The Clipboard Project is an advanced clipboard manager for the terminal. No other clipboard manager exists with features like an unlimited history, unlimited clipboards, and user friendliness...
Hi everyone! I'm the developer of a clipboard manager that I know many of us Linux users here might know, called just The Clipboard Project.
I've spent the past couple months working on a bunch of speed optimizations, little fixes, and a really cool new feature for Linux only: asynchronous X11/Wayland clipboard synchronization. What that means is that you can copy stuff in the background and your CB clipboard will pick it all up automatically.
If that sounds awesome, then you can get the brand-spanking-new 0.8.2 version at https://github.com/Slackadays/Clipboard or this post's link (thanks, Lemmy!)
I'm an early user (I think?) And I can say that the project is very useful. Good work! I also contributed a couple issues, not much but it's honest work.
There’s a gif on GitHub page, but it doesn’t make it obvious (for me) if this software can help with “regular” copy/paste. What if I’m logged into two tty sessions at once, can I copy text in nano in one tty and paste it in other editor, like micro, in the other tty? With some universal hotkey?
It depends on what exactly you want to do, if you want just a hotkey that copies something in one window and pastes it in another, you'd have to set that up manually. But if you're logged into two SSH sessions at once and you want to copy something from one session and paste it in another, you could do that here. And if you want some hotkey to access something like the clipboard history in a GUI, then you'd need to set up in your window manager. Some users accomplish this through a combination of jq + dmenu (jq to process JSON output, dmenu to select an entry), so it's entirely do-able. For example, here is one such command: cb cp "$(cb hs | jq -r '.[].content | if type=="array" then .[].path else if type=="object" then .path else . end end' | dmenu)"
Yes, that’s what I wanted to know. So alas, no out-of-the-box magic for me…I find it incredibly frustrating that in 2023 one can’t simply copy-paste text from one local console to another. It seems like a basic function for a terminal-based *nix systems which doesn’t exist. I know it’s complicated even at the first glance, with huge security implications (like copying text in the root terminal and pasting it to a user one) but I believe it’s all solvable
I'm not the author of the project but this has nothing to do with copying files around. Instead it's a clipboard manager, meaning it's to add things to your clipboard and then paste them elsewhere. So an app to manage your ctrl-C - ctrl-v
I think it does actually also copy files around. That may be cool and useful, but is why I don't want to use it. I don't want to accidentally do that instead of normal clipboard stuff.
There is actually no reason to use it over cp file ../file, because that's not what it does. Instead, you can save something "for later" as if the cp command had a memory.
Does this work over ssh? For example, I'm in a ssh session, I can pipe something into a terminal program, and I can paste it with Ctrl + V on the host machine?