it vomits extra sooty exhaust instead of properly burned, cleaner exhaust, because they feel the need to compensate for their small member by annoying everyone else.
Since getting an electric car they've started cutting me off, brake checking me and then doing the soot farting thing. It's like they need to make up for my car's lack of tailpipe emissions in a way that really lets me know they're doing it.
I've seen around 5 guys (maybe the same one?) doing this in Seattle. They are extremely stupid looking and they also cover their license plate with "mud." It makes me laugh because they're spending lots and lots of money and time to look that fucking stupid.
Honestly, that's how I read it, so message received. It's not the sort of thing you say or do if you're trying to win friends and influence people, though.
Wait I thought people were just tampering to get higher performance or something, idk
Some folks are, but their goal is to not spew a bunch of black smoke because black smoke means incomplete combustion, which in turn means less power than they could've had if they'd managed to shove more air in.
"Rolling coal" is an entirely different thing based purely on idiocy and spite.
The worst thing is the people who intentionally spew Priuses (back when they were the only semi-electric cars around) and bicycles with soot, as some sort of "fuck you for trying to not pollute, hur hur" thing.
Those types of tuners also exist, and depending on the tune they can actually in some cases slightly improve fuel economy (depending on driving style). I tuned my Audi A3 to "Stage 1+" and actually have seen slightly better fuel economy doing highway driving to which I attribute the new ECU/TCU tunes allowing me to stay in gear longer during acceleration I guess?
A little smoke is a symptom of making more power. A lot of smoke just means you failed to add enough air to go with it and are pointlessly polluting and wasting fuel.
(Side note: my diesel VW, which is modified for more power but also is typically fueled with 100% biodiesel, produces less smoke than it did stock.)
To a point. After that you're just making more smoke, and washing out the cylinders, drastically reducing the engine's life. I take some consolation in the fact that most of the bros rolling coal will absolutely not be able to afford a replacement engine once they trash theirs.
Yes exactly. No online platform can catch 100% of prohibited activity. They are punishing the wrong people.
What they should do is get a list of all the ones eBay missed, file charges against the seller and start knocking on buyer's doors. Or maybe send some agents in an undercover Prius to pull them over and issue a fine when they get coal rolled. That would send a pretty clear message that eBay is not a safe place to purchase these items.
Please crack down on rolling coal in general. If you were to put it in the context of the shopping cart theory, it would be shoving your cart directly into someone else's car.
It's the sheer waste that gets me - not just the fuck you tiny dick bullshit of spewing your effluence onto people intentionally, no, they need to waste fucking shittons of petrol or diesel to do it MEANWHILE THE WORLD IS FUCKING BURNING. The fucking amazon dried up, what more evidence do they need?
Of course, if evidence swayed them, if they had half a fucking brain they'd never try this shit in the first place. But you know what's worse than the stupids running the planet into meltdown?
The rest of us let them. Even wildly stupid bullshit like this.
Fun fact. My workplace added recycle bins to the breakroom a few years ago. The day after, HR had to call a facility-wide emergency meeting to explain that their use was voluntary only and that no workers would be required to use them.
Grown ass adults lost their shit because they saw a recycle bin.
I've been coal rolled and driven off the road as a recreational cyclist on rural, lonely roads. The last time I felt safe cycling on the road was 5 years ago?
Honestly things have gotten so much worse IMO, most drivers are not paying attention and I've been almost smooshed a few times. Slowing down and trying to stay out of cars' way can only do so much...
The ones that force past only to pull over or turn 5 seconds later are the worst examples of impatience I've seen on the road in years ☹️
A 16-year-old truck driver ran over six cyclists out on a training ride on September 25, in Waller County, Texas.
The driver was attempting to “roll coal” on the cyclists when he hit them, according to witnesses.
The driver was finally arrested on November 8 and indicted with six counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, which is a second-degree felony.
Edit: the last update from the Law Firm representing the cyclists:
Shit like this is the reason why I ditched the bike and got a car. The infrastructure is woefully inadequate for biking; more often than not you have to share the road with these idiots instead of having your own dedicated lane. Furthermore, I had way too many near death experiences. I never want to ride a bike in the US ever again.
To look like you're an impressive person with a big, strong truck that is so powerful it can't help but not spew lung-destroying emissions. They're just cosplaying truckers.
i’d probably read the sometimes as applying to environmental protest rather than the practice… as in there are other forms of environmental protests, and this is one that is sometimes used
The article had a video and I could only stand watching it for a couple of seconds. It started with a Russian sounding guy saying they were going to show why a Prius is dangerous to the environment. Then, they showed people laughing as they rolled coal at electric car drivers.
Is that their argument? "Electric cars are dangerous to the environment because people driving electric cars make me spew tons of smoke into the atmosphere"?
What's next? "You recycled your can. That's bad for the environment because that forced me to spill this toxic waste into a playground. All those kids got sick and it's all your fault for recycling!!!"
Having lived in a handful of states, I've only seen it in one of them: Virginia. I suspect it's more of an Appalachian or southern thing in general, however.
If anyone is curious some states have a number you can use to report it. I keep it in my phone contacts and when I see it I tell them the license plate number.
Even as a car guy and a pro-ICE cars, I agree 100% with this. These rolling coal trucks are just cringe, and literally a waste of fuel. I can't say I care about the climate but I also hate the ones who fuck the climate as much as 50x the amount a normal human does, on purpose just because "fuck the climate".
Just out of curiosity, what makes you not care about the climate?
Is it some sort of fatalistic "we got 20 good years left, so might as well enjoy them" kinda deal?
and if you’re trying to make a joke because the people that do this are likely homophobes and would hate to be associated with gay sex, i’d ask please don’t… that, in itself, is unintentionally homophobic because it implies gay sex is derogatory
Sorry I wasn’t intending on implying that. Meant to make the homophobes the butt of the jokes (and a slight inspiration from Arrested Development’s “shoveling coal” although it doesn’t mention being gay at all, just an implication of a sex act). The people who roll coal don’t care about doing things for the right reasons, so maybe they’ll do the right thing for the wrong reason (don’t roll coal bc they don’t wanna be gay). Worked for roller blading (although ofc there wasn’t anything wrong with that)