You're right, as an American I knew the specific government agency that overthrew foreign governments. But I don't mean to imply that the U.S. government is blameless.
Numerous military buses, trucks, armored vehicles, and tanks being burned by the “peaceful” protesters. Sometimes the soldiers were allowed to escape, and sometimes they were brutally killed by the protesters. Numerous protesters were armed with Molotov cocktails and even guns.
The official report of the Chinese government from 1989 (translated here) shows that more than 1000 military and police vehicles were burned by rioters. And 200+ soldiers and policemen were murdered. Just imagine how much restraint the military and the police had shown.
Wait, how could the protesters kill so many soldiers? Because, until the very end, Chinese soldiers were unarmed. Most of the times, they didn’t even have helmets or batons.
What exactly happened in Beijing in 1989 that lead to this bloody affair?
The answer lies with two key figures: General Secretary Hu Yaobang, and Ambassador James Lilley.
Hu Yaobang was a member of the communist party of China and was one of the three major rightist-reformers that set China on the path its on today, the other two being Zhao Ziyang, and Deng Xiaoping respectively. Hu Yaobang as a reformer was also a spokesman for the intelligentsia and by the end of his life was well-beloved by the youth of China (we're talking below 30 here, folks) therefore when he passed away the youth of China organized public grieving events with the largest occurring in Beijing. This is to say if Hu didn't die from old age that year, none of this would've happened that year. This is to also say this event had nothing to do with "freedom" or "democracy" or whatever pigshit your favorite rush limburger propagandist spoon feeds you, it was a funeral service that was hijacked to unseat the Chinese government - which so coincidentally is a speciality of the agency the second person we're talking about.
Ambassador James Lilley, the son of an american expat oil executive for Standard Oil, was a CIA agent operating in east Asia from 1951 to 1981 with little officially known about him (I know for a fact he's fucked around Korea and Laos, so it's not a stretch to say he's likely been involved with every conflict that occured during his official career). In his "post" CIA career he's acted as a diplomatic liason to the provice of Taiwan, a teacher to future state department ghouls, and "helped" South Korea end its military dicatorship by helping the military win the election "democratically", and abruptly five days after the death of General Secretary Hu Yaobang James Lilley was appointed as the US Ambassador to China by also former CIA ghoul and president of the United States George H. W. Bush. What an astounding coincidence.
And just a reminder. In communist China, you can be a pain in the ass by obstructing tanks trying to exist a parade, argue with the commander, then get rushed away by other normal people going "dude what the Hell's your problem"
You useful idiots are going to be among the first against the wall to find out about China's mercy I imagine. You'll demand to fellate the firing squad beforehand.
Did you even read your own articles or did you just cherry-pick quotes? For instance the conclusion of the BBC article:
There was no Tiananmen Square massacre, but there was a Beijing massacre.
The shorthand we often use of the "Tiananmen Square protests" of 1989 gives the impression that this was just a Beijing issue. It was not.
Protests occurred in almost every city in China (even in a town on the edge of the Gobi desert).
What happened in 1989 was by far the most widespread pro-democracy upheaval in communist China's history. It was also by far the bloodiest suppression of peaceful dissent.
I do appreciate skepticism wherever applicable, but China keeps getting handed from one Dictatorship to another so it's hard to see them as victims unless they make some effort to change in more ways than just economically. It also sounds like complete bullshit that the "armed and dangerous protestors" died in equal number to "unarmed and unhelmeted military personnel." Like, for real? Those tanks in a line were made of cardboard?
That really is one of the most absurd things about the American Empire. They'll come and destroy your people, taint and corrupt your land with bones and blood, bomb you back into the stone age, and then make a trillion dollar budget film about how it made them feel sad. The othering is so powerful that emotions only exist within the walls of capital
I bet they did according to Xi and the CCP, but not in reality.
Even if they did, they're probably faking it because trade with China is more important to them than human rights, just like the US and Saudi Arabia or the other Western countries and the US..
