President Biden said he won’t expand the Supreme Court because doing so would “politicize” the court in an unhealthy way. But it’s a political institution by its nature — and a disturbingly undemocratic one.
He's saying that because he can't expand the Surpreme Court. Like, with what Senate? You could talk about expanding the court if you have solidly more than 60 senators, but with 50 on a very good day? Sorry, that's just not happening.
How about people give him that Senate majority, or even better, build a time machine and prevent Trump so he doesn't get 3 judge. Biden isnt to blame for this court, but the American voters are. It's their responsibility to fix it, and if they don't even give Biden the tools to fix it, how is he supposed to do it then?
No, he's saying that because he has the same brainworms as most American liberals where he values their "norms" more than actually fixing their dysfunctional political system.
Also, this is a socialist community. Do not come here to run defense for mediocre liberal politicians, thanks.
Ultimately we need a "Roberts has made his decision, now let him enforce it" moment. The supreme court wished all its power into existence, so it only lasts as long as most people are willing to go along with the lie.
On the other hand, the president openly defying the supreme court would be a risky move with voters, so as usual, the buck stops with Us. And here we are.
Man we really needs a president who calls this stuff out. It's obvious to everyone else that SCOTUS is a blatantly political institution at this point. Biden might not be able to expand the court willy because of the Senate, but he could at least use the bully pulpit to humiliate them and galvanize the base.
The problem with the bully pulpit is that it only works on people who feel shame, and the Republicans gave up all pretense of that in 2016. Any strong arming Biden tries to do will only be met with further obstruction, fantasy "investigations" and impeachment proceedings, and more thinly veiled attempts to stoke anger and inspire acts of violence among the most radical conservatives. We're well beyond the point of looking to the past for viable political tools when the rules are so different now. What we need is for voters to get Republicans out of power and give Democrats decisive majorities in both houses of Congress and more state legislatures. And we need more people to participate in the primaries so those Democrats aren't just milquetoasts too. Then and only then can the gloves come off.
The problem with the bully pulpit is that it only works on people who feel shame,
I don't know that I agree.
The president has the power to call special sessions of Congress under the Constitution. If he started making these legislators cancel vacations they'd be a whole lot more pliable. The problem with the bully pulpit is Biden doesn't have any intention of using it, and Republicans know this because they're all owned by the same donors. Just once in my life I'd like to see a president fight just as hard to raise the minimum wage as Trump did to ban Muslims.
Hell, when people told Bernie it was impossible to get a minimum wage increase through congress he gave speeches outside Amazon and Disney, and that act led to a living wage increase (at the time) for more than 200,000 people.
Sounds like a good opportunity to use his massive platform to build up public support for the idea and sell them on its necessity for the advancement of better politics. Too bad he's not willing to though.
Perhaps for 2024. I suspect polling has told them otherwise. Like it or not, there are too many “white moderates” who aren’t very affected that would see this as over react.