Work. Because of what's going on with clients this week, it's mostly prep work and data entry, which is kind of my favourite time: turn on some music and just plug away at it. You see progress and it's not stressful.
In a similar sense, for me Monday's are the least stressful, as I run some queries and make sure some Dashboards are running correctly, send a few emails out with some updated figures, and generally plan for the week ahead. Usually having no meetings on Mondays helps with that also :)
Fired up my pizza oven for the first time yesterday. First batch of pizzas were certainly edible, although I'm on the hunt for a bangin' homemade pizza sauce recipe if anyone has any tips... Emergency Domino's run was not required, so that's success in my book.
Took the car to work today. It's the first time in ages that I haven't walked and I feel like I'm cheating but I really don't want to aggravate whatever bug has set up shop in my chest, so car heater it is!