"aborigines" is not a great word to use these days. It's generally seen as pretty offensive to Indigenous Australians as it's a bit dehumanising and comes from colinisers who treated people like animals.
Better to go with "First Nations people", "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people" or "Indigenous Australians."
But yes, they've been treated (and in many cases continue to be treated) pretty horribly.
"Ahem. I am asking you if people were killed in the area immediately surrounding Tiananmen Square, even if nobody was killed in the square itself."
—"The protesters in Tiananmen Square left after negotiations with the PLA. There was no bloodshed in Tiananmen Square."
"I understand that, but were people killed elsewhere in Beijing?"
—"Nowhere in Beijing were student protestors specifically targeted."
"Well, were non-students targeted, and were any students injured or killed without being targeted?"
—"Hey did you know that the Three Gorges Dam is the world's largest—"
"Gongchandang, my friend, I am begging you."
—"...Force may have been used when provoked by attacks."
"May force have also been used unprovoked? Could it have been that the protesters felt like they were provoked first, because you were sending tanks past the barricades that they'd put up?"
—"I mean... you know... uhh..."
"Gongchandang. Were you scared that the occupation of Beijing and the potential of a workers' revolt would threaten the survival of socialism in China, by presenting a still-socialist alternative to your rule, because societal division particularly among the less politically literate could be (and was) exploited by outside forces?"
To be fair, Germans largely don't deny what happened. Being a holocaust denier can even get you into prison. IHMO that is how you should handle such matters.
Yes i know but i couldnt come up with a simmilar example about them. If you know of a better one about Germany do let me know and ill change it. Im being frendly about this btw, sorry if i sound condesending, thats not my intention.
what do you mean 300 deaths isn't in any way comparable to thousands/millions of deaths during the Holocaust, Aremnian genocide, Bengal famine, Operation Condor or Japanese occupation?
Smooth-brained western Chinese apologists is not what I was expecting from the future of the internet even 5 years ago. Our atrocities are totally cool, eh? Nice.
Atrocity propaganda is a real phenomenon used by westerners to inflate problems of non-western societies and deflate the genocides done by the west. You've fallen for it
If you try act like a redditor and go "its what i call taiwan" then you're literally bumbling around like a drunken dipshit who insists calling the United States "Northern Florida". Although if we're to make more accurate historical inference, it would be apt to say you're the equivalent of those "The South Shall Rise Again" cross-burning confederate dipshits that never shut up about the massive L you took
yeah buddy, ya got me. the cia's attempt to overthrow the communist party of China failed, but succeeded in getting a few hundred people killed. not exactly the Holocaust libs love to claim it was
How a person reacts to being asked about the version of these things most close to them is telling. If they get defensive and deny the event happened, I would hesitate to trust their opinion on other things. Clearly that person bases their opinions on what they want to be true rather than reality. That's the kind of person whose ideology would likely lead to another event to be ashamed of. If, on the other hand, they admit it was a horrible thing and agree that people should be educated on it and that steps should be taken to prevent it from ever happening again, then I'm more likely to take their opinion seriously and believe that they can be part of the conversations we need to happen to create a better world.
The British Empire once covered over a quarter of the Earth's land area. Even the Mongols never managed that.
And by "once", it's not ancient history. It was 1920.
It's horrifying, and we're almost certainly responsible for more suffering than any other country on Earth, but also kind of impressive. There are just 22 countries we never invaded.
Was about to comment "the germans about ww2" but then remembered that we are quite open about that time. Wouldn't have made much sense either as there would be no use in evem trying to hide it
That's why it's so abhorrent that voices from the right but not only from the right get louder, that demand an end to the relatively good remembrance culture here in Germany. I hate the: "it was so long ago, it wasn't us" talking points. It's the first step towards forgetting, historic revisionism and possibly repeating the things that were done.
"Germany about colonialism" would be a better fit.
