It becomes funnier and funnier to me as the US continually goes SANCTIONS! while completely forgetting that there are many other countries the sanctioned countries can trade with. It disrupts things for a bit, they find new trade partners, and the world moves on. The only way the US could sanction Russia would be by forming a blockade but even then good luck, you'd have to blockade China too.
Thing is that this only works when you sanction a few isolated countries. Once you reach a critical mass, then it's just an alternate global economy. And that's precisely what we're seeing now happening with BRICS.
While I don't think we have quite reached that point yet, I do know that the vast majority of all world sanctions are imposed by the United States. It is close to 100% if you include sanctions imposed at the request of the United States.
Currently large swaths of Asia and Africa and a smattering in the Americas. A lot of those are against individuals rather than the country broadly, but it often has the same effect.
Overall, Kusti Salm, a senior Estonian defense ministry official, estimated that Russia’s current ammunition production is seven times greater than that of the West.
Russia’s production costs are also far lower than the West’s, in part because Moscow is sacrificing safety and quality in its effort to build weapons more cheaply, Mr. Salm said. For instance, it costs a Western country $5,000 to $6,000 to make a 155-millimeter artillery round, whereas it costs Russia about $600 to produce a comparable 152-millimeter artillery shell, he said.
A US-based media article is claiming that Russia can produce seven times the ammunition at something like one tenth the per-unit cost. That's insane if true. I knew Russia was putting up big production numbers, but that big? If that's even close to correct then the idea that the AFU could ever push Russia out by force is utterly delusional now.
ah yes, when I think of western weapons manufacturing, I think of these two things. That's why they can't compare, because Moscow is cheating at weapons production.
Complete bullshit, always framing obvious failures of the system as "moral victories" it's disgusting.
Can't acknowledge their over profiteering (loot) from war so, it's cheaper in Russia coz of ignoring safety standards bullshit.
US is fucked, more because it's been completely sold to it's ruling class that will let it bleed to death out of greed and profit if it is ever in a war with Chinese or Russian state.
So American liberals must try to wage and win a war with their real daddies (ruling class) first, before they should even think of going for the one with Russians or Chinese.
Probably that's why they choose proxy wars now. Because historically they have lost each and every single direct war that their daddies waged and now they are setting the precedent in proxy ones too.
While I can believe Russian health and safety standards aren't the best, I doubt very, very much that the $4–5,400 price difference per shell is spent (entirely) on improved working conditions at western factories. That's potentially the most outrageous thing I've ever heard and I once spoke to a jellyfish, which did not respond. But if I were to speak to it again, it might say something like this:
The answer is right there in the prose. The price difference is because the Russians save three millimetres worth of metal for every shell (it's probably 3mm³ but the text isn't clear). That metal could even be wrought iron, which doesn't come cheap.
The west should make their ammunitions smaller than the Russians'. Maybe start with just a small decrease in size, like 149mm. This would, by my calculations at the correct ratio and taking health and safety into account, reduce the cost of each shell to roughly $5–600.
The Russians aren't silly and they do like an arms race with the west. By Christmas they are likely to go even smaller. Maybe down to 146mm @ $60. Now we see there's a predictable trend and what the Russians won't know is that the west has already started to produce 143mm shells at the same price!
Eventually, the west will be able to fit two shells into one artillery-thing, which is bound to have some advantages. For a start it will solve the problem of not having enough weapons because every weapon will now be twice as effective.
Eventually, if the west keeps going with this winning strategy, the cost of it's shells will become $0. Some time after that, the size will become 0mm, too. Like a good game of Connect Jelly 4, if the west drops it's pieces right, the Russians will get to zero first and then won't be able to fight at all.
Personally, I would not take advice from a jellyfish even if it was sentient. It would probably just spook me, tbh, and they have the right shape to dress up as a ghost, too.
The extent to which the industry part of the military industrial complex has been hollowed out and replaced with nothing but grift is pretty astounding. I can't imagine the US could hope to fight a real multi-year war like Vietnam or Korea ever again. It kind of seems like if your military could survive the initial "shock and awe" campaign now, then you could just kind of hold the line while the US helplessly bleeds out.
Nah you don't get it, that extra 3mm is actually the source of the cost since it's made out of solid gold, and obviously if it costs more it must be better. So it's actually very normal for an artillery round to cost that much.
Please ignore the fact that gold wouldn't even be close to that price because it ruins my joke.
Russian military industrial complex is highly centralized and nationalized. We buy weapons from Russia regularly. Though Russian aircrafts need some work.
I watched a video in which Medvedev told the private and public MIC managers of Russia that if they don't fulfill the quota of the government then they will face what Stalin did in 1941-45. I mean there were reports that high ranking executives of several companies were committing suicide in Russia by jumping out of the window.
Interesting how in western media i see that market strike scene EVERYWHERE to ilustrate that war but never once i seen one of the hundreds of scenes of bombed Donetsk.
Unfortunately his enablers and handlers are alive and well, and likely will continue to be so. Think about it, when was the last time you've heard from Poroshenko? Yatsenyuk? At least Kolomoysky got locked up, although I expect him to "mysteriously disappear" from prison, as such types do