Colorado officer who placed handcuffed suspect into police vehicle that was hit by a train sentenced to 30 months probation, 100 hours community service
Jordan Steinke, a Fort Lupton, Colorado, police officer who placed a handcuffed suspect into a police SUV that was then hit by a train, was sentenced to 30 months of supervised probation and 100 hours of public service, according to her attorney.
Because nothing says “accident” like leaving a prisoner in the middle of a railroad crossing!
Looks like you just dropped this vial of cocaine while asking this question. Do you want to step into this little room while we ask you more questions over and over again?
The suspect was resisting arrest. Several officers who arrived on the scene after the shooting testified that they saw the suspect reach for the officer's service weapon. Bodycam footage will be accidentally deleted shortly. Anyone who knows of security cameras in the area is encouraged to bring that footage and all backups to the local police department to aid in the investigation. Bring your dog, too. This is gonna be fun.
I assume a lawsuit will follow that will be severely punishing to the department and the officer ( hopefully the final figure has many zeros at the end)
So she out the suspect in the back of a different cop's car and then a train came? Did I read that correctly?
Why was a cop so far away from the car that no one was able to move it?
Who fucking parks on top of railroad tracks ever? I have a local spur that serves a lumber yard. I've literally never seen a railcar on the tracks and I would never think about parking anywhere near this tracks even though they cross the road into the yard where there is primarily street parking.
She claimed that she couldn't see the tracks and didn't know that they were there, despite walking across the rails something like 7-8 times in the dash video.
Give it a look for yourself. I watch this channel a lot, and watched this one not knowing what would happen, but the whole time I was like screaming THE CAR IS ON THE TRACKS WTF. MOVE YOUR CAR!
The part where the train actually hits the car is not shown in this vid FYI, but it was extreme negligence on behalf of the officers on scene.
As always. Please read the article. The headline was written to generate the responses I have read so far. And of coourse the actual article explains the situation.
The sentence seems a bit light to me given what I read, but it doesn't say if the officer lost thier job or any other consequences that may have been additional factors.
What it does say is the victim did not want the officer to go to jail. Thats pretty striking frankly. Tells me there is probably more going on than is written.
Nice, you read the article. My work here is done. Lol.
True though, but a heck of a lot closer then the people who referred to female cop as a guy, and the victim as dead.
totally agree. Jusr tired of reading comments about how HE killed the person... when it was neither a he, nor was the person killed. And really I am tired of deceptive headlines designed to make people angry.