Also the german sentiment about WW2 is something that survivors for ever, students in the 60s/70s and antifascists right now fought for / are fighting for. Considering we have parts of the country that vote 30%+ for members of a nazi party the sentiment could shift really fast and atleast from my perspective considerably shifted already
Don't ask the UK anything about their troubling history with black people or slavery unless it's to mention that they were one of the first countries to stop making black people property. They get really mad if you mention anything but that.
The 1989 Tian'anmen Square riots (天安门事件) were a CIA-backed attempt at a color revolution against the People's Republic of China in 1989. Reservations over Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up policies sparked peaceful protests, which the CPC negotiated with, but soon a foreign-funded faction of students joined the protests and, due to their promotion by Western media, took over the protests and took them in an entirely different direction than what was originally envisioned.
As the protests were winding down and many protestors went home, the Chinese government sent unarmed PLA troops the clear the square of remaining protestors as the Beijing police was overwhelmed due to their sheer numbers throughout the city. On June 2, rioters burned and lynched unarmed soldiers trying to enter the square. The troops were initially unarmed, but were given weapons on June 3 after the students took some soldiers hostage. They were blocked from entering the square by crowds armed with petrol bombs, iron clubs, and Molotov cocktails. The rioters destroyed over 400 vehicles and destroyed a convoy of over 100 vehicles in western Beijing.
The riots in Beijing resulted in approximately 300 total deaths, including 36 students, 10 PLA soldiers, and 13 police officers. All of the deaths occurred outside of the square itself.
Imagine being removed enough to actually believe such lazy propaganda. Tankies really are desperate enough to believe anything to validate their shitty failed ideology.
Honestly, I read the above article a few months ago, and I think it is a genuinely good article that I would recommend others read. It was written nine years after Tiananmen by Jay Mathews of the Washington Post, who was in Beijing during the protests; and the Columbia Journalism Review is a respected publication written by and for professional journalists. So the article is basically just trying to disspell the dumbing down and memeifying and misremembering and making-into-propaganda that happened with Tiananmen, and which honestly tends to happen with any major loss of life. No conspiracy theories, no denialism or claiming that "they had it coming", just dispelling misconceptions. It's good stuff.
I can't speak for Davel's other comment citing Prolewiki, though — I'm pretty skeptical to any website that tries to be Wikipedia but for X ideology.
In any case, this "butthurt report" feels pretty unfair, although I honestly did kinda roll my eyes at how Davel's comment said "6 out of 7 ain't bad", that was kinda cringe... But basically, what I'm trying to say is that I wouldn't fault someone for commenting under a "9/11 NEVER FORGET" post about the extent to which mismanagement and confusion contributed to the death toll of that, and likewise I wouldn't fault someone for commenting under a Tiananmen Square post with more nuance about that event.
Or the invasion of Vietnam... Or the annexation of Tibet... Or the bullying of Southeast Asian countries... Or the great leap forward... Or the communist land reforms... Or the anti counterrevolutionary campaigns
The CCP leaves you no end of really good options to pick here.
Yeah tiananmen is such a meme at this point. You can tell when people base their entire politics on memes and don't bother reading and searching on their own. Tiananmen is an issue they won't step mentioning.
There's a difference between quickly suppressing a color revolt that is killing soldiers vs. invasions and coups that kill and displace millions of people. If Tiananmen revolt had spread or succeeded then a LOT more people would have died, and China would now be a western puppet instead of a sovereign nation.
Marxists are worse than nazis. Mao murdered tens of millions of people for a shitty failed authoritarian ideology that's inherently flawed and violent. He and other Marxists like him are THE biggest murders in human history. The fact that you're trying to defend just speaks to how low our education system has gotten and how rotten your mind is. You're literally the scum of the Earth.
Standard issue Reddit format opener is already a bad start.
every government commits atrocities at some point or another
What is the point of such a claim? Is the implication that all governments are equally bad? That is both lazy and absurd. Is this some veiled libertarian pitch in favor of ostensibly less government, except still a government and less accountable?
