It's a thing that has started to appear because of mainstream social media deleting post with "bad vibes". Kill, suicide, and such vocabulary are actively repressed to "ensure happiness"
That makes sense. Avoiding censorship is reasonable. I was thinking some people did it to avoid triggers, as if seeing 'r*pe' or 'k!ll' isn't the exact same thing as seeing the words spelled out.
Yeah they don't like when people talk about mental health issues. Go kill yourself in private and stop getting your bad vibes all over my nice, clean website.
My business website has “kill” in it, and the business bankers at my bank can not view it on their work computers. Its blocked because of that string in the URL.
Human rights should always be universal and immutable, we can't go around deciding who does or doesn't have basic human rights. Antifa has to be the better people because unfortunately we have to be the adults in the room and show the children what it means to be a decent human being. But, having your human rights respected doesn't mean that you're immune to the consequences of your actions like getting the shit kicked out of you for being a Nazi prick, or getting locked up in prison for the rest of your life.
The TL;DR is that in order to create a tolerant society, ironically, the only thing that cannot be tolerated is intolerance. The paradox comes from the idea that if intolerance is tolerated and allowed to gain any kind of a foothold then the society is no longer tolerant, but if we stamp it out and nip it at the bud then that's also intolerant.
However, the paradox obviously has one preferred outcome which is that intolerance of intolerance is the only way to maintain a (mostly) tolerant society. The other option is letting the Nazis win.
People don't have a problem with tankies because they want to use violence against fascists. Violence against fascists is fine.
People dislike tankies because they're reactionary assholes. They dislike them for cheer-leading unjustifiable abuses and failures because they believe we're in some zero-sum game that excuses it. Because they're extremists, oppressive authoritarians, and want to use violence against all of their ideological enemies, including the "wrong kinds" of communist.
The good things they believe in and do aren't what people have an issue with: it's the inexcusably bad parts of their ideology people don't like, and the fact they're obnoxious about it.
Edit: I stand by what I said, but apparently its easier to recognize flags when you expand the image ... and my rant had nothing to do with the post.
Kay I need to ask, how does Lemmy use tankie? I've always thought it meant people who are willing to use violence against capitalist. I have a feeling I'm wrong.
Do you have a link? Are any of these people westerners? I don't think I've actually seen this. I am starting to think I'm not really sure what a tankie is.
The real version is the first guy says he won't bake a cake for a gay couple, which is shitty, but his right. Then the second guy comes along and says he wants to kill the first guy because nazis also wouldn't bake cakes for gay people, so the first guy must also be a nazi, and nazis all deserve to die, so this guy does too.
Then a rational person comes along and points out that both of them are being shitty and everyone loses their goddamned mind over it.
I dunno about you, my dude, but the only people I've seen fucked up by antifascists were not saying that they didn't want to bake a gay cake.
But I've seen the people who didn't want to bake a gay cake be called pieces of shit who should do better. And I think that's just called social consequences.