After a report called out Musk's union-busting, UAW's blue check got reinstated.
X revokes paid blue check from United Auto Workers after strike called::After a report called out Musk's union-busting, UAW's blue check got reinstated.
It’s not what free speech means, but they’re using his own words against him. Of course we clearly can’t expect any consistency from conservatives, “free speech for me” etc.
Just as much of a Musk hater as the rest of them, but this was posted elsewhere. UAW changed their profile photo at the same time they announced the strike, which triggered the flag on the account. Apparently this is standard with all verified accounts until the photo can be reviewed.
This article was updated to include information about a Twitter policy to temporarily remove checkmarks from verified accounts that change their profile pictures. Twitter offered only an auto-response to The Intercept’s request for comment ahead of publication. The article was previously updated to note that Twitter restored UAW’s Twitter verification after publication.
Elon Musk is an incompetent sociopathic scammer who got very lucky.
He is not a great engineer, he's a dumbass who got fired from his own company for being incompetent. When the company was bought he raked in the cash from the shares he had, that's all. All his "great ideas" are face palmingly stupid.
He's petty and vengeful. When rescuers were risking their lives getting kids out of a cave denied his stupid idea, he called them a pedophile just because fuck you. That is musk in a nutshell.
He doesn't give a shit about anything or anybody but himself. He forces people to work in near slave like conditions. Do it or get fired and lose your house, or maybe deported. Unions? Fuck your unions, here is a chain lulz.
He. Lies. About. Everything. Probably the only person worse than Trump when it comes to continuous lying. Every promise he made is bullshit. Tesla will.... nope.
He was the bright light behind the decision not to use flame diverters (standard tech from the 60's) when his next SpaceX toy was launched, because it would take too much time to build and it would not be needed... a decision which utterly obliterated the launch platform, pelted even cars on a parking lot 5 kilometers away and polluted the entire surroundings. All because he needs to show the world how big his dick is. Then when the rocket blew up over Mexican territory (nice self destruct that didn't even work) everyone cheered because rockets.. should.... Blow up? Oh yeah, that was by design. WTF?
And as always, he just laughs it off and his fans laugh with him because "it's Elon man, he's cool! He walked in to Twitter with a kitchen sink!" And then proceeded to run the company he paid twice too much for into the ground, it now being worth, what? 30% from what he paid? So like 15% from what it was actually worth? From the second he started he just did the stupid. Firing so many people without even checking if they were needed, causing people to be locked in the buildings, the blue check mark scandal... twitter (not X) is a shit show and will be bankrupt very soon as muskie won't be able to afford to pay back the billions he had to borrow for his little toy.
Fuck everything about this guy, may he step on a Lego every day he gets out of bed.
I think you wouldn't find them on Lemmy, it's kind of an echo chamber here. I have a bunch of family that has Teslas and plans to get more Teslas because they're "cool" and they either don't care that Elon is behind it, or think he's some kind of hero.
I mean technically it's the free speech of Elon to do whatever with his company, right? Like how the Colorado photographer didn't have to provide services to gays and how Amazon is no longer allowing BLM.
As an ex Elon fanboy let me literally honestly try the best I can here...
The best I can come up with is, "Hi. Elon here. Revoking UAW's blue check was just a joke. Get it? Humour! I can humourise with the best of them. Ha. Ha. Ha."
It is free speech as I would define it. The UAW had decided foolishly to communicate on a platform run by and for right wing reactionaries. Those asshats are free to moderate however they like, it’s their platform.
Stop using twitter you idiots! Using twitter gives legitimacy to the platform. The platform’s spreads nazi hate speech. What possible excuse does the UAW have for giving legitimacy to a nazi platform???
Who is struggling because UAW lost their blue check mark? I’m an X user. I’ve found my usage of the product generally uninterrupted and am confused by statements like this.
So you are ok supporting a platform that is actively taking the power away from organization helping people because it is a good experience? I mean you are on Lemmy, so you must have some sense to the issues surrounding centralized anything, especially media?
It's time to put some of these billionaires in their place. Nationalize his shit, seize his assets, and revoke his passport and citizenship. Fuck Musk, sick of his childish attention seeking bullshit.
Nationalize SpaceX for sure. Let him keep Twitter though, at this point it's such a dumpster fire that it's more of an albatross around his neck than an asset, we don't need the tax payers carrying that shit.
Sadly, it's going to need to get a lot worse (it's already worse) for most Americans to feel enough of the squeeze to care. Until then, the beatings will continue until moral improves...
Whatever happened with that anyways? The last update I ever remember reading was Musk saying he'd show up at Zuckerberg's front door "tomorrow" demanding to fight.
I mean, I can guess what ended up happening (or not happening) - but was that it? No show, no reason, no follow-up? Is he even keeping up the pretense of being serious anymore?
Please don't even talk about it. If it actually happened, it would make so much money for them. Let's not make those withering schmucks the biggest ticket ever.
Getting your ass kicked is not even a big deal in combat sports with rules. You’ll mostly be fine, you can spin the story. I bet Zuck gets beat all the time in training. I rather see Musk call out fights and back out. That is such a pussy move.
No, this is a straight up win for UAW. They are trying to unionize Tesla's workers, so any anti-union activity on Elon's part only plays into their hands at the NLRB level.
It's not that he doesn't care. It's the goal. Killing the credibility of social media is a top priority for authoritarians. They can't have people talking to each other outside of the shaped narratives delivered by their media companies. That's why companies spend so much on bot farms, shills and influencers. In order to shape public narratives when they can't control the media.
I'm not on twitter and never was, but I'm not silly enough to think billionaires don't shape my world in a million fucking ways with their unilateral decisions. Elon here has a HUGE one recently in deciding to disable starlink during a Ukraine offensive.