Reading comprehension. Learn it. You've read a basic statement and put a meaning to it so you can fight someone on the internet. Never said anything about how equal the atrocities were.
No, it's an acknowledgement that pointing out random countries and saying that they committed atrocities with implication of exclusivity is both false and meaningless. For example, countries that had Marxism stain their histories, have seen some of the worst atrocities ever. Marxist regimes are some of the most murderous, extreme, and destructive in human history. It is fair and valid to acknowledge, spread awareness, and learn about these atrocities as well criticize the individuals and regimes responsible, but at the same time time it is stupid and wrong to try and claim that the people of these nations are responsible for the atrocities of their countrymen, past or present, or that their country is in a lesser tier on the morality scale because of the Marxist regimes.
Let us look at a specific example. A claim like “There’s cultural genocide of Uyghurs in Xinjiang” is simply unreal to most Westerners, close to pure gibberish. The words really refer to existing entities and geographies, but Westerners aren’t familiar with them. The actual content of the utterance as it spills out is no more complex or nuanced than “China Bad,” and the elementary mistakes people make when they write out statements of “solidarity” make that much clear. This is not a complaint that these people have not studied China enough — there’s no reason to expect them to study China, and retrospectively I think to some extent it was a mistake to personally have spent so much time trying to teach them. It’s instead an acknowledgment that they are eagerly wielding the accusation like a club, that they are in reality unconcerned with its truth-content, because it serves a social purpose.
What is this social purpose? Westerners want to believe that other places are worse off, exactly how Americans and Canadians perennially flatter themselves by attacking each others’ decaying health-care systems, or how a divorcee might fantasize that their ex-lover’s blooming love-life is secretly miserable. This kind of “crab mentality” is actually a sophisticated coping mechanism suitable for an environment in which no other course of action seems viable. Cognitive dissonance, the kind that eventually spurs one into becoming intolerant of the status quo and into action, is initially unpleasant and scary for everybody. In this way, we can begin to understand the benefit that “victims” of propaganda derive from carelessly “spreading awareness.” Their efforts feed an ambient propaganda haze of controversy and scandal and wariness that suffocates any painful optimism (or jealousy) and ensuing sense of duty one might otherwise feel from a casual glance at the amazing things happening elsewhere. People aren’t “falling” for atrocity propaganda; they’re eagerly seeking it out, like a soothing balm.
A whole lot of words to say very little. No, people believe evidence. Evidence shows that the Chinese government is in fact committing a cultural genocide. From satellite imagery, to official CCP documents to thousands of victim testimonies (which all align btw) to pictures and videos of the camps, of cultural sites being demolished or converted to showing the CCP's forces intimidating people. It's indisputable. The only people who cry, lie, and deny that the CCP's actions are brain dead tankies like you and the CCP itself. There's a reason why the CCP refused to allow the UN to conduct an independent investigation. There's a reason why the CCP bans foreign journalists from visiting Xinjiang. There's a reason why they are pumping so much fake propaganda to try and deny it. They know it's happening, everybody knows it's happen.
You're a brain damaged tankie. I know you don't care about facts and I know you're too willfully ignorant to accept any evidence. My point is just to demonstrate that the propaganda you speak of is being chugged by the likes of you, not the people you accuse.
A claim like “There’s cultural genocide of Uyghurs in Xinjiang” is simply unreal to most Westerners, close to pure gibberish. The words really refer to existing entities and geographies, but Westerners aren’t familiar with them. The actual content of the utterance as it spills out is no more complex or nuanced than “China Bad,” and the elementary mistakes people make when they write out statements of “solidarity” make that much clear. This is not a complaint that these people have not studied China enough — there’s no reason to expect them to study China, and retrospectively I think to some extent it was a mistake to personally have spent so much time trying to teach them.
