Wait I thought people were just tampering to get higher performance or something, idk. But they're literally doing it to make the vehicle spew worse than it already does? Wtf and why? What is wrong with people?
Running the diesel engine extra rich so it vomits extra sooty exhaust instead of properly burned, cleaner exhaust, because they feel the need to compensate for their small member by annoying everyone else.
Since getting an electric car they've started cutting me off, brake checking me and then doing the soot farting thing. It's like they need to make up for my car's lack of tailpipe emissions in a way that really lets me know they're doing it.
I've seen around 5 guys (maybe the same one?) doing this in Seattle. They are extremely stupid looking and they also cover their license plate with "mud." It makes me laugh because they're spending lots and lots of money and time to look that fucking stupid.
The one(s) I saw were all matte black, so we now know there are at least 2 of them. POS going to Othello? Again, so fucking stupid. I grew up in the Chicago area, I would love to see them try that crap in those neighborhoods, they wouldn't have time to see what was coming. Seattle suburbanites really are spoiled and don't how bad the consequences can be when they're being shitty.
Haha I grew up (sometimes, moved a lot but fam was from) near where Comiskey park was, 33rd & Emerald.
Yeah, saw the white shitroller, lifted, big wheels, lots of bumperstickers @ othello & mlk last week revving at the intersection then rolling coal over people @ the light rail station. If I had an AT4 at that moment, I'd probably be in jail now.
Honestly, that's how I read it, so message received. It's not the sort of thing you say or do if you're trying to win friends and influence people, though.
Wait I thought people were just tampering to get higher performance or something, idk
Some folks are, but their goal is to not spew a bunch of black smoke because black smoke means incomplete combustion, which in turn means less power than they could've had if they'd managed to shove more air in.
"Rolling coal" is an entirely different thing based purely on idiocy and spite.
The worst thing is the people who intentionally spew Priuses (back when they were the only semi-electric cars around) and bicycles with soot, as some sort of "fuck you for trying to not pollute, hur hur" thing.
Those types of tuners also exist, and depending on the tune they can actually in some cases slightly improve fuel economy (depending on driving style). I tuned my Audi A3 to "Stage 1+" and actually have seen slightly better fuel economy doing highway driving to which I attribute the new ECU/TCU tunes allowing me to stay in gear longer during acceleration I guess?
A little smoke is a symptom of making more power. A lot of smoke just means you failed to add enough air to go with it and are pointlessly polluting and wasting fuel.
(Side note: my diesel VW, which is modified for more power but also is typically fueled with 100% biodiesel, produces less smoke than it did stock.)
To a point. After that you're just making more smoke, and washing out the cylinders, drastically reducing the engine's life. I take some consolation in the fact that most of the bros rolling coal will absolutely not be able to afford a replacement engine once they trash theirs.
Fuel efficiency yes. These newer diesel motors go into dpf mode around 300 miles to burn off any diesel soot. Which in turn uses more diesel and tanks the fuel economy. I get why some guys do it especially when the egr system goes up. But rolling coal is fucking stupid. Terrible on the motor too.