Well, I'd say there's a time for everything. Images are absolutely amazing, but a well written story can make me cum buckets, especially because it's able to sustain arousal for minutes or even hours depending on length.
To answer my own questions
text. I like a good story, bonus points for illustration, but not necessary.
Short vs long depends on the mood and author. I like the world building and characters that can come from a long story. Depending on the author I will skip to or over the erotic bits.
Kinky every time. Bondage, latex, chastity...
Good stories are good stories.
Depends on my mood. Its hard for me to find photos/video that appeal to me. I would say I like the art of display more than the act. Add a good story and art is the way to go.
Art (!), stories, animations, fursuit photo shoots and videos, it’s all good.
Probably the only thing I’m solidly down on is animations that have voice acting and/or sound effects added, because even when it’s “good” or “well done” it still winds up being immersion/engagement-destroying for me.
I'm kinda the opposite, I want the story to tell me what happens before and whats about to happen. The art helps with the immersion for me. Do you have a favorite Author or Artist?
Oddly enough I don't. I really like characters who travel on all fours, but have paw-hands. Where there is an apposable thumb. Not easy to do in fictional anatomy, but hands are a turn on for me. Mutual masturbation can be a lot more satisfying in art/writing then sex.