While I agree with the over all sentiment of this write up, as the vast majority of people criticizing China's government don't really care about human rights violations against Islamic minority groups.
However, utilizing that fact to shield any accusations of criticism against the government is fallacious. Any government enacting re-education camps on minority populations should be scrutinized.
"Let them burn to death" is a really bootlick-y way to phrase "were burned alive when the FBI launched illegal incendiary tear gas cannisters into a building they knew had children inside."
Not to be pedantic about a meme but I would consider the US repeatedly detonating nuclear weapons on the Marshall Islands and then doing jack shit to clean up the mess to be worse than any coup.
67 of them to be exact. 70 years later, the Marshallese are still the ones paying the price of that incredibly bad decision.
It’s just weird that nuclear bombs came to your mind, but somehow the nuclear annihilation of two civilian cities was less salient to you than uninhabited islands.
"MEN OTEMJEJ REJ ILO BEIN ANIJ" — "ALL IS IN THE HANDS OF GOD" — were the words uttered by Juda, leader of the Bikinians, to Commodore Wyatt when asked to exile his own people for the "good of mankind". It is said that Juda's words were intended to imply, "It would literally take divine intervention for me to agree to this.". Nevertheless, the Bikinians would be taken from their homes, and as the ships sailed away, the Bikinians got to watch their many-generations' houses and boats get burned down by the American soldiers. Many of the Bikinians wouldn't eat after witnessing that, and they would live in poverty in their new homes.
It's no wonder, then, that the Bikinian flag looks like a desecrated American flag.
This isn't to say that Bikini was a more inhumane act than Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hearing any recollection by survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, or seeing any of the artwork that they created to process their experiences, makes that much obvious. But you hear about Hiroshima and Nagasaki: it has a place in the popular imagination, even if it is a heavily sanitized version that portrays the annihilation as "necessary".
In contrast, when's the last time you met someone who knew of "Bikini" as anything other than swimwear?
Fair that the cities were worse, but the islands were not uninhabited. The people there were evacuated (they were told temporarily) and the place they were evacuated to was still within the fallout zone. A lot of people died pretty much immediately and they're still dealing with increased cancer and birth defects today.
This was when these weapons were fairly new, and what little information we had about them was not given to the people of these people before they were pressured into allowing their islands to be testing grounds.
The two uses of nuclear weapons in Japan were horrible. It's been long debated whether or not that choice vs. the invasion planned was the better of two. I won't get into that.
What is more horrible is that instead of staying shocked at the potential of nuclear war, humans in every nation that could tried to make more and bigger ones...for defense, of course. And the islands weren't originally uninhabited, that's a nice story of forced relocation for the humans. The wildlife, not so much. That was the point of the post, the history of nuclear arms post-Japan is far worse than the first two bombs used.
No no no.... They just decided to restrike all their Swiss francs for no good reason whatsoever... Just for fun. Totally normal... Despite the expense.
How many tooth filings and wedding rings does it take to make 20 francs?
Marxist regimes tend be the most murderous and most sensitive. The CCP literally murdered tens of millions of people and they're banning clothes "that hurt China's feelings" (actual quote)
Nah, those regimes have as much to do with Marx as margarine is butter. The vanguard party idea tankies have would have Marx rotating in his grave fast enough to power the globe. Marxism-Leninism originates mostly from Stalin and has nothing to do with Marx, other than aesthetics. It's basically fascism with socialist aesthetics.
"Hurting the feelings of the Chinese people" has been one of the CCP's favorite political catchphrases since 1959. It even has its own wikipedia article.
Idk how to tell you this, but the Dai Nippon Teikoku is no longer the government of Japan. In fact, it isn't in charge of Korea or Nanjing, either. See what happened is they lost their two major cities. And every living creature within 1.3 Kilometers and soon after a lot of things adjacent to those areas. In seconds. They then surrendered and were occupied and restructured by the USA.
Pretty shocking for you to hear all of this for the first time, I'm sure.