Better yet, find some article in the lease of the property they are hosting the parties out of that makes gatherings of that size illegal. Pretty good odds there is something they are doing that would be a violation.
Our society is entirely different today, and the continued use of the legal term "landlord" is slander against our members and all rental owners. Tenants have important civil protections against unfair practices, monopoly pricing, poor maintenance, etc.
*Laughs in rat infested rental home with a property management company in another state and 72h speedy eviction laws.*
That's kind of expensive to get them into space. It also creates the possibility of a kessler event with the space junk. Elon Musk has contributed enough for that problem. We can reduce the space pollution of strapping landlords to rockets by getting them high enough to where they still don't go into orbit, but also return to earth with as much contact with the atmosphere on the way down going terminal velocity and oxidize their living body/ corpse. A nice touch would be to make the carbon nanomaterials from hemp if possible. If we can continuously industrialize a process of doing this in an environmentally sustainably way we might make this the new socialist cremation process for funerary purposes. Who wouldn't love to know that their body will become a shooting star streaking across the sky?