My social circles are filled with Linux / Unix die hards... and most of them are engineers first, pragmatists second, and linux just fills the philosophy.
They ALL, each and every one, have windows available to them (or macos). If nothing else then dual booting, for games, for family, etc. (Some may deny it, but if you really dig into it, they have the ability... or a VM laying around, for those one offs,, oh its for Work (tm) so it doesn't count).
The online Linux or Die is a very vocal, but niche viewpoint that I never encounter in real life.
It's totally fine. I'm a pro Linux guy myself. Well pro BSD really. It's just some of the technical topics we discuss on Lemmy, have some very unhelpful people pop out of the woodwork, and just say don't use windows at all. Without addressing the topic at hand. That's a little tiresome for me.
I was planning to write, "I only use Linux on my computers", while that is technically correct, I also have a few Windows VM's and my partners PC is running windows, that came in handy when my Samsung laser printer forgot it's network settings.
So I can as well admit it, I am: Engineer first, Pragmatist second, and Linux is a good caulk for the rest.
This is nonsense. I--and a great many other Linux users--don't have a Windows partition on any of their computers.
My kids were given Windows laptops for school but that's the only Windows in the house. For work I just login to a virtual Windows desktop (though honestly I'd work much more efficiently if I had a Linux desktop) 🤷
Guess I'm the exception - no way to access Windows currently. I used to have a VM, but I recently switched to a new system and I'm too dumb/lazy to figure out how to make a Windows VM there. Luckily I only used it for Photoshop which I don't need that often.
You have to be a pragmatist first convenience second kind of person thats willing to truly commit to a philosophy at the cost of other things. This kind of person is uncommon, most just want their computers to work and do the thing they want and don't care about things like microsoft treating them like garbage with forced apps, os level spyware, and forced windows updates for 'security'. If a few of your favorite multiplayer games don't work on linux, most will stick with windows because they don't want to give up their social escapism. Some people do actually say 'nah, you can keep em' and nuke windows anyways.
Yes, this is true... in the way that a lot of money was paid to sell you the delusion that everything is about Windows and that people not using them are obviously stupid and self-destructing. Any actual Linux user will just exit through a door, because he's not a brain-washed moron believing that there is only the one right (proprietary, and tightly controlled) way.