Trying to assist his rich buddies with fucking with the union is a lower tier crime but still its fuckery that affects a lot of people.
Then we've got other rich asshats selling state secrets for money.
Billionaires are a liability and everyone needs to realize it.
This is a win for UAW though. They are trying to unionize Tesla's workers and this behavior gives them an edge on the already labor-friendly NLRB by showing that Elon is actively anti-union.
If anyone thinks for a moment that union organizers don't actively plan this kind of thing out, I can assure that they do. It's part of their job description. My union is a lot smaller than UAW and our organizers get up to all kinds of subterfuge and shenanigans, so I can only imagine what the UAW people are doing.
The biggest losers are the people who cannot read for more than 10 seconds at a time.
This article was updated to include information about a Twitter policy to temporarily remove checkmarks from verified accounts that change their profile pictures.
before the Nazi party came to power, they would show up to rallys, protests and town squares to silence political opponents through intimidation and physical violence.
A lot of people would consider Twitter a modern day digital "Town square". i would say it's eerily similar, the main difference is that there's no physical violence just the silence.
As if they're not openly making plans to do precisely that to to visibly queer people. Guess we don't need to worry about the Nazis because they're doing things in a slightly different order this time around, right?
Ahemmm just pure "they be crafty".... Like did UAW keep their twitter X account just so they thought "Will Elon be stupid enough to revoke us". Since it is clear sign of anti-union behavior by CEO of a car company by concrete act and well car company CEO can't exactly do that with atleast potentially getting in trouble. It won't suffice alone, but combine it with other actions by Tesla and UAW can argue "Tesla as company all the way to the CEO shows a consistent pattern of anti-union activity of actively hindering our union drives. That is supposed to be illegal".
Atleast I think UAW doesn't mind at all the publicity, this will cause for them "Automaker CEO revoked us, since all business is too conglomerized to too few hands and control way too much of the business"
This article was updated to include information about a Twitter policy to temporarily remove checkmarks from verified accounts that change their profile pictures.
Oh dear. Now that you're wrong, will you update your views or double-down like a knob?
To be fair, the lighting is unflattering. However I'm guessing he's going to age like crap. He went bald 10 years ago, but can afford the best wizardry to reverse that (take a look at old pictures of him). Chances are he's doing other things to stave off the appearance of old age. That shit only works for so long and then it all comes crashing down
This article was updated to include information about a Twitter policy to temporarily remove checkmarks from verified accounts that change their profile pictures.
My exposure to English gives xylophone, xenon, xerox, xenograft. Sounds like Z at the start of a word.
I get you like it to be shit, which takes ages to decompose. I'd rather it pop like a zit and be gone, and with the current trajetory, that would not surprise.
Eh, that's super random. My great grandfather died in his 40s from alcoholism related, and my grandfather in like his 80s from alcohol related causes. If my great grandfather drank more than my grandfather on the other side I can't even imagine how he even survived his 20s or 30s... people used to drink a lot and call it normal
(Also, random side note. Elon is bizarre to ketamine. He microdoses daily, and takes "regular doses" to be "more social at parties" that doesn't sound super healthy, but I am not a doctor...)
This whole incident probably took place from automation. As others have stated they changed the profile photo and the system needs verification. The software probably has a hash value for the photo and when they changed the photo the hash value changed triggering the chain of events. You guys are really hung up on hating him but he probably had nothing to do with it other than the initial design verification.
Hash value? Twitter hosts their account, they literally have to ask Twitter to change the pic.
There's several ways this could be tracked, but if they claimed somewhere they were hashing values and that triggered it, something very fishy is going on.
Like the only way that could happen is if they changed the file hosted at a certain exact URL (weird, especially for an auto workers union), and despite hosting the pics themselves, Twitter added a periodic check for this edge case. But also flagged that as more suspicious than updating it normally
And instead of keeping the cached version until the new one is reviewed, they changed it but flagged the account. Seeing as they basically pioneered sharding, I find this whole situation pretty coincidental
Usually I'd assume incompetence introduced during the imposter checkmark fiasco after they lost all their best engineers, but Musk has shown himself very willing to put his fingers on the scale...
"To a request for comment, X only sent Ars an auto-response, saying, "Busy now, please check back later." (To be fair, in this case "check back later" is a good summary of what happened.)" 😂
Well, I think this might, but probably not, technically qualify as an anti-union action in violation of state and federal laws. Basically, if you do things to silence or discredit the union and advocates then you've broken the law. That said, companies get away with a lot worse, so something as minor as the blue check disappearing is not likely to have any real backlash.
Definitely shows where he stands on these issues if it ever wasn't clear. Musk is unfortunately a person with a lot of influence on business and politics.
Hell no. Musk is, extremely publicly, disproving every myth about billionaires. He's telling you what he is, he's showing you what he is. And this is "best businessman, super genius, futurist poster boy for billionaires Musk"
You don't have to like the situation or the coverage, and you certainly don't have to like him.
But you need to watch. We all need to watch. We need to sear this in, so next time someone buys the legend crafted by a billionaire.
When people praise Musk or talk about trickle down economics, you need to be honestly shocked. You need to be able to rattle off the stupid and evil decisions that describe his life, and be able to explain how he's never built a company or designed anything, how the only useful contribution he's made to anything is hyping things so far he's being sued for outright fraud
Give him the attention - a lot of programmers have long known he's a poser, but most of us didn't make a big deal about it because he was getting people excited for important technology. It was for the common good.
And now, watching him is the common good - let him bask in infamy all he likes, this protracted midlife crisis is possibly the most philanthropic thing he's ever done
Yeah this is why I disagree with "you're just giving him free clicks and making him more popular". He's constantly disproving every positive association with billionaires.