Mine was mostly pretty low-key, which is how I like it. I got some small gifts from my wife and daughter, including a 7oz hammer with a colorfully painted handle. I actually really liked that. For dinner my mother-in-law took us out to an expensive steakhouse, where I had a wonderful ribeye, but I don't think it was worth the price. I'm grateful and appreciative, but I think it was a little too much. I think that she and/or my father-in-law had a gift card, so it made sense for them. Besides all that, I somehow hardly had to put up with any complaints, even from my ever opinionated four-year-old.
Took a 4-day weekend down in the states (Ocean Shores WA) then zoomed back on Sunday to attend a fathers day bbq in Vancouver. No gifts, but I'm itching to hit Home Depot and buy some unnecessary tools.
Mine was also low key. We went out the night before to an Italian restaurant we've not tried before. It was pretty good but not quite as good as I had hoped based on reviews. My wife gave me a small selection of different jams she'd picked up. I'm a sucker for a tasty jam!