Probably the two a half billion people claiming to identify as christian while actively opposing and taking action against any of Christ's non-self-serving ideals.
That must be painful and frustrating. An old coworker of mine was a “real” Christian (by that I mean kind, pleasant, and non-judgmental) and I often wonder what his take on the last several years would be.
I feel like there was something in Revelations about how a powerful delusion would fall on people because they "loved not the truth".
And I'm not saying this is the end times but I definitely feel like there wouldn't be much difference between how I felt right now and how I would feel if I knew for a fact it was the end times.
For real. I am no catholic or god worshipper but i feel like i am living a more religious life then them because I recognize the fiction of Jesus life for the vast inspirational philophies it contains and actually try to incorporate some of it in my life.
How does it feel to be on the same side as most preachers and weekly church-goers?
Few things drives them more nuts than people who call themselves Christians and don't even attempt to be followers of Christ. Trying and failing is one thing, and always an embarrassment to the church, but living like the worst dregs of society, while using that name, is worse than an intentional smear campaign.
Wow, top voted reply. Damn Lemmy is cynical. There are many people out there doing God’s work caring for each other for no recognition, no reward. And certainly there are many folks out there too that make things look really bad, and the media loves to tell that story, but don't for a moment think that that’s every Christian.
The best thing these unrecognized christians "doing God’s work" you say exist could be doing to help the world right now is to be actively and vocally trying to oppose the Christians that are currently very loudly advocating for fascism. There is literally no bigger threat right now. There is a clear imbalance in voices in the Christian community. The good Christians could be just as loud if they wanted, they could be setting an example, but they aren't. People always say it's just a "few" loud voices when talking about the bad things being said, if it only takes a few to be that loud then why the fuck are the good ones silent?
At 10:10 am,[75] Franz Ferdinand's car approached and Čabrinović threw his bomb. The bomb bounced off the folded back convertible cover into the street.[76] The bomb's timed detonator caused it to explode under the next car, putting that car out of action, leaving a 1-foot-diameter (0.30 m), 6.5-inch-deep (170 mm) crater,[75] and wounding 16–20 people.[77]
Čabrinović swallowed his cyanide pill and jumped into the Miljacka river. Čabrinović's suicide attempt failed, as the old cyanide only induced vomiting, and the Miljacka was only 13 cm deep due to the hot, dry summer.[78] Police dragged Čabrinović out of the river, and he was severely beaten by the crowd before being taken into custody.
Just the mental image of him chucking himself into a river after the failed bombing and then also failing his suicide on two fronts...
"The War to End All Wars" was a good season finale, but then just 20 years later they made a sequel with bigger effects budget and openly evil villains. Lazy writing. And the way things have been written towards WWIII but then backing off is a long season tease.
Are we supposed to believe the largest most dominant military force in the world, Kublai Kahn's Mongol fleet was defeated by some inclement weather... TWICE?? Lazy writing.
Why would they just confirm all the fan theories about the world elite running a massive illegal money laundering ring spanning the globe, and follow it up by proving that the same elite are trafficking children for sex acts if they didn't plan to go anywhere with that storyline?
But they made a movie episode, in 2019, to try to finally round off the series (all the actors returned). Check it out, if you didn't catch it. It wasn't perfect, obviously, but it was an admirable attempt.
The end of WW2 was a complex political issue, and the atomic bombs were not the 'press here, end war' that most of us believe.
The Japanese we're holding out hope (stupidly) that the Soviet Union would negotiate a conditional surrender with the united States as the end of the imperial system was unacceptable to them. The US had floated that if there was an unconditional surrender, that the imperial system would stay intact, but wanted it to seem like a US condition, not a Japanese one, because that would be a conditional surrender.
The Soviets always intended to invade, but were held by a nonaggression pact they made with the Japanese. The US pressured the Soviets very hard to violate this and invade Manchuria.
There was literally a Japanese war cabinet convened already when news of Nagasaki reached them. We have actual primary source for their reactions. They did not care.
Only once the second bomb dropped and Manchuria was invaded did some of the cabinet manage to convince the emporer to intervene which was extremely rare.
There's a video by Shaun that taught me pretty much all of this for the first time. It's kinda sad that my history education was like "Bombs dropped, war over"
The Berlin Wall arc just abruptly ended because they announced that East Germans could freely travel to the west and 'conveniently' forgot to mention there were still some regulations. Then the Border guards 'conveniently' said "fuck it" and let people pass without checking passports.
They built up the Epstein island arc like mad only to end it with him killing himself in prison and then never mention it again.
A few Prime Ministers have been peculiar plotholes. Harold Holt just disappeared. Whitlam got taken out by a madman influenced by the yanks and nominally working for the Queen. Sometimes it seems the writers just get bored of the storyline and drop stuff.
I don't know about this series, but I play a game with the same name and absolutely hate it. It's hugely pay to win with permadeath and the grind has nowhere near the payoff for the amount of effort you put in.
*Locality and reality are defined in specific ways within quantum physics, and "not locally real" doesn't necessarily mean 'illusory' as you might expect. Look into it, it's some crazy shit.
There’s a saying in German that my grandmother sometimes used, it roughly translates to “The person is good but the people are bad” (Der Mensch ist gut, aber die Leut sind schlecht).
That there wasn't a single mainstream Republican who stood up to Trump during his presidency.
I mean, come on. Who wrote this?
We're supposed to believe that EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN in government went from taking about how unfit Trump was when he was a candidate ... to standing behind him 100% even when he cozied up to Russia, paid hush money to a porn star, and lied about a Presidential election?
My 6 year old was asking me about this a few weeks ago. He's asking, how do our minds work? How did we come to be thinking and feeling and thinking about thinking? He says, "I know we're made of cells, but how did the cells... find their voice?" He's so fun.
Like a year prior to this, I stayed up all night trying to Google it, I guess for some reason I thought the answer would be a little clearer but apparently it's highly debated and mostly unknown.
One approach that I'm reasonably sure is correct is "emergence". A bunch of simple systems come together in a way that forms a more complex system than any of its individual parts. You can find this in many areas:
computers are made up of very simple basic units that come together to do incredible things
games can have simple systems that produce complex behaviour when taken together
biological systems follow similar patterns
It just seems right that consciousness isn't something that evolved as a standalone thing, but instead is the result of more and more simple systems coming together. We didn't wake up screaming one night in the face of the sheer terror of existence, it was a choir that gradually got louder :)
Originally the machines were going to use human brains for processing, but apparently the explanation was deemed too technical, so they changed it to some mumbo jumbo about power, which also let them use the nickname Coppertop.
That is even better. Making humans into some perpetual energy machine seemed silly. If you are going to break a fundamental law of physics, why not use animals. At least they won't fight back.
I mean I was aware of him before 1990 and really could not understand how he was famous or successful. My brother is older than me and Trump came up on the news one day and he said "he's either a criminal or his bankers are idiots". We grew up quite a ways from NYC if you're wondering.
The older you are the more insane this timeline seems. I knew he'd get elected. Racism and sexism put him over the top. Still felt like I was going crazy watching it.