An acquaintance introduced me to The Soft Moon a long while back, in a pretentious sort of way, as "the kind of music not really anyone else but they could possibly like," and I'm sad that the acquaintance seemingly hasn't grown as a person since that time, but I still love The Soft Moon (and I'm delighted to see it posted here!). Such a sound.
Yeah The Soft Moon is very unique, I think his sound is getting more industrial and experimental with each release. I prefer post-punk so some tracks are challenging for my ears but I'm glad he's pushing the boundaries and doing his thing!
Challenging is a great descriptor, haha! If any artists come to mind, I'm curious as to what else you might recommend along a similar vein? I have Soft Moon spread across very different playlists, and some tracks just hit me right in the gut, and are best avoided. Listening to an album straight through requires a, uh, specific kind of mood, but I very much appreciate their skill and eclecticism.